Recommending Lesbian Protagonist Games List (My Version)

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Oct 2, 2018
to the above I would add to update:
1. ChromoXY (Finished\2D\Renpy) should not be on the list, the woman LI transforms into a man at the end.
2. Glamour (Finished\3D\others) should not be on the list, the game is not finished, and a lesbian route cannot be played in fact it does not exist, and men are not avoidable.
3. Seal (Ongoing\3D\Renpy) should not be on the list, game is abandoned,and in the women's routes the protagonist always returns to being a man.
4. Earth's Sexiest Heroes (Ongoing\3D\Renpy) should be in abandoned

and to add to (Ongoing\3D\Renpy)
The Lost Chapters can be played completely lesbian, it contains futa but it is optional and very easy to avoid.


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
Suggestions/Updates to what's already on the list:
  1. Flowers Game Collection (Finished\2D\Renpy) would be better as "FLOWERS series" (with "series" after the link; Game Collection is just a thread name and not a part of the title or release) or "FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps- (and all sequels)" (for consistency with the Sono Hanabira entry in Finished\2D\Other)
  2. Star Crossed Lovers (Finished\2D\Renpy) should be renamed to "Andromeda Six: Star Crossed Lovers".
  3. Champion of Venus (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) shouldn't be on the list. The protagonist both grows a humongous dick and gets literally impaled on one, and the thread implies it goes downhill from there.
  4. Dungeons & Lesbians (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished (it was already complete at release).
  5. Foul Play (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished.
  6. Lizzie Lesbian Vampire Hunter (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished (it was likely already complete at release).
  7. Our Lovely Escape (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should probably be listed as Finished (it was already complete at release; Steam lists a I'm not sure anyone is aware of that adds a new ending and I don't know if it's included in the recent reupload, but the lack of it wouldn't make the game unfinished).
  8. Planet Stronghold 2 (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished (it was already complete at release).
  9. Three Lesbians in a Barrow (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished (it was likely already complete at release).
  10. Wake Up (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as 3D.
  11. When the Night Comes (Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should be listed as Finished (it was likely already complete at release). Optionally it could also be renamed to "When the Night Comes: ReVamp" to indicate the remaster status.
  12. "'Til Death", "Possibly A Chimera, Probably A Big Fucking Cat" and "The Haunting of Lunaris" (all Ongoing\2D\Renpy) should probably be removed from the list. They're WtNC mini-stories/DLC merged into the ReVamp remaster version, making them redundant. These threads are also linked to in the WtNC thread if someone wants to access the old standalone versions.
  13. Acumen (Ongoing\2D\Other) should be listed as 3D.
  14. Angel Wings (Ongoing\2D\Other) unsure if it should be moved to Finished. The thread is tagged as completed, it is likely a full release, and the only lists Skip Mode and a few bugfixes, but the developer claims further plans with the game and something to come this year (DLC? sequel?).
  15. Euclyca (Ongoing\2D\Other) should be listed as RPGM (confirmation). The thread is missing the latest patch. for it also state that the developer had to wrap up the game due to financial problems but I don't know if it means it's unfinished/abandoned or only lacking planned bonus content while the base game is done.

Additions to the list:

  • Sculptor (you choose gender for yourself and your bully so you can make it GxG. A minor odd thing is how scared of wearing women clothes the female bully is if you tell her to wear something)

Are you OK with listing, as a separate category, recommendations for free games that can simply be downloaded at the source (like ) or do you prefer sticking to ones that have threads here?
There are some things I'd like to point out with your listing.
  • Foul Play, thanks for pointing that out. Funny thing, I've also noticed was the same game was in (Finished\2D\Renpy) but I've overlooked it.
  • Acumen and Wake Up, I didn't noticed they were in the wrong section.
  • Dungeons & Lesbians, Our Lovely Escape, Planet Stranglehold 2, and Three Lesbians in a Barrow, I've actually reported for these games to be labeled 'Completed' multiple times and have messaged the mods about this but nothing changed. Unless someone responded to any of them, I'm not sure about moving them.
  • Euclyca, I've also reported to have it labeled 'RPGM'.
  • Flowers Game Collection and Star Crossed Lovers, I might leave them as is, since I'm going off what they're titled in their game threads.
  • 'Til Death, Possibly a Chimera, Probably a Big Fucking Cat, and The Haunting of Lunaris, I might also leave as is, since their links to their games still work.
  • Champion of Venus, I'm hesitant of removing it from the list since I haven't played much of it but I'm still curious how much lesbian content is in the game and whether futa should count.
Nov 27, 2018
Dungeons & Lesbians, Our Lovely Escape, Planet Stranglehold 2, and Three Lesbians in a Barrow, I've actually reported for these games to be labeled 'Completed' multiple times and have messaged the mods about this but nothing changed. Unless someone responded to any of them, I'm not sure about moving them.
Dungeons & Lesbians is as complete experience as it can be (it's a coffeebreak VN, came out in 2018, got a bugfix patch in 2020, the version here includes the patch). Three Lesbians in a Barrow, while I haven't played it yet, is likewise intended to be short and came out back in 2019 - no changes to be expected by now. I can also vouch for Planet Stronghold 2 as I played it at the release, and the developer's business model is the old school one of releasing full games and moving on (plus he got really disappointed by the sales figures of this one); it appears the version here is only missing really minor bugfixes so while for this one I could understand if the requirement for the 'completed' status is to provide the latest known version no matter what it does, implying "[the development is] ongoing" or that it's unfinished/incomplete by having it under that category is just wrong. Your list isn't bound by what moderators do with threads (after all it happened in the first place because categorizing of games is not ideal) so if you can prove something is X and not Y, don't be afraid to provide up-to-date information here.

Differentiating between ongoing and finished projects is meant chiefly for games that are released in smaller chunks over a longer period of time, or with open/paid access to alpha/beta versions (Patreon, early access, using players as playtesters), so people who don't mind the episodic experience or want to participate in the development process can check on them periodically, and those who want to play through a game from start to finish uninterrupted know when to finally pick it up.

In case of Our Lovely Escape, I'm slightly undecided because the missing patch already exists so knowing that bit of extra content exists and is out of reach miiight spoil someone's fun, but normally they'd be oblivious to any enhancements going to appear in the distant future (you may wait for some time after the release for critical bugfixes or if game's financing model allows the developer to pump more content into the game after the "1.0" milestone, but you don't just assume there will be an eventual Director's Cut).
What do you say about a compromise of moving Our Lovely Escape to the Finished list with a "(missing latest patch)" note to it? People avoiding half-finished games and not checking that part of the list will play it and 102% completionists will know to wait until someone donates the final patch.
Flowers Game Collection and Star Crossed Lovers, I might leave them as is, since I'm going off what they're titled in their game threads.
FLOWERS I suggested renaming it because I looked for the full titles of these on the list and couldn't find them (the old list used full titles). May be just me but I didn't connect that title with the games.
Star Crossed Lovers - Andromeda Six is in the title ( , ), plus DLCs and expansion packs for games should be prefixed by base games' titles irregardless (think of the chaos expansions for games like or would cause on alphabetical game lists unprefixed, and usually you're expected to familiarize yourself with the main game first so having them scattered hinders searching for standalone titles).

Thread titles can be incorrect, like with Cursed Lands and Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle - the former game isn't called "Tales of Aravorn"(*) and goes into basket, in the latter the title of the thread is missing "'s Castle". And you have a list of games and not threads. For an extreme example of why relying on thread titles would lead to inconsistent naming, try to list only two or three games from a thread like this one if it turns out to be their sole source here.
'Til Death, Possibly a Chimera, Probably a Big Fucking Cat, and The Haunting of Lunaris, I might also leave as is, since their links to their games still work.
My reasoning was: removing the threads for WtNC mini-stories I think I can only see causing a bit of confusion for someone finding the threads by browsing the site and requesting them added to this list after not seeing them on it, but the fault would lie in the threads not mentioning they're old versions that got incorporated into the main game. Removing the links from here wouldn't make them lost because they're all linked in the When the Night Comes thread's opening post - and from the point of view of a person browsing this thread to find games to play, they only need to grab the latest download for WtNC (as an aside, the WtNC thread could also use some bright-colored sentence mentioning the minis got merged in - and it's another opportunity to make your list superior by adding a note to the link that "(ReVamp version contains mini-stories)" before such change to the thread gets requested and processed).

Champion of Venus, I'm hesitant of removing it from the list since I haven't played much of it but I'm still curious how much lesbian content is in the game and whether futa should count.
Champion of Venus, in chronological order:
- bathroom dildo (neutral)
- lesbian sex (ok)
- gain giant retractable penis, deepthroat (a wild futa appears)
- bathroom dildo again (neutral)
- penis strikes again; is it called double blowjob if done by two people? (not gay)
- repeat lesbian sex scene (ok), accept being futa (not gay) and intend to penis your way to victory (does not bode well for gay)
- Humongous Dick Trap used WhatTheFuck (straight and equally gross and hilarious but the heroine is merely watching so it's passable)
- Humongous Dick Trap used Impale, it's super effective; heroine develops rectovaginal fistula and loses internal organs in confusion (gay gone with the wind)
- optional game over of getting devoured (was in the mood for unadulterated gay at the time instead of what I witnessed so I stopped there)

The purpose of the old list was to reduce the hassle of finding games allowing for a "lesbian playthrough" (female protagonist, female love interest, no dicks on the horizon). Such games have their target audience but the lesbian tag only means the presence of at least one "girls holding hands or having sex" scene, and the protagonist may still (and is likely to) fall victim to an unknown amount of dick or express how much she desires it (thus revealing herself to be bisexual). I think the old thread may have had some rants on the uselessness of this site in that regard. Futa content in particular is easy to find normally with tags and it's not an orientation but a fetish, so a whole playthrough doesn't need to be dedicated to it (I don't know what to think of trans characters getting mixed in with the futa as the only non-platonic trans content I've seen so far was in Hardcoded, and futa is a different thing).

It's your list now so it's up to you if you want to continue the girls-only club or to sneak in some game you liked that's "almost all lesbian but there's this one problematic thing" if maintaining a new thread for futa, bisexual or magic gender switch games would be too time-consuming (I haven't checked if there already exist any), but you should mark or add a note to any such entry explaining what's making protagonist's life less gay so no one gets an unavoidable surprise close encounter of the third kind with menfolk several hours down the line (and the more exceptions you mix in, the less useful the list will become). But that's for consideration in case of less glaring violations - Champion of Venus lives deep in futaland and caters to other extreme and non-lesbianese fetishes.

Also I apologize if I ended up sounding rude/whiny/ungrateful somewhere. Just mildly OCD on keeping some things organized if encountered. In the end I don't intend to stick around and nitpick so ignore my points if I didn't manage to convince you to them.

Also also you should add links to this thread and the gay one to your signature for more exposure. All your posts would then direct users here and away from any outdated links to the old list.

(*) If I had to guess how ToA got attached to Cursed Lands here, it might be that the developer briefly considered unifying his same-universe fantasy RPGs under a single banner in hope of owners of ToA:SotW and Loren (namedropped) grabbing it, which led to that single announcement using that title, but right after it he realized he likes to complain how sequels don't sell and immediately retracted from the idea, opting for a simpler title without the weakness of making potential buyers think they need to buy his previous RPGs to understand what's going on - but he wasn't quick enough and a few unknown review blogs and f95zone took what was in the unfortunate announcement before he scrapped it and contradict his company's official stance to this day.
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Nov 27, 2018
About Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle

Bear with me as it's been about 10 years since I played it.

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My first reaction was "the heck, I don't remember any of this" but I've also played it like ten years ago and without a walkthrough to know what I may be missing, so here's my analysis from replaying it yesterday:
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To sum it up spoiler-free, it qualifies as allowing for lesbian playthroughs (start the game -> chase after girls -> dodge men -> reach the end of the story or one of multiple endings), including the likely canon path for the never-finished sequel. Taking a look at the walkthrough or the spoiler below may be advised to avoid a few surprises since they're not communicated in advance:
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Nov 27, 2018
Tea Time with Oppo (Finished\2D\Renpy) shouldn't be on the list. It's a short set of flashbacks with Oppo and the Andromeda Six crew meant to flesh out their backstories a bit; your character is sitting in Oppo's house, watching his memory chips with him, and making a comment after each one. The only romance present is a memory of Oppo's failed love confession to a girl.

Not on F95:
  • - a great RWBY fangame that doesn't require knowing the source material; comes with multiple lesbian options and a rebuild-your-kingdom story. I'm giving the link to the official tumblr page instead of directly to because there's a matchmaking "guide" at the bottom (who ends up with whom depending on your romance choice; Jaune is the token guy, Ren+Nora is the polyamorous bi option, everyone else is a lesbian) and the tumblr download page has an additional April Fools' story (no romance in that one, though).
  • - slow romance, one lesbian love interest with three normal endings and a hidden bad end. The download link is gone because of developer drama but the other option still works.
  • - an asexual lesbian protagonist, two love interests, and some non-fetishized cheating drama on top. OCD note: all CG slots visible in the gallery are unlockable, the notice on is about one image having censored and uncesored versions and only the censored one being in the gallery.
  • - a short story about your ex-girlfriend; it's more about venting about your breakup and her current girlfriend but you can end up back together.
  • a short comedy with fake girlfriends becoming real ones.
  • (lowercase title) - a short, amusing story about trying to win a goddess' heart, quite literally.
Sorted roughly by length, descending.
  • - possibly this one too; it's tagged as lesbian on VNDB but I'm not touching the yandere to make sure


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
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Jan 13, 2018
Also most other games by Winter Wolves either give you an option to play as a lesbian (Loren: The Amazon Princess, Love Bites, Roommates, Planet Stronghold, etc.) or are lesbian only (Volleyball Heaven, Summer In Trigue, At her feet).
Nov 27, 2018
(Loren: The Amazon Princess, Love Bites, Roommates, Planet Stronghold, etc.)
(Volleyball Heaven, Summer In Trigue, At her feet).
Already on the list. Corona Borealis would be the only one that's on F95zone and not listed. The developer's website and VNDB both state that GxG is an option, but the description is a bit vague on whether it's actually romance or just friendship and I haven't played it to know which one it is.
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