
Jan 22, 2018
Just wondering if there is any estimation for how long it will be till next update?
Thanks in advance.


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
This is directed to all the people involved in development of the game as well as everyone who knows the lore.

Since I've recently found out that the theme of my mod is in the roadmap already, I wanted to say what features I plan on adding and I would like to know which one of them would make it into the main game, which wouldn't and if there's anything I could change about the ones that don't so they could be included.
  • New "Femdom" skill composed of 3.5 sub skills (3.5 because one of them is composed of 2 other smaller skills)
  • New residents that would want slaves with the skill
    • Actual desired level of "Femdom" by these residents would be C or B
  • Reaching a level of B in "Femdom" would allow your slave/assistant to be assigned as a trainer.
  • A sort of "Auto Training" done by your assigned trainer for the slaves in your prison.
    • It is SLOW and not a replacement for normal slave training. But you could throw a slave in there and let it train for a contract or something like that.
    • Options to direct the style and focus of training are available.
    • The slave/assistant's ability to train other slaves is affected by her own skills and of course, teaching her to train slaves would have a big negative impact on her obedience (or more specifically on her willingness to do most acts except the normal ones like sex, anal, bj, fj, etc). Pride, temper and nature would increase etc
  • I think I saw someone who wanted male slaves into the game so this is going to meet half his request.
    • Way less complex then normal slaves, with fewer stats and skills
    • They can only be trained by your trainer slave/assistant.
    • They will be purchased and sold to and from a separate NPC, located in the necropolis, not the guild.
    • They serve more as a building block for other features of this mod
  • First big lore change this would add would be the existence of a "Trade Guild" which controls the import of goods and has enough influence and connections to alter prices and make sure their have the best quality food and the most exposure to the public.
    • It's led by a group of people (The founders) which are influencial and important people from the strongest districts in Eternal Rome
    • I would like to discuss this further with people who know the lore so I can make it fit in as is quite an important figure in the mod and the next few features are built on it.
    • I've already posted a few ideas about it in the posts above so if you want to participate in this discussion, please do read them
  • Siding with the trade guild would put you in bad terms with the slave guild, ultimately resulting in you being unable to sell slaves through the normal ways and also unable to buy slaves from the auction
    • You can still sell slaves, but for way less prices and through... 'unconventional methods' (meaning I'm still thinking about them and would like some ideas)
  • First trade guild quest would consist of you giving the guild either 2 male slave or 5 female slave for free in exchange for a plot of land
    • Plot of land lore:
      • Located in the border of the fogs
      • Land made kind of fertile by use of specially crafted runes and pieces of technology.
      • Reason you can get it: The guild took it's invention and went to other worlds to use it on already very fertile land to boost their production even further.
    • You can grow vegetables there, which you receive every 30 days (I think it's ok?)
    • It needs protection, a lot of it, so here comes the first use of male slaves -> Train them in strength and assign them as bodyguards (Female slaves would work too)
    • You can put up to 3 slaves to work in it + 2 bodyguards, at max capacity, yielding enough vegetables for you to even sell.
  • Second trade guild quest would be kind of the same quest, but more slaves as well as a special female slave request from one of the guild's leaders
    • The reward would be ownership of a warehouse that the guild is abandoning (I haven't decided where to put it)
      • This, coupled with the auto training is the bread and butter of this mod. The warehouse would be redesigned in a building with two floors
        • First floor: Bar up front (Jobs for cooks and maids) - Gloryholes in the back (like 8 of them) - And a few private rooms for rich customers to take girls in and have fun.
        • Second floor: The room of the person you put in charge of this (A slave/assistant that is a trained to be a trainer) + Bedrooms for the girls and bodyguards
      • Not everything is unlocked from the get go of course, this would work a bit like a tycoon for you to sink your money in. Buying upgrades for each type of room and increasing the number of "staff" you can keep there by making more bedrooms. (which are more like prison cells, so bunk beds, I was thinking like two bunk beds for each room resulting in each bedroom increasing your capacity by 4)
      • This is where you send your slaves instead of selling them.
      • I also thought of an event with it where you make a deal with an corrupt officer of guard chief or whatever it's called where you would let him and his friends fuck for free (or for way cheaper) and in return you could disguise yourself as a guard and go with him and a few other guards and be able to enter people's homes in the outcast and the fog districts and "arrest under direct orders from the Vatican" one of the members of the family. The member you decide to arrest would of course become your slave.
        • It would of course have a cooldown and negative results but I think it would be a fun fucked up idea to replace the fact that you're not able to buy slaves from the guild or auction anymore.
  • I saw there is a save load speed improvement in the works, but even with that I don't know if it would be enough to have a good loading speed if I keep all the data about every girl you send to your whore house stored. So I'll code with that in mind. My idea was the ability to "lock in" a girl to the whore house which means you can't take her back as a slave anymore and delete everything that she doesn't need to function in there.
    • Both the plot of land and the whore house at max capacity would mean about 30 slaves total so again, probably not a good idea to keep all data about everyone.
    • Although it would be kinda weird to explain why you can't just take your slave back... might be best to just leave the cards face up straight up say gameplay reasons tbh
  • The femdom skills with all its subskills, the male slave dealer, the male slave generation and the interface for the auto trainer is already done, starting work on the auto trainer mechanics (saying that to kinda give a point of reference as to where I am in the development of this mod)
  • Some of the specific scenarios might not allow for only uncensored pics, as qwerty said, they are a real fucking luxury, but I will do my best. I would still prefer censored over cutting content to be honest.
  • Also since the focus of my mod is things that make you money, all of the scenes are completely optional. While there will be an option to observe your slave/assistant while training her slave or the bar, or the gloryhole or the private rooms, you can totally choose to not do it.
  • I don't know how long this will take since I have days where I code well and days like today where I moved over the display picture code to the dev version of the game then I got lost on boogie woogie piano music for like 2 hours. I will try to stay in line with the 2.2 release, I promise :LOL:
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Jul 18, 2018
Giving it a plot would be amazing. We'd have to think carefully about its implementation so it doesn't become a VN and it keeps its sandbox aspect. A darksoul-esque execution of this plot would, in my opinion, be the ideal for this game. That is to say, deep lore, with plot details unraveling during gameplay (but can be totally missed if the player doesn't care). This is already the way Felicity's quest is implemented; it's a quest only a few % of players are able to do, but it's rewarding and was created with care (exactly like the Painted World Of Ariamis and Archdragon Peak in Dark Souls). The rest of the plot can be like the rest of the game. For exemple how at the beginning you're said: "a legend says that if you ring the bell of awekening, something happens" and it hides thick layers (namely, that it's a conspiracy of the gods made in order for humans to corrupt their true nature and sacrifice themselves to the fire in order to start a new age).

About the plot in itself, it'd have to be respectful of the game's legacy, and to make sure of that, it'll have to be a common efforts between all of us on the thread that are familiar with the lore (in order to avoid creating contradictions). Anyway, please tell us more about your idea. (y)
Yeah, a VN-type plot definitely wouldn't work. I'm thinking more like RDR or the Witcher in structure, where you can mess around doing whatever you want for as long as you want, but if you want to, you can opt in at your own pace to a series of quests that ultimately result in an ending (and then, much like the Witcher, you can keep roaming the world doing your thing after that ending).

As for what that plot would be, you're a refugee from the mists, so a stratospheric rise through society is maybe a little unrealistic - but, say, your journey through the ranks of the slaving guild, your battle with a rival, and your involvement as a piece on the board of the intrigues and conspiraces of the great houses would be money in the bank. If this sounds compelling, let's chat some more by private message to hammer out a general framework.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Just wondering if there is any estimation for how long it will be till next update?
Thanks in advance.
There really isn't any estimation, it's really contingent on "when modders feel like working on this game". As for my own part of future development, it will mostly rely on coding improvements to make it possible to implement easily (for exemple, adding new pictures. In 2.0, for adding a picture, we needed to go through each related json files and enter the name of the picture manually). Sorry about that, I'd like to make better coordination, with an ETA and stuff, but I don't want to have control over the will to work of other modders, as I'm not their boss. That's in that effort tho, that I've been keeping the Roadmap updated for 5 months, in the first post of the thread. (y)

Since I've recently found out that the theme of my mod is in the roadmap already, I wanted to say what features I plan on adding and I would like to know which one of them would make it into the main game, which wouldn't and if there's anything I could change about the ones that don't so they could be included
I have to express my concern about whether or not this is actually doable, especially by a single person, and with high quality control standards. We've seen too much people launch their project into the game, with solid skills and motivation, not giving any news after a month (I guess they were about 6, on this very thread, not counting private messages). However that's really ambitious, and that's amazing; all I ever wanted for this game was for its development to rise from the grave and have a second life.

Okay, let's go :) I think we can implement most of it into the main game. My opinion is subject to caution if ever a lore specialist happens to rise contradictions:

  • New "Femdom" skill composed of 3.5 sub skills (3.5 because one of them is composed of 2 other smaller skills)
  • New residents that would want slaves with the skill
    • Actual desired level of "Femdom" by these residents would be C or B
  • Reaching a level of B in "Femdom" would allow your slave/assistant to be assigned as a trainer.
Good idea, it'd fit some slaves like Isabella, and the Amazon in the Tutorial. However, is there even enough space in the training menu?
  • A sort of "Auto Training" done by your assigned trainer for the slaves in your prison.
    • It is SLOW and not a replacement for normal slave training. But you could throw a slave in there and let it train for a contract or something like that.
    • Options to direct the style and focus of training are available.
    • The slave/assistant's ability to train other slaves is affected by her own skills and of course, teaching her to train slaves would have a big negative impact on her obedience (or more specifically on her willingness to do most acts except the normal ones like sex, anal, bj, fj, etc). Pride, temper and nature would increase etc
Good balance thinking, the fact that it's slow ;) We certainly don't want an "auto" option that farms the game instead of you like in mobile games (looking at you, Naruto Blazing and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links :illuminati:). It should be hinted at: "I could never fully replace your expertise but it will certainly relieve you from your schedule".

  • I think I saw someone who wanted male slaves into the game so this is going to meet half his request.
    • Way less complex then normal slaves, with fewer stats and skills
    • They can only be trained by your trainer slave/assistant.
    • They will be purchased and sold to and from a separate NPC, located in the necropolis, not the guild.
    • They serve more as a building block for other features of this mod
Are you ready to seek for and implement yaoi images? And code the functionality, as well as write the new lines of dialogue that come along with it? That seems like a full mod in itself tbh.

  • First big lore change this would add would be the existence of a "Trade Guild" which controls the import of goods and has enough influence and connections to alter prices and make sure their have the best quality food and the most exposure to the public.
    • It's led by a group of people (The founders) which are influencial and important people from the strongest districts in Eternal Rome
    • I would like to discuss this further with people who know the lore so I can make it fit in as is quite an important figure in the mod and the next few features are built on it.
    • I've already posted a few ideas about it in the posts above so if you want to participate in this discussion, please do read them
  • Siding with the trade guild would put you in bad terms with the slave guild, ultimately resulting in you being unable to sell slaves through the normal ways and also unable to buy slaves from the auction
    • You can still sell slaves, but for way less prices and through... 'unconventional methods' (meaning I'm still thinking about them and would like some ideas)
We should check all the dialogues from the Slave guild, if ever they claim to be the ones owning the food, for exemple. Then, we can either change it, or find a way around it (better).

"Unconventional methods" of selling could be every client that is not living in the neighborhood, like the barn, the tavern, the theater, the brothel, the money lander, etc.--As opposed to the slave guild directly or the people living in houses. But what about the big houses (like The white house, the Vatican, etc.)? Should they still be available if siding with the Trade Guild? Should we still be able to reach Patrician status and sell a slave to the pope and Lord Spectre? What about the the "Guild Reputation" trainer skill? That should change too. There are so many interactions that the tiniest little change might make a cluster fuck. That's why I advise you to make this "new guild" an added expansion, with its own topic, not in the main game. Then, we'll see the reviews, and if it's lore-frailty free and bug free, we'll add it to the main game, no problem ;)

  • First trade guild quest would consist of you giving the guild either 2 male slave or 5 female slave for free in exchange for a plot of land
    • Plot of land lore:
      • Located in the border of the fogs
      • Land made kind of fertile by use of specially crafted runes and pieces of technology.
      • Reason you can get it: The guild took it's invention and went to other worlds to use it on already very fertile land to boost their production even further
    • You can grow vegetables there, which you receive every 30 days (I think it's ok?)
    • It needs protection, a lot of it, so here comes the first use of male slaves -> Train them in strength and assign them as bodyguards (Female slaves would work too)
    • You can put up to 3 slaves to work in it + 2 bodyguards, at max capacity, yielding enough vegetables for you to even sell.
Unless it was an assumption from Evangelion, there's already a lore "interaction" to take into account; informations in the game seem to state how vegetables are able to grow: https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...tsman-community-developpment.390/post-2740989

  • Second trade guild quest would be kind of the same quest, but more slaves as well as a special female slave request from one of the guild's leaders
    • The reward would be ownership of a warehouse that the guild is abandoning (I haven't decided where to put it)
      • This, coupled with the auto training is the bread and butter of this mod. The warehouse would be redesigned in a building with two floors
        • First floor: Bar up front (Jobs for cooks and maids) - Gloryholes in the back (like 8 of them) - And a few private rooms for rich customers to take girls in and have fun.
        • Second floor: The room of the person you put in charge of this (A slave/assistant that is a trained to be a trainer) + Bedrooms for the girls and bodyguards
      • Not everything is unlocked from the get go of course, this would work a bit like a tycoon for you to sink your money in. Buying upgrades for each type of room and increasing the number of "staff" you can keep there by making more bedrooms. (which are more like prison cells, so bunk beds, I was thinking like two bunk beds for each room resulting in each bedroom increasing your capacity by 4)
      • This is where you send your slaves instead of selling them.
      • I also thought of an event with it where you make a deal with an corrupt officer of guard chief or whatever it's called where you would let him and his friends fuck for free (or for way cheaper) and in return you could disguise yourself as a guard and go with him and a few other guards and be able to enter people's homes in the outcast and the fog districts and "arrest under direct orders from the Vatican" one of the members of the family. The member you decide to arrest would of course become your slave.
        • It would of course have a cooldown and negative results but I think it would be a fun fucked up idea to replace the fact that you're not able to buy slaves from the guild or auction anymore.
Really promising. I'm sold on the Glory hole content especially, and I would be motivated to implement images for it.

  • I saw there is a save load speed improvement in the works, but even with that I don't know if it would be enough to have a good loading speed if I keep all the data about every girl you send to your whore house stored. So I'll code with that in mind. My idea was the ability to "lock in" a girl to the whore house which means you can't take her back as a slave anymore and delete everything that she doesn't need to function in there.
    • Both the plot of land and the whore house at max capacity would mean about 30 slaves total so again, probably not a good idea to keep all data about everyone.
    • Although it would be kinda weird to explain why you can't just take your slave back... might be best to just leave the cards face up straight up say gameplay reasons tbh
The save load speed improvement is already completed, it's in the "Extra" section. There's no need to limit ourselves on principle, in that regard.

  • The femdom skills with all its subskills, the male slave dealer, the male slave generation and the interface for the auto trainer is already done, starting work on the auto trainer mechanics (saying that to kinda give a point of reference as to where I am in the development of this mod)
Nice! Would you like to give us a demo, a proof of concept? Even if unfinished and in a bad state. Or at least screenshots so we are able to visualize the changes.

  • Some of the specific scenarios might not allow for only uncensored pics, as qwerty said, they are a real fucking luxury, but I will do my best. I would still prefer censored over cutting content to be honest.
But we want that "uncensored: no" label in the first post of the thread. :KappaPride: My rule was: if I cannot find an uncensored picture, I search better. If I still can't, I pick an existing picture and recolor the hair. (because yes, 8 hair colors and 3 age category means 24+3 pictures minimum for one scene). I gave up for anal fisting, enema, and d-suit... but if they weren't in the game already and I didn't have to respect a legacy, I would have deleted the option. But anyway, don't think of it as "cutting content" but rather "creation through limitation". :HideThePain:

TL;DR: No censoring in the main game. "General" pictures (without hair color) are a bit of a help to avoid cutting content, but specific pictures ("hair color, length, age category" taken into account) are the go-to content the game needs.

  • Also since the focus of my mod is things that make you money, all of the scenes are completely optional. While there will be an option to observe your slave/assistant while training her slave or the bar, or the gloryhole or the private rooms, you can totally choose to not do it.
Dark soul-esque, I love it ;)

  • I don't know how long this will take since I have days where I code well and days like today where I moved over the display picture code to the dev version of the game then I got lost on boogie woogie piano music for like 2 hours. I will try to stay in line with the 2.2 release, I promise :LOL:
This game was my procrastination for my real life deadlines ^^ Take your time anyway, better have a lot of care and motivation put into it and a level of stress of only 2 on a scale from 0 to 10 :lepew:
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Are you ready to seek for and implement yaoi images? And code the functionality, as well as write the new lines of dialogue that come along with it? That seems like a full mod in itself tbh.
I said they can only be trained by your slave/assistant, so all I need are femdom pics. Is it a cheap workaround? Yeah kinda.. But implementing a new gender of slaves to the same level of complexity would mean countless checks. My intention is to keep male slaves in the prison, only trained by your slave/assistant.
If someone who can write yaoi text and find yaoi images wants to contribute to the mod, I will 100% code the ability to train the male slave yourself, but still, only in prison. I have already coded with this in mind and left room for it.

Unless it was an assumption from Evangelion, there's already a lore "interaction" to take into account; informations in the game seem to state how vegetables are able to grow: https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...tsman-community-developpment.390/post-2740989
What if I change it to something like you getting an old small greenhouse with a few working hydroponic farms and a few of them broken. It would be located somewhere on the edge of the serpentine quarter (to justify some bad event that could happen like theft or vandalism) and you could again spend money to repair the other broken hydroponic farms.
We should check all the dialogues from the Slave guild, if ever they claim to be the ones owning the food, for exemple. Then, we can either change it, or find a way around it (better).

"Unconventional methods" of selling could be every client that is not living in the neighborhood, like the barn, the tavern, the theater, the brothel, the money lander, etc.--As opposed to the slave guild directly or the people living in houses. But what about the big houses (like The white house, the Vatican, etc.)? Should they still be available if siding with the Trade Guild? Should we still be able to reach Patrician status and sell a slave to the pope and Lord Spectre? What about the the "Guild Reputation" trainer skill? That should change too. There are so many interactions that the tiniest little change might make a cluster fuck. That's why I advise you to make this "new guild" an added expansion, with its own topic, not in the main game. Then, we'll see the reviews, and if it's lore-frailty free and bug free, we'll add it to the main game, no problem ;)
The big houses wouldn't want to anger the slave guild either and since you are not with them anymore, buying from you would mean buying from their competitor. We could have something like:
"You are not with the guild. I'm not buying from you!"
"I only want the best quality and that's certainly coming from the guild, not you!"

Idk if Patrician would still be the word though... I was thinking that once your whore house gets enough reputation, some personalities might consider switching from the guild to you.

The guild reputation trainer skill would just be renamed to reputation and be influenced by the success of your whore house and other events that happen.

Releasing the trade guild separately would mean releasing the growing vegetables and whore house as a separate thing first too cause they are tied to the trade guild, but I understand the reason.
But we want that "uncensored: no" label in the first post of the thread. :KappaPride: My rule was: if I cannot find an uncensored picture, I search better. If I still can't, I pick an existing picture and recolor the hair. (because yes, 8 hair colors and 3 age category means 24+3 pictures minimum for one scene). I gave up for anal fisting, enema, and d-suit... but if they weren't in the game already and I didn't have to respect a legacy, I would have deleted the option. But anyway, don't think of it as "cutting content" but rather "creation through limitation". :HideThePain:

TL;DR: No censoring in the main game. "General" pictures (without hair color) are a bit of a help to avoid cutting content, but specific pictures ("hair color, length, age category" taken into account) are the go-to content the game needs.
Ok, understandable, I will only add uncensored pics to the main game.
But is it ok if I release an image pack separately with this? For the folks that don't mind

Working on that proof of concept post. brb
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Jul 18, 2018
My timing with offering to help out with this game always seems to be the literal worst. I offered to chip in on cleaning up dialogue months ago, and then like the next day the game got taken off F95 over loli-related issues. Now it's back, and I've offered to help just in time for the addition of male slaves/femdom. Sorry guys, nothing wrong with that but it's not my jam. Good luck!
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Ok so, first, femdom things. Yes there's room in the list (pic 1)
The sub skills can be seen on pic 2 (Edging can go up to S++ and needs to be trained 3 points on a male and 3 points on a female.)
Pic 3 is where you can assign an eligible girl to be a trainer.
Pic 4 is where you can start your prisoner's auto training. (The prison becomes unavaliable while auto training is going on)
Pic 5 is the stats interface for auto training a girl
Pic 6 is the rules interface for a girl (The arrow next to basic skills lets you change focus on specific profesions that require
basic skills. So servant, artist or assistant. Nurse and enchant aren't options because I feel like it wouldn't make sense.)
  • No focus focuses on improving rank overall
  • Basic skills without any specialisation selected focuses on improving the highest level basic skill the girl has
    • Or bringing all the basic skills to the same level. I haven't decided yet. Which one do you think is better?
Pic 7 is the stats interface for auto training a guy (Rules are the same just without the horse and basic skills focuses)
  • I think I got the low end of 90% of all randoms there wtf :LOL:
  • The body modifications are just fucked up idea I came with on the spot. Some of them improve training speed while others may be a requirement for selling the slave to a customer.
  • Everything is clickable, for the girl interface too, no text right now, but it is clickable.
Pic 8 is the new location in the Necropolis, for now called The Purple Mansion, idk if it'll stay like that, I just needed a name
Pic 9 is in that location
  • There will be a body modifications options added in that list after I finish the auto training mechanics
  • Training slaves are something I thought of so the girl wouldn't have to practice on you. They are basically already trained slaves that have no rebellion in them and like being dominated so they are good practice for your girls. You rent one, free for 20 days, 15 sparks a day after you can return him when you don't need him anymore
  • There will be a feature added that lets the girl train on you but I've held off of that for now because I didn't really spend any time looking into how to master works yet. I was planning to do it together with the mechanics for the new reputation after you buy the whore house.
    • Letting the girls train on you will have serious obedience consequences and also mood penalties for the master they are Authoritative, Dominant or Imperious.
That's kind of it. I'll start working on the auto train mechanics.
The backgrounds and menu item icons will change, I just used what I had to get it going, graphic and looks will come later

Also, qwertyu12359 there is an extra "c" on my name in the roadmap, could you please edit that? :LOL:
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I said they can only be trained by your slave/assistant, so all I need are femdom pics.
Alright! Please then, give them to me when you're finished (so I can make a quality check). Main constraint is that the girl should look pretty ^^ The picture should be taken from its original source to avoid compression, and if there's a watermark it should be cropped out or photoshoped out.

What if I change it to something like you getting an old small greenhouse with a few working hydroponic farms and a few of them broken. It would be located somewhere on the edge of the serpentine quarter (to justify some bad event that could happen like theft or vandalism) and you could again spend money to repair the other broken hydroponic farms.
Sounds good!

The big houses wouldn't want to anger the slave guild either and since you are not with them anymore, buying from you would mean buying from their competitor. We could have something like:
"I only want the best quality and that's usually coming from the guild.", maybe. (y)

Idk if Patrician would still be the word though... I was thinking that once your whore house gets enough reputation, some personalities might consider switching from the guild to you.

The guild reputation trainer skill would just be renamed to reputation and be influenced by the success of your whore house and other events that happen.
It seems to be the most adequate workaround. (y)

But is it ok if I release an image pack separately with this? For the folks that don't mind
Sure, of course. Moreover, if there are pictures that you absolutely can't find uncensored and you've spent more than an hour on searching, and think it's necessary for the game, I'll try to help you find an uncensored alternative.

My timing with offering to help out with this game always seems to be the literal worst. I offered to chip in on cleaning up dialogue months ago, and then like the next day the game got taken off F95 over loli-related issues. Now it's back, and I've offered to help just in time for the addition of male slaves/femdom. Sorry guys, nothing wrong with that but it's not my jam. Good luck!
How about cleaning up the dialogues already now? It'll be weeks if not months until femdom and yaoi content will be brought into the game, and as for coprophilia and zoophilia, nobody will be able to see any of that content without proactively searching for it.

Proof of concept + pictures
That looks really damn good!
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Apr 4, 2020
I noticed the changing economy when I realized I never had to sell a slave to survive. The only input Ill put in is tiered slave markets, and maybe a place where you can pick up trash slaves for a few sparks. Theres no reason you should get access to the best while being a basic starter person, no reason for the guild to straight up accept you from off the streets, no reason someone whose sold to the highest people in society should have the same auction as starting people. The trash slaves would be for mind broken, ugly, retarded, missing limbs or heavily scarred slaves. We know theyre out there. People would try to get rid of them before tossing them at the butcher for negligible sparks. Having a place to sift through the trash to find treasure (low sanity medium intelligence to raise as a gladiator or pony racer) would be entertaining. Going through a dozen auctions before picking up my next person is annoying so picking up a side project while Im waiting for someone with mostly green would pass the time better. If they die in the fights not a big deal, just lost a scarred purple girl.

That being said a flat price shop would be great as well.


New Member
Jun 21, 2017
Could anyone help me find the name/source of the title piano / violin theme? I know it's a porn game but goddamn, that's some tastefull music...
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I noticed the changing economy when I realized I never had to sell a slave to survive. The only input Ill put in is tiered slave markets, and maybe a place where you can pick up trash slaves for a few sparks. Theres no reason you should get access to the best while being a basic starter person, no reason for the guild to straight up accept you from off the streets, no reason someone whose sold to the highest people in society should have the same auction as starting people. The trash slaves would be for mind broken, ugly, retarded, missing limbs or heavily scarred slaves. We know theyre out there. People would try to get rid of them before tossing them at the butcher for negligible sparks. Having a place to sift through the trash to find treasure (low sanity medium intelligence to raise as a gladiator or pony racer) would be entertaining. Going through a dozen auctions before picking up my next person is annoying so picking up a side project while Im waiting for someone with mostly green would pass the time better. If they die in the fights not a big deal, just lost a scarred purple girl.

That being said a flat price shop would be great as well.
Thanks for your suggestions. We'll give it thought, when time comes to work on the economy. :coffee:

Could anyone help me find the name/source of the title piano / violin theme? I know it's a porn game but goddamn, that's some tastefull music...
Thank you for noticing the effort that went into remaking the soundtrack. The song is called Universe In A Crayon, you can find it here:

+ There are a lot of reasons it fit for the main theme:
1) It's in A♭ minor, which offers a neat tritonic modulation with the "home" theme, in G major, which makes the ensemble fit in a melancholic but restful mood (with a few chromatisms here and there). It does some other (accidental ^^) neat things depending of the mood of the home theme (in G♭, G, D♭, and E).
2) The orchestration isn't unfit to the the instruments you can teach your slave in the music lessons (piano+strings+wind instruments).
3) It's a waltz, which is very European and fits the whole: "okay this is Holy Roman Empire II".
4) There's no electronic instrument compared to the 1.7.5 theme. But there are elements betraying the modern take of the production. Namely, a slight electronic "glitch" on the piano near the end, the overall loudness of the track, some distortion, etc. With the old school orchestration, it announces how this is an old world in a modern setting (and why you hear NPC talking about a plasma riffle and see a guy seemingly wearing one in the Serpentine quarter)
5) It sounds damn good, and it does fit the three images in the main menu.
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Apr 4, 2020
Is it even possible for this system to have shortcuts? Because that would be a god send, even just to flip between character screens. I doubt it though or it would already be in.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Is it even possible for this system to have shortcuts? Because that would be a god send, even just to flip between character screens. I doubt it though or it would already be in.
Yes, it's possible. See the shortcuts to go out to the neighborhood you want?

It's really easy to edit, even I did. Replacing the random order of 1.7 to the social hierarchy explained by the real estate agent. It should be easy to make.

However, making just one new shortcut is making a change to the whole UI. There are risks that some options have no use anymore and you have to delete them. Or to cause an asymmetry in which options have shortcuts. Or that the interface becomes bloated, or ugly... Programming isn't all there is to it, but feel free to give it a shot! :)


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Yes, it's possible. See the shortcuts to go out to the neighborhood you want?

It's really easy to edit, even I did. Replacing the random order of 1.7 to the social hierarchy explained by the real estate agent. It should be easy to make.

However, making just one new shortcut is making a change to the whole UI. There are risks that some options have no use anymore and you have to delete them. Or to cause an asymmetry in which options have shortcuts. Or that the interface becomes bloated, or ugly... Programming isn't all there is to it, but feel free to give it a shot! :)
I think he was talking about keyboard shortcuts?

The thing about those is... i.. don't.. know...? "Esc" is kind of a shortcut that gets you to the main screen from wherever you are (and I mean no matter where you are). I don't know how that's done, it can easily break the game if you press it on screens like the warning screen, or the starting menu, but it's there.

It feels like it's literally doing " menu_form = 0 & gt 'menu_form' ". The code is probably in one of the .dll files (???)
Would be amazing to just use 1, 2, 3 etc to go through the menus and things like that

Edit: I've found it (I think). It's in what I'm assuming is "qsp.dll" (???). I've never played with C/C++ so I'm stepping out of this one. There are supposed to be keyboard shortcuts for next screen (space) and prev screen (backspace) but idk how to use those.
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Apr 4, 2020
I think he was talking about keyboard shortcuts?
Would be amazing to just use 1, 2, 3 etc to go through the menus and things like that
Yea, thanks for the space bar thing, makes spamming through repetitive training much easier. Basically gets rid of the need for other shortcuts since I can move the courser where I want while moving through the other screens.

Buttons for cleaning myself and the slave would be amazing though. Guess Ill start looking around for the things I need to make those lines. While were at it how do I look into the .sav files? Every time I try I get symbols instead of readable stuff.
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- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Yea, thanks for the space bar thing, makes spamming through repetitive training much easier. Basically gets rid of the need for other shortcuts since I can move the courser where I want while moving through the other screens.

Buttons for cleaning myself and the slave would be amazing though. Guess Ill start looking around for the things I need to make those lines. While were at it how do I look into the .sav files? Every time I try I get symbols instead of readable stuff.
I saw talk about a save editor once when I went through the thread but I never used it. What do you want to achieve?


Apr 4, 2020
I saw talk about a save editor once when I went through the thread but I never used it. What do you want to achieve?
Its just more information to look at. Ive heard something about the save game slowing down as the game goes on. If I can look at it I can see what happens when I erase the build up. Take a look at how things are written in there in terms of slave stats, ect.
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