I mean, she's only got the three. Two if you lump together the supermove and the normal bomb throw, which are essentially the same move except the supermove does it three times.
She's got the sword slash move, which looks like it hits three tiles with paint, one she aims at and two that are random. It hits for a decent hunk of damage even if you move out of that tile on that turn.
And she's got the bomb throwing moves, and the bombs are total ass to defend against. The timer starts at two and ticks down by one at the start of your turn, which means you have to be moving to dodge on the turn she throws the bombs or you literally can't escape the damage. The bombs also coat up to two tiles away in purple regardless of if the surroundings are painted or unpainted, which means one bad super in your territory can instantly end your respawns. Forever, since she can throw bombs or sword blasts at you the turn afterward too. If you move to an adjacent tile they do some 3/4s of your HP in damage and if you're on the tile they're on it's an instakill. God save you if you're unlucky enough to get surrounded.
The problem is that her moves paint the board far easier and more reliably than your moves do, and hit for much more damage. If I'm missing something, then tell me, but I'm pretty stuck here man.