
New Member
Dec 26, 2022
Please tell me how to reset progress in such games. So that you start from the beginning. When you have 0 experience points.
Feb 20, 2024
Please tell me how to reset progress in such games. So that you start from the beginning. When you have 0 experience points.
Depends on the type of game.

- For games "Made with Unity": In the game folder, locate the file <name_of_the_game>_savedata.json and delete it.

- For games in flash (swf) format: you'll have to search in the "appdata" (usually "c:\users\<your_user_name>\appdata") folder for the folder of the game and delete the ".sol" (iirc) file located somewhere in there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
Unless the flash game itself has the code altered to have all content unlocked from the get go, with maxed out stats, which JSK did for few games shortly after the support for flash ended.



New Member
Mar 19, 2024
Man, i wish jsk added new sex animations like fisting, pussy job/ass job, full nelson, mating press, etc. that would be sold for everyone i guess.


Oct 21, 2022
Man, i wish jsk added new sex animations like fisting, pussy job/ass job, full nelson, mating press, etc. that would be sold for everyone i guess.
JSK is too old to change his ways... he is just one level away from being vanilla fag. Until some new degenerate start new series or he catch some cold and die in his bed or he gets bored and abandons these games, this series will never end. But i think at this point, these games hav become his way of life, bill to pay, food at table. And if he is a Japonese person, they do one job for the rest of their lives... at least office workers do. And as long as there are demands, JSK will still pump out these ( no fisting, pussy job/ass job, full nelson, mating press, etc ) - less games. :devilish:

Artstyle and animation, pose, anatomy may change for the better. ( Yucks to the "Horsy" )


Oct 15, 2017
New update - looks like we actually get a hand animation for the groping in the headlock this time around. I like it. How about the rest of you?
View attachment 3581923
If I'm being generous, this game looks way too similar to the arena fighter he just did which was what 28? Which is fine, but the redundancy leads to stagnation because while the formula works, JSK bounces between the same three scenarios when there's a literal bevy of others he could be taking advantage of, or least variants of the same core concept. Though I'm guessing sales are also a factor so may as well stick to the tried and true as they say.


Jun 7, 2020
If I'm being generous, this game looks way too similar to the arena fighter he just did which was what 28? Which is fine, but the redundancy leads to stagnation because while the formula works, JSK bounces between the same three scenarios when there's a literal bevy of others he could be taking advantage of, or least variants of the same core concept. Though I'm guessing sales are also a factor so may as well stick to the tried and true as they say.

cant blame the guy. ive known his games since the age of flash games on browsers and still keep up to his trends. still love his works regardless.


Jul 17, 2021
JSK is too old to change his ways... he is just one level away from being vanilla fag. Until some new degenerate start new series or he catch some cold and die in his bed or he gets bored and abandons these games, this series will never end. But i think at this point, these games hav become his way of life, bill to pay, food at table. And if he is a Japonese person, they do one job for the rest of their lives... at least office workers do. And as long as there are demands, JSK will still pump out these ( no fisting, pussy job/ass job, full nelson, mating press, etc ) - less games. :devilish:

Artstyle and animation, pose, anatomy may change for the better. ( Yucks to the "Horsy" )
At least he made something enjoyable and not a gross ass incel freak like you kid

And i guess yapping about numbskull stuff and shitting on other people because they're not a disgusting freak like you is your way of life, if so then you have like…zero rights to judge him let alone anyone
Last edited:


New Member
May 14, 2022
Damn, lots of new game and especially hyped for that latest fighting games. But it seems to community repository hadn't been updated since last year yet. Guess i still have to wait in Anirena for a bit longer.
Mar 22, 2023
Man, i wish jsk added new sex animations like fisting, pussy job/ass job, full nelson, mating press, etc. that would be sold for everyone i guess.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there's a mating press in every game?

Full Nelson is more rare but he's done it a few times too.

When it comes to Pussy Jobs and Ass Jobs, that's simple. JSK's a creampie maniac. In his old blogposts(before he moved to Ci-En and had his free flash games) he talked about how he wouldn't add a cum outside button unlike other flash games of the time that gave you the choice.

The furthest concessions he's willing to take there are the foreplay poses.

And yeah, I'm very happy there's no fisting. Shit's disgusting.
If I'm being generous, this game looks way too similar to the arena fighter he just did which was what 28? Which is fine, but the redundancy leads to stagnation because while the formula works, JSK bounces between the same three scenarios when there's a literal bevy of others he could be taking advantage of, or least variants of the same core concept. Though I'm guessing sales are also a factor so may as well stick to the tried and true as they say.
JSK stopped for like... 2 (maybe more) years at one point, because he figured out he had done all the themes and ideas he wanted.

Then he worked a regular job, and decided to become a fulltime eroge dev, and hope he could survive off of that because he hated his life when he was working a regular job.

That's kind of his mentality regarding his games. It's a job to him, so his flexibility is limited. Especially if he wants to release as often as he does.


New Member
Jul 26, 2020
View attachment 3472243
today i am gonna start the JSK UNITY Series Edits:
i have already make some progress on skills levels and have made edits in other games groups....

please bookmark this post because i will update everything than is new or ready to download.....
without futher notice......

this is the continuation from this post:
i moved the stuffs here because i got this in the other post....
View attachment 3454948
and i need a LOT of Spaces for Infinity and Beyond......LOL
[JSK Studio] 26 Overthrow The Demon Queen R v1.2 AIOv4.4

not really a flash edit but is the same author...
technically it's an ALL IN ONE....but who cares if i made it aniways...

also i need to trackback the links/post and this is the best place
so from below and so on will be all unity JSK edits....

View attachment 3454953

scroll A LOT down both release/infos are there:
abandoned and latest

the base is xinchi uncen....

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.adding Crimson Assassin
4.adding NewPenis
5.adding main page GUI from Crimson Assassin

fixed in v4.3 a problem with the plugin....
View attachment 3454959
fixed in v4.4 a problem with the texture.... thanks to vocarujabe
View attachment 3481632
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!

looks like i finished was an epic experiance....learn a lot of stuffs....
this was the first one than introduced the texture changing mode....
took a lot of testing/learning + LOTS of trials and errors......thats why is version 4.x LOL

maybe more in the future who knows......

last updated release: 26/03/2024


Future Edits Planned:
6.Fix/Merge Penis Uncen Files
7.Multy Colours Eyes + Human Mod

as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 27 I Wanna Make This Overconfident Magical Girl v1.2 AIO1.1

the base is JSK v1.2

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.fixed an uncen file than was with old penis.... eyes colors.... dont' like that red ah ah
View attachment 3574713
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!
now you can choose what you like FINALLY.......
5.i forget than the phone also display the eyes.....
so i had to edit it just in time before i loses the colors profiles!!!....LOL

maybe more in the future who knows......

last updated release: 26/04/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 28 The Coliseum King Has His Way In The Ring v1.4 AIO1.1

the base is JSK v1.4 because !!!TEXTURE CORRUPTION!!!
View attachment 3454961
original vs uncen.....
so i gonna REmade this from zero like the thing i made for 31 AIO multypenis for the same reason.....
with a full texture check.....
View attachment 3454962
original>my-edit>who-ever-made-this.......also they are of the wrong colour WTF!!!!
so all the female texture with edited pussy are fuked UP.......!!!GREAT!!!
not only the genitals but everything inside the "dark uncen file"
i can easy copy/paste genitals but then i have to FIX the HOLES!!!!

hey wait a minute...... why dont' just copy/paste the clit then....after i correct the colours???
no more need to fix holes this way......!!!

how nobody even care/noticed this is VERY embarassing at best......
also unpacked the android build and found the same bad uncen files........

so you got 2 choice:
edit/fix everything or just keep the censored stuff....

no way.... there is no choice!!!!
always make a good work for the future or you will pay the consequences

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.fixed all bad texture/uncen/ecc.. female uncen REmaded 23 of 23 DONE
men luckly i haved saved all the projects because....
i maded some corrupted texture in the process...was easy to recovers them with bakups!!!
4. new eyes colours....these eyes have super low saturation...colors are hard to make.....
View attachment 3454960
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!

maybe more in the future who knows......

last updated release: 18/03/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 29 How to Teach Shoplifting Girls AIO1.1

the base is xinchi uncen

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.fixed an uncen file than was with old penis....
4.fixed menu color UI
View attachment 3454958 eyes colors.... dont' like that red ah ah
View attachment 3454956
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!
now you can choose what you like FINALLY.......

maybe more in the future who knows......

last updated release: 13/03/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 30 Understand! Demon King v1.3 AIO1.2

the base is JSK v1.3 because !!!TEXTURE CORRUPTION!!!
View attachment 3473683
original vs uncen..... AGAIN SAME STORY......

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save sex music (was tired of the old guy die scream uhhahh yeeaahhhh in the background...)
4.fixed licks sounds eyes mod... took a while to do it because she have 2 textures of different eyes size!!!
View attachment 3473684 Human pupil mod because more choice is better than less!!! and again 2 texture to edit EACH time...
View attachment 3473685
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!
7.fixed all bad texture/uncen/ecc.. i had to manually check/fix the bad ones if any......o_O
8. remade all new eyes colours + new human pupil...hope is good this time.....

maybe more in the future who knows......

last updated release: 21/04/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 31 Daddy Hunting Gal and Psychic Uncle v1.1 AIOv2.2

the ultimate edition.....finally! look how easy it can menage 12 variants.....

View attachment 3454954
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!
is in slow motion for stay under 10 mb....
and yes is the old i need to remade another time this thing.........ahhhhh

1rst release is here with the abandoned plugin

last time i use cross post wip update....

so after that this is the new list:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.remade all texture from zero!!! no more corrupted texture!!!
4.fixing bad/missing colours/bad uncensor ecc......
5.adding more variants 4girls x 3penis=12 in total
6.adding missing male HD penis and fixing all the missing piace of dark bodys....

looks like i finished was an epic experiance....learn a lot of stuffs....

fixed in AIOv2.2 some wrong/missing texture thanks to ku2333

last updated release: 16/04/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 32 Bullied Girl Secret Part-Time Job v1.1 AIO1.2

the base is JSK v1.1 i found it somewhere else.....

i made my own version with:
1.custom translation with resizer
2.full save
3.uncen HD dicks + some cleaning clit for uncen female parts.... eyes multy colors
View attachment 3454955
you need to press F12 for changing texture!!!

maybe more in the future who knows......

fixed in AIOv1.2 some missing uncen texture thanks to ku2333

last updated release: 21/04/2024


as usual nothing is final....
maybe who knows some hidden bugs inside will lead to a bugfix....
[JSK Studio] 33 the next project from JSK.....
View attachment 3472248
Last Comment about the project
so i finally made all unity games edits/mod released!!!
except one..... the n.25.....

well there is NO EDITS than i can do about it.....
and eyes mods are out of possibilities... why you may ask ? look here:
View attachment 3574720
62 files for eyes related textures......ah ah ah
so there is no need for a release of mine for it at this point......

that's all for now....i gonna finish one of this days who knows.....
wen ready i will release the stuffs for now i want to change freely whatever i want without ANY pressure......

the sad/strange thing is....i am the only one on the ENTIRE planet than cares/fixing these stuffs.......
after all these YEARS.......was bored to wait for someone so i Made it....Fuck That!!!!
why are these stuffs so Abandoned is their current Messy Status is UNBELIAVEBLE..........

salut and happy fapping!!!
hi, sorry for the dumb question. i tried pressing f12 but the texture remains the same. do i miss something?
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Jul 12, 2019
Does anyone know where you can get pro flash player that has options like mirror/flip/scale for the older games? I tried looking around but only found the normal players without the fancy options.
4.90 star(s) 16 Votes