
May 21, 2017
and guys walk through would be appreciated.. the links given has only FAQ...or am i missing something?
It really doesnt have a walkthrough, its pretty linear on the storypart only sidequests are a distraction and most of them are always availible, most times you get the order: go there, and on the way there you can visit locations along the road and do sidequests for them. Or you want do legendary monster hunting (hint slay 80 monsters of each for the legendarys to show up) or collect pictures and so on.

The game can very short if you only follow the story, the sidequests and hunting for other h scenes make it a grind.

For the Sidequests i would suggest the wiki:


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
I would really like to finish one of these some day, but not only are they such a grind, you move sooo slooow. Is there some way to increase the movement speed a little? I couldn't figure out any. (Googling)
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Salty Montrealer
May 10, 2017
I would really like to finish one of these some day, but not only are they such a grind, you move sooo slooow. Is there some way to increase the movement speed a little? I couldn't figure out any. (Googling)
This is a tool to edit the gameplay. if you can find which variables sets the run speed. Please do tell :)


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Respected User
Feb 19, 2017
You can edit your savegame to change character speed, but it often gets reset after certain scenes. It also only seems to work in certain increments, so you're either going the nasty slow speed or so fast that you're running into walls.

Your best bet is to use Cheat Engine's generic "speedhack" functionality; you can then add hotkeys to increase/decrease speed as you play, possibly even as a toggle.
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Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Man, I forgot how absolutely awful this game is. Forced grinding, slow battles, increased walking speed hidden behind a cheat menu, just slow as molasses least the art is nice.
Well true, but this was Gabe's first game and being about 5+years old its not bad for the time. At least game play has somewhat improved over the next couple of releases (and they are finished which is a plus before Patreon!). Although the walk speed is a constant thing, not sure how much of that was always RPG Maker related or just design.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Well true, but this was Gabe's first game and being about 5+years old its not bad for the time. At least game play has somewhat improved over the next couple of releases (and they are finished which is a plus before Patreon!). Although the walk speed is a constant thing, not sure how much of that was always RPG Maker related or just design.
Not really in my opinion...the gameplay in all the games remains an artifact of an 80's - very early 90's JRPG, which is fine for the five people who like that but is just a chore to get through for everyone else. What modern game forces you to grind? Lazy game-design as far as I'm concerned.
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Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
Not really in my opinion...the gameplay in all the games remains an artifact of an 80's - very early 90's JRPG, which is fine for the five people who like that but is just a chore to get through for everyone else. What modern game forces you to grind? Lazy game-design as far as I'm concerned.
You don't need too much grind if you don't want all the achievements and only want to finish the game. With the save editors there are many ways to get around it. Overall still a fun series, that I am not a fan of much of the animal stuff.


Jun 24, 2017
Im very sorry to trouble you , yea i found that like half an hour after , started playing and totally forgot my post here , pardon me for making u go through the trouble , Thank you kindly.


Salty Montrealer
May 10, 2017
They are no sex scene ?
"most of the sexscenes who are not story related are only black with voice"
This is like a Venn diagragm. there are sexscenes, those who are related to story are audio/visual. those who are not story-related are mostly audio only


May 20, 2017
"most of the sexscenes who are not story related are only black with voice"
This is like a Venn diagragm. there are sexscenes, those who are related to story are audio/visual. those who are not story-related are mostly audio only
With the save at the end they are 4 women and no scene ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
You don't need too much grind if you don't want all the achievements and only want to finish the game. With the save editors there are many ways to get around it. Overall still a fun series, that I am not a fan of much of the animal stuff.
But that's what I mean. If I have to use a save editor to make a game playable, you just made a bad game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
But that's what I mean. If I have to use a save editor to make a game playable, you just made a bad game.
You don't have to use the editor to make the game playable, the game is perfectly playable on its own.
If you want to play legit and hate grind just play something else. Just because you don't like a design choice doesn't make it a bad game by default.

As for your earlier question of what modern game forces you to grind, well, arguably the entire genre of MMOs is mostly based on that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
No, it is a bad game. Like I said, locking being able to run behind a cheat? You only do that when you just want to make your game slower = making it seem longer = the illusion of "content".

Enemies are shown on the map. The whole point of doing this is so you can skip random encounters. It even replaces random encounters. None of the encounters you fight are random. You choose which enemies to fight or avoid. Except if you're playing legit, you have to fight the baddies. So, why even make them visible on the map if there's little point in avoiding them? This is the same problem other RPGs have when they put enemies on the screen yet have the monsters speed up or home in on you when you're near. It completely beats the point of having monsters visible on the map.

The battle system is completely bland. It's as bog-standard a fair as you can make, with little or no creativity put into it and basically just putting in there what RPGMaker gives you standard.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
No, it is a bad game.
Well if you say so then it must be true. Clearly you're the one and only true authority on what constitutes a good or bad game and I would never dare to disagree with such an expert on the topic.
I would like to formally apologize for having the audacity to enjoy the time I spent with this game.

As for slow progression, unnecessary grind and filler content, you have somewhat of a point there. But if that's enough to make a game "bad" then there are precious few good titles left, especially when it comes to Patreon projects and non-commercial adult games. Even acclaimed triple A titles often have pointless fetch-quests and long distances from object A to object B.

Enemies are shown on the map. The whole point of doing this is so you can skip random encounters. It even replaces random encounters. None of the encounters you fight are random. You choose which enemies to fight or avoid. Except if you're playing legit, you have to fight the baddies. So, why even make them visible on the map if there's little point in avoiding them?
How exactly is this an issue?

Maybe it's just to give you an idea of what you're about to walk into. Maybe it's so the map looks a bit more alive.
Personally I very much prefer visible enemies, whether I can avoid them or not, to sudden encounters that apparently spawn out of nowhere. It's particularly hilarious when you're randomly attacked in an open field by a giant monster that was completely undetectable until the moment you walked into it.

Again, this is a design decision you happen to not like, not objectively bad gameplay.

The battle system is completely bland. It's as bog-standard a fair as you can make, with little or no creativity put into it and basically just putting in there what RPGMaker gives you standard.
Fair point, but that shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering this was a very early entry when it comes to RPG Maker adult games. This feels a bit like a 2017 review giving a 10 year old game low scores for graphics, but there has been some improvement to combat over the years. Not a whole lot really, at least not for the vast majority of RPG Maker titles, but still LOQO combat is rather bland.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
I feel like you're just kind of dancing around my arguments here.

First you just mock me, and then you go into a "but other games are bad too!" argument. Yes, very few (if any) Patreon H-games are actually fun to play. Shock. All the people making these games are lone individuals or working in very small teams, and are all amateurs as well. I don't curse Swegabe as a loser. But a bad game is a bad game.

Yes, plenty of AAA games have pointless fetch-quests...they also have more to balance out these problems, like a fun cast, a great story, fun gameplay or an excellent technical side. Or maybe not, and then it's a bad game. There is little to no need for putting useless filler and grind content, and there is rarely a point to it. I don't care if I'm criticizing LOQO or Dragon Age: Inquisition; both games are bad for having this type of content. DAI just has more to balance itself back into good than LOQO.

Showing enemies on the map is bad gameplay. A good game teaches you as you play it. You start SMB and you see a thing waddling towards you. You run into it and you die. Lesson learned. You try a button and it jumps. Now you know you can jump over enemies to avoid them and avoid dying.

Back to LOQO; you can see enemies. You can avoid them. There is no need to fight them. Until you get into an encounter. You've skipped too many battles? Have fun beating this encounter, if you even can. Because grinding is required.

I don't agree with your comments on the battle system. Sangeki of Gear was released two years after the original LOQO and is more in-depth than even the combat system in LOQOO. Little has changed to make it even remotely entertaining. Heck, you just have to look at even something like Sierra's The Last Sovereign; also a very basic combat system, but because of original skills and equip systems that often give - and + you're constantly on your guard. Compare it to LOQO and it's just a disappointment.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
First you just mock me, and then you go into a "but other games are bad too!" argument. Yes, very few (if any) Patreon H-games are actually fun to play. Shock. All the people making these games are lone individuals or working in very small teams, and are all amateurs as well. I don't curse Swegabe as a loser. But a bad game is a bad game.
Technically you didn't insult the OP, just their game. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if you hadn't come on that strong.
It's not just that you started out mentioning that you "forgot how absolutely awful this game is". You keep claiming over and over that it's a bad game as if you were any kind of authority on the subject. Hence my mocking.

I also love how you just included (almost) all other adult Patreon titles in your list of bad games™ as well. That kind of raises the question why you're playing any of them in the first place. Certainly you're aware that you can get access to the adult art without having to endure any of those oh so awful games.

Showing enemies on the map is bad gameplay.
According to whom? You? Alright then, glad we cleared that up.
You can repeat this as much as you like, it doesn't get any more true just because you seem to be absolutely convinced of it. I'm not sure why you're trying to link that to the need to grind either. Grinding is a separate point that has nothing to do with whether or not enemies are visible on the map.

Sangeki of Gear was released two years after the original LOQO and is more in-depth than even the combat system in LOQOO.
I never played that so I cannot comment on what it does better or worse in terms of combat. Nor do I think that the 2 examples you quoted constitute the "vast majority of RPG Maker titles" that I talked about. Besides, I already admitted that LOQO's combat is bland, so there's no need to try to convince me of it any further.

Long story short, I'm not dancing around your arguments, I fundamentally disagree with them.
What I disagree even more with is you trying to pass off your personal opinion as irrefutable facts.
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May 7, 2017
I actually enjoy grinding/levelling, all of LOQO gameplay/story/sidequest is fun so i don't actually mind the grinding, the slow speed walking or backtracking. I also like the voice acting too :).


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
So, if you go to the restaurant, you're never going to say the food is bad? You're just going to say "Well, in my humble opinion, BUT I WOULD NEVER SAY THIS IS ACTUALLY THE CASE, but in MY PERSONAL opinion, the meat is overcooked. Sorry for being critical cookman! I mean, you get paid to actually do your job right, but this is just MY OPINION! Maybe someone else thinks this meat is not overcooked, but for me it's not! Hope you can do better next time cook guy!"

You mock me for saying I pass off my opinions as irrefutable facts, but I at least give arguments while you say "No, it's not" and pass that off as fact.

And YES, there is barely any Patreon game with good gameplay that works. That's why I play so little of them. You throw that at me again as a kind of attack, but it doesn't change my opinion on anything at all. Again, that's like saying "All fast-food places are shit, so you can't say McDonalds is shit!".


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
But that's what I mean. If I have to use a save editor to make a game playable, you just made a bad game.
I never said you needed to do it to make it playable, it was a solution to your objection of the game. Your objection reads to me more about trying to get to the content of the game in the way the game mechanic is designed. This is the way RPG Maker does it, that's the framework and its designed that way. If you don't like it, don't play that particular game.

The "grind" is there to generate experience so you can pass other parts of the game, something that many other advance-me-along games do. I don't want to compare, but how many other games do you play that require you to go out and fight random enemies so you can level up and find "treasure" you can sell of and turn to ready cash? Plenty for me. At least later games took a lesson and generated the achievements to meet the Master Monster so you can get an extra image card as a reward. Which is fine by me, I did that for later versions of LOQO.

If you don't like the game and how it plays, don't play it. Simple as that. We've heard your disagreements and that's fine not everyone likes every game (plenty I don't like) but I don't need to get into lengthy discussions about it.
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