Pretty Solid Game. Just found it and loved the artwork. BUT man is this game missing A LOT of erotic content. All the setting up for becoming the very best witch trainer ever is really snuffed out when the scenario doesn't evolve at some point. I'm down for good long buildups for sexy situations but going from chapter to chapter and barely getting any sauce until the last part is a downer.
Some Quest are a bit confusing a big one being the swimsuit quest. The Quest outline will still leave up the "grab Hermoines special Swimsuit" even when you grabbed it and you don't know which is the special suit. So you're left thinking you didn't grab it and might need to grab it on a special day, which It might be, but I had it the whole time and was just confused because unlike the rest of quest it didn't mark itself out after obtaining it and didn't until I was completely done with the swimsuits saga. Making the swimsuits is confusing you find out all you need is hermione's regular looking red booty shorts and need to create them in the different dorm colors. I was thinking I needed a top and bottom for a while lol and they don't look "special".
Convincing the girls is just repeatedly talking to them day after day which makes sense even though I didn't notice a change in dialogue, maybe there was.
It definitely feels like its in a 0.6 stage. It has a very good bones and core of the game there and just needs its filling and little ticks and tacks to make it great but seeing the 1st post is from 2016 means it might be a long time before this is actually complete like many games.