I started to play yesterday, so far, amazing game, I really like it!
I have a few questions:
Is it possible to miss out on any Content? Because currently, I have 200 Relationship-Points with every Character and so far filled the seeder with 190 units. The game shows me that I still have some scenes (e.g. I only got 2/3 for Fancy Dinner and Natasha and Kat are green, so they still have screnes. However, Adrianna is yellow, so I need to trigger something else first).
If I fill up the Seeder, will I lose access to those scenes and I should try to get them before filling up or not?
Also, I have available scenes in the Bathrooms, but the Doors are locked. Is there a Security Card Level 3 to open those or is anything else needed?
Thank you for the answers!