
Dec 11, 2020
Honestly I'd take the jankiness of Noxian Nights if it meant this game gets a chance at ever being completed. RPG Maker sucks, but it's not a deal breaker, a good game can easily mitigate any issues one might have with it, see Karryn's Prison for example.

Tons of text is not necessarily a bad thing, I don't understand this complaint, the game is a Visual Novel, text is a good thing here, since that's what this type of game is all about. Though, the newer text is a little sub-par, this writer isn't giving their best, or maybe they are but they just aren't very good.

I'm glad there are more people sick of that stupid fucking tent, I was going crazy thinking about how long it must have been in the same 'home' that is fit for a rat, surely the person running the 'brothel' can try to get better lodging...But then again, everyone besides the Warchief seems to reside in a tent, so I don't know if we'll ever see Sabia living outside of one.
What do you mean... :p

More text oh...

"Sabia is bitch ass slut orc-cock lover, is being punishment good, slave slut." I mean it's no lord of the rings but Jesus the diologue is riveting.

Actually in the early game Sabia says to an orc "Yeah, you're really virile." Which was extremely jarring but imagine that. A game that has devolved to where every one line of dialogue that means something 4 more just say "Shut the fuck up cum loving cock whore, slut for orc cock". There was a line where someone used a word worth like 50 points.

I'm saying hey, I keep talking about making a smut game and not doing... so I get it. But I used to give them money too. Now I couldn't imagine paying for dialogue I could in fact write better ten times over.


Jan 6, 2019
Actually in the early game Sabia says to an orc "Yeah, you're really virile." Which was extremely jarring but imagine that.
Why was that jarring, exactly? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, but that line of dialogue perfectly fits for the character that Sabia was supposed to be. Either I'm misunderstanding or you were surprised that a human was disgusted by Orcs in a world where humans massacred every non-human race.

I agree that the current writing is far worse than it was in the beginning, but using the sub-route's 'sex dialogue' is a pretty cheap shot, I'm less concerned with that and more concerned with characterization, narrative, and overall flow of events. All of which were rather good at the early parts of the game and slowly devolved into something cheaper and less interesting as time went on.

Though, I'm just curious what exactly you were expecting in terms of dialogue when you played the sub route which more or less meant letting the orcs have their way with Sabia? I think it's fair to assume that playing the sub route more or less forces you into a heavily-pornified version of the game.
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Sep 28, 2018
There have been a few scenes, like one of the ones with Rokgrid (during the raiding) or kind of in the Dom version of the first scene with Avion and maybe 1-2 others scattered about, where Sabia thinks or says something along the lines of "the sex is good, but it would be better if they just shut the fuck up".

Personally i think that this is both funny an appropriate. Sure, it shouldn't be overused, but to me, these remarks represent a trait of Sabia that i like and it can be present in both her dom and sub version. Similarly, it is both sexy and cute when she rolls her eyes or just pouts with a red face during conversations, because as i see it, those are her signs of "either spare me the stupid comment or just get on with the action already".

Sometimes fewer words can convey a lot more.


Jan 6, 2019
or kind of in the Dom version of the first scene with Avion and maybe 1-2 others scattered about, where Sabia thinks or says something along the lines of "the sex is good, but it would be better if they just shut the fuck up".
This is why I feel like dom Sabia is the more interesting route, it feels a bit more realistic to see what was once a commander of some number of human forces act this way as opposed to just spreading her legs for orcs and getting blackmailed by a catgirl. But from what I've seen, the devs have put more effort into the sub route, the content just feels a bit more varied and plentiful.

One thing that specifically bothered me is that Sub route has two ways of handling the shaman, either apologize to him or deal with him normally via 'court'. But the dom route only has the court option, I feel like it would have been a lot cooler if dom Sabia managed to do something to flip the tables on him, humiliate him further, beat the shit out of him, make his named lackeys turn on him, or really anything that hammers in that this Sabia is not one to be fucked with.

Another thing that bothers me is how meek Sub Sabia is, does the writer even understand that a person can be more than one personality trait? Sub Sabia literally shakes at the knees when some subordinate orc glowers at her, that's after she beat up orcs left and right in the arena and went on several raids that ended in blood baths. How does that make any sense? She can be submissive in bed but an actual human outside of it, but apparently that's too difficult for the writer, so he just settles for Typical Meek Hentai Girl #4505.

But, maybe they'll address such things in V0.5 in 2060, can't wait to enjoy Sabia's tent via brainchip gaming.
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Sep 28, 2018
This is why I feel like dom Sabia is the more interesting route, it feels a bit more realistic to see what was once a commander of some number of human forces act this way as opposed to just spreading her legs for orcs and getting blackmailed by a catgirl. But from what I've seen, the devs have put more effort into the sub route, the content just feels a bit more varied and plentiful.

One thing that specifically bothered me is that Sub route has two ways of handling the shaman, either apologize to him or deal with him normally via 'court'. But the dom route only has the court option, I feel like it would have been a lot cooler if dom Sabia managed to do something to flip the tables on him, humiliate him further, beat the shit out of him, make his named lackeys turn on him, or really anything that hammers in that this Sabia is not one to be fucked with.

Another thing that bothers me is how meek Sub Sabia is, does the writer even understand that a person can be more than one personality trait? Sub Sabia literally shakes at the knees when some subordinate orc glowers at her, that's after she beat up orcs left and right in the arena and went on several raids that ended in blood baths. How does that make any sense? She can be submissive in bed but an actual human outside of it, but apparently that's too difficult for the writer, so he just settles for Typical Meek Hentai Girl #4505.

But, maybe they'll address such things in V0.5 in 2060, can't wait to enjoy Sabia's tent via brainchip gaming.
Personally, i prefer the sub route , but a lot of the best scenes are on the dom one. But several people who are more knowledgeable than i am, have explained here that a lot of the scenes on the dom route are basically active subs, so that might explain my position. And yes, even with this included, the dom route has way more variety on themes and set ups.

Given this, i had several problems with the shaman story line too, but at least most of them could be fixed later on. I mainly focused on the sub+shaman route, because the dom version is cut quite short, but after reading your post, yeah, it would be nice if Sabia found a way to punch back a bit.
My problem with the sub version was mainly how Sabia apparently forgot what a "set up" is, even tho, coming from a powerful noble family, she should have more knowledge about them than the whole orc camp combined. What i think could fix this and add a cool twist to the story line is if sub-Sabia's goal was to fuck the shaman's henchmen well enough for them to spill the beans on some of their plans or manipulations, preferably publicly.

This could be added later on and it would mean that Sabia went along with the Shaman's plans both because she enjoys a bit of humiliating sex AND because this was a way to knock out a known trouble maker / rival AND from a writing perspective, this could give the erotic scenes a purpose in Sabia's plans. And if someone wanted to stay allied with the shaman, it would be easy to just add a choice to go along with this plan or not and the following scene could go almost the same way.

So i'm with you on this one too. It can be sexy and funny (a nice combination imo) when Sabia gets hot and wet during a confrontation, but it should be emphasized that she is not scared and she shouldn't just drop to her knees every time. She could also sometimes taunt her partner into action (Tekrok's raid and Avion's dom version) or initiate or dare i say tell the orcs that sex comes after work and they should do their job first.
A sub can still say things like this and still be a sub, right? Sub =/= ragdoll, unless i'm mistaken.


Jan 6, 2019
This could be added later on
In twenty years, if you're lucky.
A sub can still say things like this and still be a sub, right? Sub =/= ragdoll, unless i'm mistaken.
This is why I think the writer doesn't understand how humans work, doesn't know how to write characters that aren't simple one-dimensional tropes, or just isn't a very good writer. I've played a couple of Sierra's games, and I've never noticed such a glaring failure in terms of writing.

Currently, Sub Sabia (Subia?) is one of the most pathetic people in the camp that you might as well unlock cleaning up trash again, I don't know if that gets some people going, but to me it breaks all of the pre-established characterization and world-building just to get some cheap, low-effort smut. Again, this writer doesn't understand that people can be one thing in bed, but another thing outside of it.
Personally, i prefer the sub route , but a lot of the best scenes are on the dom one. But several people who are more knowledgeable than i am, have explained here that a lot of the scenes on the dom route are basically active subs, so that might explain my position. And yes, even with this included, the dom route has way more variety on themes and set ups.
I'm going to have to disagree, one look at the CGs makes it clear that most were drawn for Subia route and then Dom Sabia merely got a text makeover to make the scenes into dom ones. From my playthrough of a solo dom and a shaman sub, I felt like I had more variety and scenes in general on the sub route, and it was overall a better experience due to the CGs matching a submissive role over a dominant one. And just like I said before, 90% of the dom scenes were actually pretty submissive in nature, so I kind of don't see them as good scenes since they are quite misplaced.

Dragon x Hunter

Active Member
May 8, 2017
Enjoy! Everything is up to date. As soon on OP gets update I am removing the links. rf96 Please update OP?

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Oct 3, 2019


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
I'm going to have to disagree, one look at the CGs makes it clear that most were drawn for Subia route and then Dom Sabia merely got a text makeover to make the scenes into dom ones. From my playthrough of a solo dom and a shaman sub, I felt like I had more variety and scenes in general on the sub route, and it was overall a better experience due to the CGs matching a submissive role over a dominant one. And just like I said before, 90% of the dom scenes were actually pretty submissive in nature, so I kind of don't see them as good scenes since they are quite misplaced.
I don't think we disagree just yet, rather i probably didn't express myself well enough.
I'll start with a bit of explanation, if you don't mind. Personally, i don't much care if a scene is really sub or dom.. that's just not a distinction i naturally make. So when i say that some of the best scenes are on the dom route, then i mean just that: they are on the dom route and no more.
From what i've learned by reading this thread, a lot of my favorite scenes in the dom route were simply sub scenes that ended up there. Like the aforementioned Avion-"dom" or Tekrok's raid scene. Your comment reinforces this point, if i'm not mistaken. But in general i do not really mind the mix up, as long as a scene seems good, it's not a problem for me if it has the wrong tag.

I too think that the art was absolutely made with a sub Sabia in mind and to be frank, the only cases where Sabia really acted like a proper sexy dom that i could recall right away didn't even have art at all: when she made the shopkeeper put on his own collar or when she slapped and spit on Bris after she tried to go against Sabia again.

And finally, when i mentioned variety, i also referred to set ups. Most of the scenes in the sub route start by Sabia annoying or getting an orc angry and when they lash back, Sabia drops to her knees. On the other hand, in the dom route, even if Sabia herself still acts like a sub, there are a lot more different set ups: she uses sex as a reward (tent scenes), teases a lot (most of the groping interactions), bribes people with sex, lures people into traps (first tavern series), initiates scenes and taunts people into having sex with her.

In short, most of the "dom" scenes could be moved over to the sub route to make what is essentially a "sub" and a "super sub" version there, just like they did in the hot springs quest with the shaman/shamanless scenes, and the dom route should get a makeover. This won't happen, of course.
Aug 12, 2018
Enjoy! Everything is up to date. As soon on OP gets update I am removing the links. rf96 Please update OP?

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Just for the record, the Art pack is three-quarters of a gigabyte of possible content that's not in the game.
But I think Hreinn is so busy pushing out these monthly updates with tons of content that they simply don't have the time
to add this to the game... :HideThePain:


Oct 3, 2019
Sometimes it seems to me that the developers are just waiting until they start to be completely lowered, so to speak, they sit on a powder keg and drag out time, and as soon as the wick burns out and a second later an explosion in the form of another dozen unsubscriptions from Patreon throws a bucket of dirty water, a low-quality update with the transferred tents, I was on the nomo streams and I can say that the scenes themselves he he doesn 't draw for a long time , so why does it take so much time ?


Jan 6, 2019
so why does it take so much time ?
It's highly unlikely that it's the art that's delaying the updates. The artpacks themselves are quite massive, meaning that Nomo has enough time and then some to draw additional scenes and shit of that sort. The writing is too mediocre to take more than a couple of hours per update, so I doubt it's that.

IMO it's likely the coding that's the issue, whoever is in charge of coding is just bottlenecking the entire development process by being slow or trying to tackle too many things at once. I'm no gamedev, so I can't say for certain, but it does seem that way to me, judging by everything surrounding this game.


Apr 17, 2018
Renpy is a piece of shit to code, especially with early branching choices. More choices, more bugs, more time spent wondering what the hell is wrong. There's a reason why vns built in that engine tend to lock their routes fairly early on, I always knew trying to build a rpg in that engine would be a nightmare.


Jan 6, 2019
Why don't they stop the art pack thing and put its time in the main game...I mean it's minor thing after all
It's more like, the artist finishes his work early enough that he can dedicate work to things like optional scenes that may or not make it into the game, like he has the luxury of time on his side.

Again, this is all my personal observation, I could be wrong, but it seems fairly obvious to me that Nomo isn't the one causing the delays or really has any issues meeting deadlines. My post was trying to say that coding is the likely culprit behind the delays, which produce so much downtime that the artist ends up making more and more CGs for the artpack that can't make it into the game due to the restrictions of coding

Renpy is a piece of shit to code, especially with early branching choices. More choices, more bugs, more time spent wondering what the hell is wrong. There's a reason why vns built in that engine tend to lock their routes fairly early on, I always knew trying to build a rpg in that engine would be a nightmare.
So it's a bad choice for engine? Hreinn make a decent chunk off of patreon bux, wouldn't they be able to hire an additional, part-time coder or someone who works in the background converting the game into a different engine so that future development isn't as slow? Feels like digging one's own grave for no reason.


Oct 3, 2019
It's more like, the artist finishes his work early enough that he can dedicate work to things like optional scenes that may or not make it into the game, like he has the luxury of time on his side.

Again, this is all my personal observation, I could be wrong, but it seems fairly obvious to me that Nomo isn't the one causing the delays or really has any issues meeting deadlines. My post was trying to say that coding is the likely culprit behind the delays, which produce so much downtime that the artist ends up making more and more CGs for the artpack that can't make it into the game due to the restrictions of coding

So it's a bad choice for engine? Hreinn make a decent chunk off of patreon bux, wouldn't they be able to hire an additional, part-time coder or someone who works in the background converting the game into a different engine so that future development isn't as slow? Feels like digging one's own grave for no reason.
I would not say that they are good with money, the number of their cartridges is 738, this is not so much before there were 900 of them at the same Claire quest, the number of cartridges is 3000, although the art of the scenes, as for me, is not much different from each other in advance, I'm talking about the old art and not about the new shit with tents Hreinn could earn the same amount if the game had a good potential, Sabia could gather allies for the sake of her revenge, the village of minotaurs, the sparkling forest of elves, various alliances with dark personalities, evil wizards, various powerful monsters like lamia basilisk manticore, which kia is except for wings, but no, why do we need an interesting diverse dangerous world with beautiful characters, we will stay in a fucking tent to being with green men has nothing against orcs, but they are boring, there is no variety of teasing at all, it's just a pity that they waste their talents on trifles


Jan 6, 2019
I would not say that they are good with money, the number of their cartridges is 738, this is not so much before there were 900 of them at the same Claire quest, the number of cartridges is 3000, although the art of the scenes, as for me, is not much different from each other in advance, I'm talking about the old art and not about the new shit with tents Hreinn could earn the same amount if the game had a good potential, Sabia could gather allies for the sake of her revenge, the village of minotaurs, the sparkling forest of elves, various alliances with dark personalities, evil wizards, various powerful monsters like lamia basilisk manticore, which kia is except for wings, but no, why do we need an interesting diverse dangerous world with beautiful characters, we will stay in a fucking tent to being with green men has nothing against orcs, but they are boring, there is no variety of teasing at all, it's just a pity that they waste their talents on trifles
I wouldn't say they are wasting their talent on 'trifles'...because they are wasting their talent on nothing, the game is progressing at an abysmal pace, months and months with no progress only for an update with some repeated CGs and sub-par text. The loss of 'cartridges' (Which I assume means patrons) is something they brought onto themselves by pissing away all the goodwill they earned via Noxian Nights, you can only stall for so long before the sane people stop giving you their money...Unless you're making Cloud Meadow.

Again, a lot of fans of this game share the same sentiment of disappointment at how Hreinn have utterly pissed away this game's potential with laziness and incompetence. Even if they aren't earning that much via Patreon these days compared to before (Whose fault is that?), they still make a lot more than other devs who have produced/are producing games of similar, if not better quality.

They just happened to have struck gold with Nomo's art and the world/setting, which I'm not sure how much influence Sierra had over.

I'm actually almost looking forward to the day they come out and say they're taking a hiatus to port the game to a different engine, or perhaps say they are scrapping the project because coding has gotten too complicated.


Sep 20, 2019
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Oct 3, 2019

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