i see the details labeled nicely as to whats what. Dominate...Overpower....but does anybody have a tutorial....
like here is what not to do when in this situation. escape....resist.....etc. whats your strategy?
any help on this is appreciatted. thanks in advance!
I haven't lost a game since I learned the mechanics so I'll share what I generally do and know.
1) Extasis = HP and Arousal = Damage multiplier, meaning the more aroused your opponents is the more damage they will take.
2) Foreplay attacks are used to arouse your opponent while sex attacks are used to deal damage to your opponent's HP. However foreplay does bonus damage to extasis and sex does bonus damage to arousal depending on how much domination you have. It may be a smart idea to first do a teasing attack and then sex, but I find that is slower than just undressing and doing sex attacks.
3) Whoever initiates the foreplay/sex attack does bonus damage, So I always initiate the attack and escape/counter when they initiate it.
4) The more domination you have during an attack, the more damage you will do but if do have too much domination your opponent will eventually escape. Try to keep your domination around 80%. You can easily go from 0% to 80% by using the Grapple ability and spamming the Q key but only do this when you are at full energy. Usually I will save Overpower or Grapple for when your opponent uses Grapple and dominates you completely.
5) Whenever your energy is low or regenerating slowly use Defend. You can also use Energy Rush but this will decrease the regen after a while. If your enemy is attempting an escape, it is better to just defend so you gain enough energy to attack immediately after they escaped.
6) Speed Up increases the rate of damage, so use it if you have good domination and the animation is going slowly. I never use Slow Down because I'd rather regain domination and keep the pace going.
7) Resist will decrease your extasis damage so it is good to use if you are about to lose but I rarely use it.
Here's a summary of what actions I use
I virtually never use: Slow Down, Resist, Hold Position, Transistion.
I only use Counter when they use Counter, I use Grapple/Energy Rush/Overpower when I am at very low domination, Speed up when the animation is slow and I've got good domination and I am always using Dominate and Defend.