Too complicate, you need a brute force tool to decrypt the archive, send the file to nasa, wait for the decryption results, receive the file again, send the file to china to check the file in order to be clean, go to the darkweb , contact the hacker Itaru Hashida to extract the file.Can someone upload kPlug 2.35 or pm me a link to download
Doesn't hurt trying. Thanks Katarsys!ipaloaderx
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Place BepInEx.IPALoader.dll in the BepInEx\plugins folder and BepInEx.IPAVirtualizer.dll and BepInEx.IPAHarmonyShimmer.dll in the BepInEx\patchers folder.
I know, I was just kidding. You wouldn't need to say that lmaoI'm not Katarsys
...i disagree, CM3D(2?) and AA are the acronyms of 2 anime-styled games.You got the wrong thread. This is koikatsu thread.Does anybody know these mods
I can't find them need help
View attachment 788750
No this is what i mean, the aa001 and cm3d201 mod got me confused
Refer to previous reply.Never heard of these mods before where do I find them.
Same issue still occuring....i disagree, CM3D(2?) and AA are the acronyms of 2 anime-styled games.
As for the original post, give the updater/KKManager a shot.
Katarsys manual that comes included is not really clear about installation process, I got one from the web that is more straight to the point and differentiate stuff by colors and folders as if the one installing is retarded like me, it worked wonders. I think the biggest issue comes from people not being able to tell which version of KK they are using.Barely anyone knew how to install KPLUG even before the feuding, so it's not surprising people are still getting it working.I guess the plugins people are using that weren't compatible with KPLUG are now?
It could have been just 1 or 2 plugins that broke that got updated. I had 5.3 BepinEx working last week just fine with Kplug as I reported. Even so the sheer amount of plugins ARE mostly useless if you just want to use KPLUG.
No it didn't said the mods i just saw them in Kenzato siteseems like they were parts of a piece mod. If you check the material editor, the pieces have weird names for their actual parts, those may be parts of that GeasEyeAlternate.
Probably installed with a pack with the autodownloader? use it to download again, maybe?
Same for speclurker, probably, the second seems like a scene background from the name
[edit] RakanXayah16 now that I see that was the character loading screen... definitely that, the person that made one of the characters used some mods you do not have. Do their site not tell what mods they used?
"/Userdata/Coordinate" = Cards for clothing. If you want to remove clothes from cards, I think deleting the mods that add them would do it, but you would get several warning messages of missing mods when launching.Hey people, I would like to know if there is an easy/fast way to delete multiple clothings/accessories from the game? You can delete multiple chars by going to the chara folder, is there a way to do this also with pieces of clothing? My main concern is the amount of clothes I will never use so I want to clean up a bit.
If you use Uncensored selector try change uncesored type in the characters maker, the main game don't have any dynamic bones for both gender.Okay so I have another problem. This one relating to creating futa characters and their dicks.
Basically there's certain clothes, mostly skirts and some pants that clearly expose the groin, yet whenever I set the character to have a dick it always disappears when they wear said skirt/pants.
Is there a mod to alleviate this? And if so where can I get it?
Also is there any way to make their dicks less, um, straight? Like they just look like a metal rod sticking out of their crotch. Honestly I expected a bit more dynamic shape, like a real dick...