
May 30, 2018
After countless loops of Sensei seducing and grooming everyone then being reset, current Sensei awakens. I think the countless loops of Sensei being with the girls in various ways is what makes them so taken with him. They may have been reset but the familiarity remains, which I think Maya mentioned at some point.
This is the first time he's met some of the girls from dorm 2 though, right? At least according to Maya, who as you say could be wrong.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Nay, after Sekai dies he does disappear, but not for a long time, because he is still home just depressed as shit even Ami has to take care of him and give him bed baths, after he recovers he starts tutoring in the old district and there he meets Maya and soon they start a relationship, then shortly after Noriko finds him and starts being tutored too, Ami meets Ayane at school around this time too, but she does not meet Maya yet, there is even a dialogue with Ami where she says "you never tutored Maya, and if you did why would you hide a girl my age from me" or something like that.
Then he disappears for real from Noriko and Niki's life. My guess is he is going for the teacher graduation to get an official teacher job.
Sensei didn't have his current home at the time, and Ami didn't move in until he moved. Niki and Noriko would have found him otherwise, and he never came back into Niki's life until after the loops start. Ami didn't know about Maya's tutoring, but she has been friends with Maya for years, so it's likely she met her along with Ayane in middle school, since they are in high school now.

It's also implied that since Noriko didn't know Ayane, and was tutored back in Sensei's old apartment where he lived in the old district, she and Maya were being tutored before middle school.

I do think I should have put became a Teacher after the middle school stuff tho, my bad.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
This is the first time he's met some of the girls from dorm 2 though, right? At least according to Maya, who as you say could be wrong.
Besides Molly, Noriko, and Tsuneyo, (and probably Kirin) yeah. Probably why the second floor doesn't trust him as much as the first.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Sensei didn't have his current home at the time, and Ami didn't move in until he moved. Niki and Noriko would have found him otherwise, and he never came back into Niki's life until after the loops start. Ami didn't know about Maya's tutoring, but she has been friends with Maya for years, so it's likely she met her along with Ayane in middle school, since they are in high school now.

It's also implied that since Noriko didn't know Ayane, and was tutored back in Sensei's old apartment where he lived in the old district, she and Maya were being tutored before middle school.

I do think I should have put became a Teacher after the middle school stuff tho, my bad.
Here is the timeline I worked out sometime ago gathering info together with some other great minds:
I see, still there is no mention of him going to college, I assume he is going to college after high school during his time with Niki, from what I gathered it's a 4 years college course, which aligns with the 5 years with Niki.
If the theory that Ami is his daughter is correct he would have to be with Sekai since his 16 so revised timeline would be like:
1)He is 15, hurts his leg, gets close to Sekai.
2)He is 16 Sekai and Nozomu marry, Ami is born, he meets Niki and starts tutoring her.
3)18 he starts going out with Niki, and begins his college course.
4)5 years go by, he is 23, Ami is 7, Nozomu and Sekai dies on accident, he and Ami disappear the first time.
5)3 years later IIRC Noriko finds him tutoring on the Old District and begins being tutored.
6)Maya begins being tutored, but somehow is kept secret from Ami.
7)Ami befriends Ayane in middle school.
8)Something happens he disappears again.
9)They go live in Nozomu and Sekai old apartment, and he starts teaching in Kumon-mi High.
Somethng like that.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Here is the timeline I worked out sometime ago gathering info together with some other great minds:
Noriko mentions it had been almost 3 years since she last saw him after his second disappearance, but I'm not sure where it takes her 3 years to see him after his first disappearance comes from. May have missed it. Apparently, Niki just let's her family know he's tutoring, so they call him to tutor Noriko.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Overall, I'm not entirely sure how Sensei's and Maya's relationship was before the loops. Most things that hint at it seems to show a teasing romantic relationship though. Hopefully with how Maya has become, she'll eventually reveal more and more, and even more hopefully, any reveals won't reset Sensei or herself.
Baby Finches flashes back to a point during the school year before the time bubble starts, and Maya talks about having sex with Akira as if it's a thing that's only recently started happening.

This suggests that from the time he started tutoriing her to the start of the school year it was all "talking stage"
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Jan 30, 2021
Noriko mentions it had been almost 3 years since she last saw him after his second disappearance, but I'm not sure where it takes her 3 years to see him after his first disappearance comes from. May have missed it. Apparently, Niki just let's her family know he's tutoring, so they call him to tutor Noriko.
Afaik it's Niki's parents that find out that Akira is tutoring, enrolling Noriko.
(Sensei/Akira starts tutoring Maya and after that (/e during that), through Noriko's parents, Noriko)
They, for what ever reason, don't tell Niki though.
Why Noriko doesn't tell Niki that she's beeing tutored by Akira, might be out of jealousy. Which is what her parents might have been counting on.

Baby Finches flashes back to a point during the school year before the time bubble starts, and Maya talks about having sex with Akira as if it's a thing that's only recently started happening.

This suggests that from the time he started tutoriing her to the start of the school year it was all "talking stage"
Baby Finches is repeating in itself. Suggesting that it is already in a/the cycle/s.
That is, unless Sensei/Akira had hallucinatory problems before the cycles, which could be a thing because car crash.
Last edited:


May 30, 2018
Besides Molly, Noriko, and Tsuneyo, (and probably Kirin) yeah. Probably why the second floor doesn't trust him as much as the first.
Do they trust him less than dorm 1 does? Uta and Io fall for him pretty easily. Touka acts tsundere but gets attached to him pretty quickly, and Tsubasa decides he's interesting almost immediately. Nodoka and Yasu are perverted weirdos so of course they get along with him. The only one that really doesn't trust him at first is Otoha.


Mar 3, 2021
Do they trust him less than dorm 1 does? Uta and Io fall for him pretty easily. Touka acts tsundere but gets attached to him pretty quickly, and Tsubasa decides he's interesting almost immediately. Nodoka and Yasu are perverted weirdos so of course they get along with him. The only one that really doesn't trust him at first is Otoha.
Tsuneyo doesn't trust him that much anymore, but as we know, they eventually made up to the point that she suggested that Sensei should take her to the amusement park again if ever she forget about it by the next reset. Although it might make sense if Otoha doesn't trust him cause she's aware of his relationship with Niki and Rin.

Although I might agree that Floor 2 still trusts Sensei, but not as much as Floor 1.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Afaik it's Niki's parents that find out that Akira is tutoring, enrolling Noriko.
(Sensei/Akira starts tutoring Maya and after that (/e during that), through Noriko's parents, Noriko)
They, for what ever reason, don't tell Niki though.
Why Noriko doesn't tell Niki that she's beeing tutored by Akira, might be out of jealousy. Which is what her parents might have been counting on.
Niki's parents probably kept that information from her because her obsession with Akira was not healthy, and if she found him, and he turned her down, it would have likely been the end of her.

I'm honestly surprised they even risked letting him tutor Noriko, because the risk of Niki finding out is pretty high.

Baby Finches is repeating in itself. Suggesting that it is already in a/the cycle/s.
That is, unless Sensei/Akira had hallucinatory problems before the cycles, which could be a thing because car crash.
If it's in a cycle, it's before either of them were aware that there was one. It's more likely that this is one of the last things that happened before the time loop begins, and the takeaway is that the conversation they had on the rooftop that day was observed by Ami.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
And definitely Kirin, as Miku's teammates, he is inevitably going to meet them in every loop.
Yeah, it'd definitely make sense. Maya just hasn't really acknowledged her as much as far as I remember unlike the other 3.

Do they trust him less than dorm 1 does? Uta and Io fall for him pretty easily. Touka acts tsundere but gets attached to him pretty quickly, and Tsubasa decides he's interesting almost immediately. Nodoka and Yasu are perverted weirdos so of course they get along with him. The only one that really doesn't trust him at first is Otoha.
Most of the first floor accepted his sudden changes almost right off the bat and seemed a little obsessed over him far too easy. Yumi is like the only one that didn't just accept his creepiness.

Most of the second floor were at least wary of him, even when they had 10 other girls and other events to judge him by. Nodoka for example made sure to test him, Touka and Tsubasa could literally have him killed at any time and still don't really trust him imo, Otoha is Otoha, Uta met the other girls first, got used to him as a customer flattering her 24/7, and she's still only in the teasing phase, Io met him when he was with Ayane and watched to see if he'd get weird with her which he didn't, she also imprinted on him as one of the only guys around due to her mentality, not to mention had Uta convince her everything would be fine. Tsuneyo would straight up slaughter him if Molly gave the word, and it's hard to tell how Tsuneyo actually feels about him. Yasu only trusts him due to her god who can tell her things like who his mother is.

I'm not saying the second floor doesn't like him, or trust him, they just seemed to require more effort to get that trust.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Afaik it's Niki's parents that find out that Akira is tutoring, enrolling Noriko.
(Sensei/Akira starts tutoring Maya and after that (/e during that), through Noriko's parents, Noriko)
They, for what ever reason, don't tell Niki though.
Why Noriko doesn't tell Niki that she's beeing tutored by Akira, might be out of jealousy. Which is what her parents might have been counting on.
According to Noriko in her "What Is" event, Nee Chan let her parents know Sensei was a tutor, so it seems that they still had contact with Sensei after the first disappearance. He just dumped Niki and stopped coming around. They may have not told her that he was tutoring Noriko, because Niki was already in a bad state of mind. She was probably getting therapy while Noriko got tutoring, and mentioning him would make things worse.


Jan 30, 2021
If it's in a cycle, it's before either of them were aware that there was one. It's more likely that this is one of the last things that happened before the time loop begins, and the takeaway is that the conversation they had on the rooftop that day was observed by Ami.
I've stated this a while ago, but i think that Baby Finches might be one of the, if not the, first cycle/s ever.
That would explain why also Maya seems to be unaware of whats going on.
That doesn't mean that there wasn't something like Baby Finches prior to the cycles.
I guess then we'd have to differentiate between what we saw during BF as memories of the past and BF as the event/Happy Event inside cycle/s.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
All the girls know Akira for a long time, Tsuneyo on the "Gallow's Edge" event mentions something only the first floor girls should remember: that on the first day of class after he woke up he said he wanted to be seen as a friend. I think the events are even older than current Maya, and there has been numerous combinations of girls in class, like a class that starts with Tsuneyo, Chika, Ami, Otoha, Chika, Noriko, Maya, Makoto, Yumi and Kirin for example. There might even be a future reset that fully resets things and scrambles the class like this.
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Jan 30, 2021
According to Noriko in her "What Is" event, Nee Chan let her parents know Sensei was a tutor, so it seems that they still had contact with Sensei after the first disappearance. He just dumped Niki and stopped coming around. They may have not told her that he was tutoring Noriko, because Niki was already in a bad state of mind. She was probably getting therapy while Noriko got tutoring, and mentioning him would make things worse.
Oh yeah ok. Thats a minor thing, but noteworthy nonethless. So Niki told her parents that Sensei is a tutor, or capable of it. But she didn't knew that he actually did it that time, else she would have tried to find him herself, not?


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
All the girls know Akira for a long time, Tsuneyo on the "Gallow's Edge" event mentions something only the first floor girls should remember: that on the first day of class after he woke up he said he wanted to be seen as a friend. I think the events are even older than current Maya, and there has been numerous combinations of girls in class, like a class that starts with Tsuneyo, Chika, Ami, Otoha, Chika, Noriko, Maya, Makoto, Yumi and Kirin for example. There might even be a future reset that fully resets things and scrambles the class like this.
Yes two Chikas in the same class, very smart, it's a miracle nobody pointed it out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
I don't remember the first mention, but IIRC she says it's real when they are walking after her job, before the love hotel event.
h yeah i always took it as a joke of hers and not that it actually existed. but apparently it does cause of the care packages
Here is the timeline I worked out sometime ago gathering info together with some other great minds:
but your timeline is wrong, sekai took sensei when he was chinami's wizard age roughly

I've stated this a while ago, but i think that Baby Finches might be one of the, if not the, first cycle/s ever.
That would explain why also Maya seems to be unaware of whats going on.
That doesn't mean that there wasn't something like Baby Finches prior to the cycles.
I guess then we'd have to differentiate between what we saw during BF as memories of the past and BF as the event/Happy Event inside cycle/s.
fully think baby finches is pre-cycles because of the halucinations of spiders and other things... anything that is a memory or about remembering things pre-cycles is distorted and warpy. only a handful of times does it get like that for non-memories and in those cases its generally forcing sensei in a direction

Vega Cifer

Oct 3, 2022
I haven't downloaded any care packages but seeing all the bits of info gathered from them makes me wanna do it


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
but your timeline is wrong, sekai took sensei when he was chinami's wizard age roughly
That is a rough estimate of the age when he started seeing Sekai, what event shows when Sekai started grooming him? This timeline wasn't updated in quite a while.
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