I recently received some complaint about Alex and the lack of an option to make her ''full girl'', you know.
I promised at the time, that I'd give it some thought. Then I talked to some of my supporters and to some friends and after that, I decided I'll never change her. She is what she is. If you love her, you'll take her as she is, or not. Player's decision.
As for Danna. She spent about 6 months traveling with her dance crew throughout Europe. That's when she met the MC and started dating him. I think she liked the way some girls in Europe simply let their body hair ''all-natural-like'' and the way that nobody over there (MC) included, seemed to give a shit about it.
Just finished playing your game.
Danna is good. More hair makes her unique, not ugly. And more real, I think, not like some plastic doll with idealized body.
About Alex, I understand your position but I don't see where we, players, have a decision - to take her (or him) as she is or not. In past Alex becomes MC's friend with no choice, then in the present MC talks to her with the tenderness we supposed to see from lovers (I think it's no secret who elusive broker is), no choice again. I think you, as a storyteller, can make any characters you like, players' opinion doesn't matter, but if you are saying we have a choice with no choice in the game... Maybe I missed something?
I played current version and I cannot wait for an update already. Your game is a real piece of art (MC's memories, at least) and I think your game is awesome. After 1.5 hour of reading adult VN I saw no porn, even no naked private parts but I was so captivated by the story that I didn't care. Of course, now I read it all, porn scenes are no worse than everything else. You have a good sense of humor, outstanding writing skills and... well, your renders are good too. It's great beginning of a story. And what is especially good - I don't need to guess what game, movie, book, song or real person dev means, you do not replace real names with fake ones like the most of devs here do. It's like a glass of clean water on a morning after a good party. Don't stop believing is almost full lyrics and MCU is MCU. Thanks a lot for that.
But it's not only unicorns and rainbows (if I remember correctly this expression). For a long time I wondered why we can choose MC's name if you are constantly reminding us that he's J-something. It was fun for a first time then it was only annoying. When I get why MC is Marco Scozzari I still don't get why we can choose a name for MC, that Italian called himself both Marco and MC's name as a variable. It was fucking confusing to say it really gentle. Well, not only Scozzari name, the game looks like great work with prologue, awesome creation in six days and then it was Saturday. Present day confused me, MC thinks and talks not we see in prologue, it's like past and present was made by two different people with same story in mind but each of them with his own screenplay. Even mistypes, I recall only one in all past and quite a pack in present, even one variable as a plain text (SharingIsNotTrue or something like that). And well, as I see, people already told about UI features. To add my 2 cents, your game has the most loading time from launch till main menu I ever see in RenPy games.
Please don't think that it's only criticism, your game is awesome, please continue making it.