I like the appearance of long foreskin, there are options which disappear that shouldn't because the customization area is relatively the same, at least with what I want to tweak. I just lose a lot of the finer controls for it that enable me to make it like I want it.
Agreed, I wish I had the proper formula to make a flat chest work without having bizarre stretching or parts sticking out of the back etc. I tried my best with one, but it is hard to do. I don't mind female features, but I really dislike breast tissue. I really wish I had a formula down that didn't leave parts sticking out in some way or horribly stretched skin.
I tried my best with one, but maybe someones done better, know of any guides?
Note that sliders have a numerical set beside, with a little box.
You can either use the slider, or enter the exact numeric value you want to try.
Also, numeric values can go above or below standard setting.
The sliders move from 0 to 100, but by entering the numers manually, you can set it to -10 to 120 (for example. The problem is that at those values, models might get deformed, but sometimes a little extra push doesn't interfere, and gives you a more desirable effect.
I almost don't use male models, so I'm not sure about them (just tried a couple times, and there aren't that many options), but females (and futa) can be modeled to more extent.
The top row of body modifications (in visual mode) are mostly to masculinize a female body (the names gie a hint). just try combinations between them, and try maxing out one, two or three.
There's also a lower row of options that control body muscle (fitness, bodybuilder, etc).
And there are several breast modifications to make flat chested models.
You can actualy get a masculine model by combining them, and use the penis modifications to have a lot more options than a simple male model.
The problem is that won't be able to use male clothes (tho there are more androgynous clothes), and you'll have to check the option on settings so futas can't get pregnant (if you wanna play as male).
Personally, I don't like any of the male models, they're too limited.
You can feminize one, but at best it looks like a skinny guy with a big butt, and penis has very few options.
Overall, the only good options I find in male models are the orc tusks and penis curved shape, which I'd really like as options for females.
Using the female "masculinized" modifications looks much better for me, but that's just personal taste.