Kagura have to be the most height of hubris motherfuckers when it comes to publishing H games. To say "We won't fix our release of the game any further because it'd cost to much time and money (which is an outright lie), and you horny fuckers will play it anyway" makes me glad I haven't given them a dime for any of the games I've played. I look forward to the script rewriting hero fan who will one day post a patch here fixing this whole mess of a release.
Not being a 'AAA DEV' ain't no excuse. Even an indie DEV or an indie localization needs to 'just work'.
That's the baseline requirement of anything you sell.
As we've seen with Cyberpunk though, even AAA F's up and many people did not refund their game (they still sold 18 million broken ass copies). Though considering the 'nature' of this piece of software, I doubt people would ever get any consumer advocacy agencies on it, so if Kagura ain't refunding ... people are likely screwed.
Though I believe the Steam policy is pretty clear cut that if you haven't played for more than 2 hrs, you get your money back.
And if the game crashes on the prologue, constantly ... maybe that's the refund que.
Anyway ... if they can't get it to 'work' then they should just give up on the project and throw it back to Gyu.
Even going as far as make Gyu pay for damages if he doesn't fix it.
But Kagura seems to be happy screwing over their customers rather than forcing their supplier and/or staff to deliver good work.