Minor Issue Regarding Custom Name and Say Option
I've got some questions. I'm playing the game on an Android 10 using JoiPlay for the version 2.5.2, TransFix v5.2, r5.3.1m modded, with the Custom Clothes fix for modded TF version (Przemo) and small fix (Przemo) installed.
When I go to Window>Back>Change Name option and use a custom name, Sylvie still uses "Master" as my name. Also, the Say option is not present.
Is "Master" used by Sylvie, even though I typed a custom name, normal as a result of me being in the early stage of the game? (11 in-game days. No H-scenes yet.) (My save was accidentally deleted so I had to play again.) Is the Say option's absence also a result of this early stage? If this is an actual issue, is there a fix before I download a clean version of the game?
Thank you to any and all future replies. ^_^