
Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Lets summarize it a bit. Your point is that Nodoka does not understand other people. My point is that she uses it as excuse to do what she wants against their will. And if Nodoka does not understand reasoning behind emotions of other people, it makes her actions only worse. I.e. if you know why something is bad, you do known when it is OK and when it is not OK to do it. When you don't know, you would "accidentally" hurt people.

It is not that hard to understand, that if you friend has real issues with being exposed, she would be hurt when you place her in a book. It does not require deep understanding of why she has that issues

By the way, doesn't Nodoka & Futaba relationships look more and more like abuse?
Your point was actually: "Does it really sounds like
not understanding others
? It more like not give a single fuck about other's feelings when she does not want it"

However, if you're wanting to say that Nodoka takes advantage of not understanding others, then yeah, for sure. Nodoka takes advantage of practically everything she can. She very clearly takes advantage of Futaba's kindness:
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Nodoka can definitely be shitty, hence why she wrote the book knowing that others wouldn't want her to. To Nodoka, her wants are prioritized over the wants of others. It's how she expects others, even the likes of Futaba to think:
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This is what made Futaba cry. Nodoka just seems incapable of understanding her. Futaba can't get through to her:
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Yet to Nodoka, she seems to think she can't get through to Futaba. She thinks Futaba doesn't understand:
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This literally is a huge misunderstanding between friends, albeit, caused by Nodoka.

My point is it's more due to insensitivity than maliciousness. She simply didn't take their feelings into account instead of trying to hurt them. I can't hate her for that, but I do hate that she did this. If she doesn't feel remorseful for this, now that she's seen what it's done to Futaba though, then yeah, I'd say she's being an abusive friend.
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
Your point was actually
Well, I also had a break to make my thoughts cleaner :) That discussion hit my sore spot a bit, sory for not being clean from start

My point is it's more due to insensitivity than maliciousness. She simply didn't take their feelings into account instead of trying to hurt them.
Okay, we are on the same wave here. The rest is just subjective.

By the way, I can see exact same thing in Otoha, but less intensive


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Well, I also had a break to make my thoughts cleaner :) That discussion hit my sore spot a bit, sory for not being clean from start

Okay, we are on the same wave here. The rest is just subjective.

By the way, I can see exact same thing in Otoha, but less intensive
Nah, Otoha was definitely taking Rin's feelings into account. She just didn't approve of them. That's why she wanted Rin to give up those she loves like nothing:
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And also seemed to find what Rin cares about, stupid:
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Recently though, she seems to hardly even care what Rin has to say:
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and seems to want to pretend her relationship doesn't exist, when it benefits her:
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Checking Ami's picture message in my good uncle save and oh boy what a dialogue variation this is
(I don't know how to pull out dialogues from texting so I made a slow gif to avoid pasting 30 snapshots)
I suppose it's a case where don't stick your dick in crazy actually makes the crazy crazier


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Since i came up with it and i did that because i read that here a couple of times.

Does anyone even know if Sel retconned something?
Some people pretended he did. Though i don't know of any examples outside of the ch1 rework and typos ofcourse.

I'd be rather interested in knowing if he did retconn anything besides what i mentioned and that being relevant enought to give people second thoughts.
The only retcon I'm aware of, and that's because it was something I strongly opposed about the rework, is the Ayane bathroom scene as it changes her character drastically and did so in an extremely blatant way as if the change had a neon sign pointing right at it to make everyone look in its direction. For this reason, I also maintain the original scenes as my headcanon, completely ignoring the new events as far as story connectivity and only looking at them in case something comes up later in a puzzle as Sel has been know to pull that.

I also suspect a retcon in the first gym class scene as I swear it didn't used to portray Yumi ridiculing Futaba in such a blatantly malicious way, which destroyed one of my argument points with DesKel earlier. I'll need to check this when I start over next time I play.

I see. Your points are well-substantiated and persuasive. I can certainly understand why you believe Otoha is worse. Moreover, I didn't remember Yumi being that much of a dick towards Futaba. I guess you tend to overlook the bad in your favorite characters (or these may be newer. I haven't replayed the game at all).

Then there's the aspect of the law. Otoha probably committed some sort of battery or domestic violence (by slapping Rin); I have no idea where exactly her actions would fall in Japanese law.
Whereas Nodoka almost certainly committed sexual assault.

I have seen someone mentioning that for us, players of this game, who know the context behind the character's actions, that recognize this is all fictional, what Otoha did is much more shocking than what Nodoka did. While I don't strictly agree, the idea holds merit. The fact that we're discussing this at all is the proof.

A girl slapping her girlfriend, cheating, and generally being an awful partner? Not even newsworthy. A minor sexually assaulting another one, forcing her victim to masturbate in front of her while she sucks off their teacher? National, no, possibly global news right there.

Sometimes, I wonder if this game has warped my common sense.

Of course, I do not understand the characters perfectly, especially Nodoka. But I can talk about my impression of them.

My impression of Otoha is that she is an immature, impulsive, dipshit teen. These aren't rare at all. These aren't particularly dangerous (unless in groups).

Whereas Nodoka, she's too unpredictable. Her in-universe intelligence enables her to create schemes that could cause extreme harm. Her likely psychopathy also allows her to have no external moral constraints, only those she herself constructed. In other words, she's highly dangerous.

The fact that she considers Sensei, an actual predator, as harmless is more than enough proof that her internal moral compass isn't to be trusted.

In a hypothetical situation, being positioned to profit immensely, the only condition is fucking everyone and everything over (possibly the very fabric of reality, as this is Kumon-mi); I'm afraid of what she would do.

I don't think Otoha would go that far.

As of yet, I'm not sure who's worse. Which is strange, for I feel something telling me I should. Which is why I believe this game has warped my common sense.
Heck, Yumi's my least favorite and I still missed it, though I'm starting to suspect a retcon was involved where I was looking at when defending Yumi. I still maintain my position, but I do see where, at least in the new canon, Yumi does seem to be going even harder and fully intending malice.

Nodoka committing sexual assault, which in the real world is held as a higher crime than bullying unless a death results from the bullying, turning it to murder, is why I still maintain my position. A slap isn't too serious, it would be so much worse if she beat Rin harder like punches and kicks, but yes, this can be counted as physical assault.

You're right about that kind of person, typical dipshit teens are not uncommon, in fact, they are becoming increasingly more common here in real life. This kind of thing is what happens when someone hasn't learned the value of right and wrong and that actions have consequences that can reach well beyond the initial target of the action in question, can be extremely damaging to everyone involved, and can last for a very long time if they ever go away at all. Combine that with impulsive behavior and you can get something like what happened with Niki.

As far as Nodoka's moral compass, you're right, she can't be trusted, but neither can Yumi or Otoha. All of them have shown an ability and a will to cause potentially harmful things.

All that shot does is make me want her to be tied up and forced to watch Akira NTR her.
That would make for a great first Rin scene, have him win Rin over while still together officially with Otoha, have Rin trick Otoha into the same room, then make a show of betraying her right to her face with Sensei in the worst possible way. That would either (A) really screw Otoha up mentally or (B) teach her a lesson she wouldn't be able to forget if she tried and possibly make it so traumatic to try the same tactics she did with Rin again that she might just become better as a person.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
The only retcon I'm aware of, and that's because it was something I strongly opposed about the rework, is the Ayane bathroom scene as it changes her character drastically and did so in an extremely blatant way as if the change had a neon sign pointing right at it to make everyone look in its direction. For this reason, I also maintain the original scenes as my headcanon, completely ignoring the new events as far as story connectivity and only looking at them in case something comes up later in a puzzle as Sel has been know to pull that.

I also suspect a retcon in the first gym class scene as I swear it didn't used to portray Yumi ridiculing Futaba in such a blatantly malicious way, which destroyed one of my argument points with DesKel earlier. I'll need to check this when I start over next time I play.

Heck, Yumi's my least favorite and I still missed it, though I'm starting to suspect a retcon was involved where I was looking at when defending Yumi. I still maintain my position, but I do see where, at least in the new canon, Yumi does seem to be going even harder and fully intending malice.

Nodoka committing sexual assault, which in the real world is held as a higher crime than bullying unless a death results from the bullying, turning it to murder, is why I still maintain my position. A slap isn't too serious, it would be so much worse if she beat Rin harder like punches and kicks, but yes, this can be counted as physical assault.

You're right about that kind of person, typical dipshit teens are not uncommon, in fact, they are becoming increasingly more common here in real life. This kind of thing is what happens when someone hasn't learned the value of right and wrong and that actions have consequences that can reach well beyond the initial target of the action in question, can be extremely damaging to everyone involved, and can last for a very long time if they ever go away at all. Combine that with impulsive behavior and you can get something like what happened with Niki.

As far as Nodoka's moral compass, you're right, she can't be trusted, but neither can Yumi or Otoha. All of them have shown an ability and a will to cause potentially harmful things.

That would make for a great first Rin scene, have him win Rin over while still together officially with Otoha, have Rin trick Otoha into the same room, then make a show of betraying her right to her face with Sensei in the worst possible way. That would either (A) really screw Otoha up mentally or (B) teach her a lesson she wouldn't be able to forget if she tried and possibly make it so traumatic to try the same tactics she did with Rin again that she might just become better as a person.
The Gym Bully stuff did seem to be edited in the rework, but as far as I can tell:
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The only thing new is Ayane stuff, and Sensei finding a crying Futaba with Chika.

It's the 'Super Secret Sex Dungeon' Main event in Chapter 1 if anyone else wants to check it out.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Yumi was actually toned down in the Rework like Ayane was.
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Active Member
May 25, 2022
Forgive me for bringing this up if its been mentioned elsewhere, but I have just seen for the first time the event where Chika propositions Ayane for the threesome at the start of the Beach Wars and was hit by Ayane's immediate reaction (both expression and words) as it suggested to me that her mind had flashed back to the first Beach visit when she and Akira were caught in flagrante delicto and then joined by Kirin and the probable trauma/shame/embarrassment she may still carry from that.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Well, my replay was after the rework and i found her to be much more of a cunt than i remember so either she's the same or worse, not better.
I don't think I really started playing this game until the Rework, so I can't really say.

All I know is, Yumi has kinda always been a bitch for no reason in my playthroughs:
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Like damn, come on Yumi. Futaba literally calls her pretty after this... The early Yumi Futaba stuff is so difficult to endure. I'm still proud of how Yumi has become decent-ish though.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Forgive me for bringing this up if its been mentioned elsewhere, but I have just seen for the first time the event where Chika propositions Ayane for the threesome at the start of the Beach Wars and was hit by Ayane's immediate reaction (both expression and words) as it suggested to me that her mind had flashed back to the first Beach visit when she and Akira were caught in flagrante delicto and then joined by Kirin and the probable trauma/shame/embarrassment she may still carry from that.
It depends on how you want to see it, tbh. Technically that event happens whether Ayane was traumatized by Kirin or not, so it can't really be going through her head without ignoring the timeline where it didn't happen.

If it did though, Ayane seems to bring it up later:
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Checking Ami's picture message in my good uncle save and oh boy what a dialogue variation this is
(I don't know how to pull out dialogues from texting so I made a slow gif to avoid pasting 30 snapshots)
View attachment 2909970
I suppose it's a case where don't stick your dick in crazy actually makes the crazy crazier
This reminded me of an old post of mine:
It's a little ironic, that Ami of all people seems to know herself rather well.

"Bad Uncle" Ami:
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Vs "Good Uncle" Ami:
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Ami warned us what would happen. Good luck, "Good Uncle"s.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The Gym Bully stuff did seem to be edited in the rework, but as far as I can tell:
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The only thing new is Ayane stuff, and Sensei finding a crying Futaba with Chika.

It's the 'Super Secret Sex Dungeon' Main event in Chapter 1 if anyone else wants to check it out.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Yumi was actually toned down in the Rework like Ayane was.
I don't think she was toned down, remember what Sel said, he specifically mentioned toning down characters he thought jumped too early into sexual content and improving the visuals and writing to the level they were at when he started the rework since he did make a leap in quality that does show and wanted the quality to be consistent. I don't remember him mentioning reworking other aspects of characters.

Well, my replay was after the rework and i found her to be much more of a cunt than i remember so either she's the same or worse, not better.
Indeed, she definitely seems worse in the rework than I remember in the original. I'm going to go back and take screencaps of both versions and compare them. Lucky me, I still have a copy of the final 23 release backed up with my original save data, makes it so much easier.

I don't think I really started playing this game until the Rework, so I can't really say.

All I know is, Yumi has kinda always been a bitch for no reason in my playthroughs:
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Like damn, come on Yumi. Futaba literally calls her pretty after this... The early Yumi Futaba stuff is so difficult to endure. I'm still proud of how Yumi has become decent-ish though.
She really has been, that's not really debatable even in the original. It's her motivations and other aspects that result in her doing it that may have been retconned into making her entirely malicious. I could have sworn it got mentioned somewhere that this was just how she expressed her concern for Futaba, having been raised in a world where only people that are like she is now survive, that she didn't know how to look out for Futaba any other way.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
I still have the last pre-rework version of the game. I may do a side by side playthrough on my next PTO break and catalog the changes.
Most noticable retcons for me were

Initial Ayane events
Initial Makoto events
Scene when Miku bullied Futaba

I am obviously missing something, i.e. I am sure Sel injected some characters from chapter 2 into chapter 1 scenes, but I do not think this is important


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I don't think she was toned down, remember what Sel said, he specifically mentioned toning down characters he thought jumped too early into sexual content and improving the visuals and writing to the level they were at when he started the rework since he did make a leap in quality that does show and wanted the quality to be consistent. I don't remember him mentioning reworking other aspects of characters.

Indeed, she definitely seems worse in the rework than I remember in the original. I'm going to go back and take screencaps of both versions and compare them. Lucky me, I still have a copy of the final 23 release backed up with my original save data, makes it so much easier.

She really has been, that's not really debatable even in the original. It's her motivations and other aspects that result in her doing it that may have been retconned into making her entirely malicious. I could have sworn it got mentioned somewhere that this was just how she expressed her concern for Futaba, having been raised in a world where only people that are like she is now survive, that she didn't know how to look out for Futaba any other way.
Never really saw what Sel said about the rework. Didn't really get involved until afterwards.

I do notice on the Wiki, that there was quite a few scenes deleted for characters and various others changed, so I wouldn't be surprised if a line of text would be changed.

Like apparently Yumi's laugh was changed to a smile:
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Edit: This makes more sense now, Yumi 4th wall break:
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