
New Member
Jan 23, 2019
Thanks for the report. I'll check and fix it as soon as possible

This bug never append in beta test. I need more info. Could you explain me how you get stuck exactly : What outfit were you wearing before to go there (need to know outfit and underwear) ? Is it the first time you came (if not how many client have you seen ?). Do you missclick on "get naked" before to dress ?

Sorry ! it's not based on the book. The book is about a teacher falling in love for a 14yo student.
For me it happens everytime, when I visit the glory hole. I wear the casual dress with and without under wear.


Engaged Member
May 16, 2017
BUGFIX version 0.55.1


0.55.1 : Bug fix
- fix Tent exit in gipsy camp (thanks : PolarTiger)
- fix gloryhole exit (thanks : Sangoku25, Rech, Grimm2017, Twistedcat8, max_002, Loqic)
- fix G string in the clothes shop (thanks : Sangoku25)
- Add the possibility to skip the anim in the change room after day 7 (thanks : Twistedcat8, Loqic)
- changed the conditions to trigger the "shave request" event - need to restart the game if you allready reach this point (thanks warbandit18)




Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
hôpital: l'héroïne ne peut pas aller chez le médecin à la réception, la procédure est déjà payée
cabinet 3
[FR] L'hôpital est en cours de programmation... Donc, il peut y a voir des bugs.
Normalement la réceptionniste ne dit ça que si tu as déjà payé un rdv. Va voir le docteur (il y a pas encore d'images et d'histoire, tu seras juste soigné)

[ENG] the hospital is under devellopement... So it may have bug for the moment.
Normally the receptionist only says that if you've already paid for an appointment. Go to the doctor (there are no pictures and story yet, you'll just be treated).


Active Member
Jan 13, 2018
anybody have a problem with sexshop? when i go down to the glory hole and back up again, its working. but when i go down and do the blowjobs i cant get up again and it says something in french, propably that im supposed to get dressed but i cant get out of there...


Active Member
Mar 30, 2019
anybody have a problem with sexshop? when i go down to the glory hole and back up again, its working. but when i go down and do the blowjobs i cant get up again and it says something in french, propably that im supposed to get dressed but i cant get out of there...
download version 55.1, it fixed a bug, create the first save ,and then transfer your saves from 55.0
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Active Member
Mar 30, 2019
to all save patched fix go to the kitchen in the basement and see the inscription that our save updated, now you can visit all the places where there were errors
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
The Glory Hole is broken the second you get naked. At this point you can't put your clothes back on no matter what. Thus you can't leave. I was able to get out once while naked but that was random and most certainty a bug of it's own.

Since you are actually active on this site. I will tell you my thoughts so hopefully you can either fix or improve certain aspects.

This is a looooong post

First off the game as is, is a fucking grindfest. The gloryhole being bugged doesn't help right now but even with the gloryhole it would still take forever to grind up Corruption/Exhibition/Deepthroat training. And this is because the days are almost all the same. get up cook or don't cook(no idea if you forced to eat at this point) then after that take a shower, go back to your wardrobe put on clothes you can go outside in, go to school, then go to work, then do homework or another activity that forces the clock to move so you can sleep. Also some small things can stop that such as being too hory thus forcing you to watch the same masturbation scene again. This also gets more and more annoying the longer you play because you are being forced to go through all the same scenes/animations. There is clearly a decent amount of work put into those things but after you see them a couple times you should be able to skip them or have an option somewhere in game to skip them if you have seen the scene (x) amount of times.

Now touching back on the actual grindfest I don't think it should be she does 1 sexual thing and is a slut wanting every dick around. But because of the barebones nature of the game right now the actual gameplay feels like a grind and slog. For instance while the brothel isn't in game right now requiring 60 corruption is asking a lot for the players to grind up through normal means. I was finding that I could only get 2/3 corruption a day. Granted I didn't touch the blackmail or drug dealer(money issue, will touch on that) at all, and I forgot that the pool was a thing till I decided to fuck around and get those scenes on a " more slutty" save. But goddamn is it fucking slow and repetitive.

Now the money issue is real, I almost stopped playing a week into the game because I almost fucked myself because I bought the buttplug right off the bat. my fuck up. Thus I was down cash and was luckily able to pay the rent with 32 cash left which went down to 12 after buying food. Now you might ask what is the problem seeing as you were ale to pay off the rent. And you did create an option to pay it all next week, and eventually use blowjobs/future favours to eliminate paying at all. Well the problem is that it forces you to really choose not to buy anything. Aside from buying the bikini on my fuck around save I did not buy one piece of clothing because I couldn't justify the cost when I was already just making the rent those first 3/4 weeks doing every job and ever "slutty" thing during those jobs. I never once bought make-up for that very reason, cool it will raise a stat idc for, your only asking for 50 for 7 days of make-up, how about no. I literally only bought food, the hairbrush(because it was so cheap), and the buttplug and vibrator. That is it I didn't buy anything else. And if I wasn't paying the rent in those last couple weeks with favours and working all the jobs I would have easily not had enough cash. Now I did notice that the gloryhole was supposed to pay you but since that is locked because of being bugged that doesn't help. I suppose the brothel will also have a similar function. But I also contend that you shouldn't have to be that slutty to get enough cash to play around with. Even if you wanted the more "conservative" clothing options you were shooting yourself in the foot for no reason because they cost too much.

The Indicator of a sexual scene was good.

Indicators telling players certain areas were not programmed was also good, though I am of the opinion those areas should never be in a public version of game anyway if possible, because they can imo make the world seem bigger than it is and sometimes inflate how much time someone wastes trying to get to content that isn't in the game yet.

Condoms being a thing in the game along with STD's I find interesting, though that does bring up the question from me. Which is will pregnancy content be tied into unprotected sex as well or is the MC on some form of birth control. Because the 2 sex scenes I did see from my fuck around save(virginity loss to your roommate, and the guy in showers in the pool if you shower naked, also was a virginity loss variant) both seemed to have cum inside you from my understanding of those scenes.

Now touching on the actual penetrative sex scenes themselves. The 3 I saw(3rd one being anal with shower guy) they were all meh to me. It could be that your English translation doesn't give the same weight that the native French has but they just felt bad in that the MC said both virginity scenes were Romantic yet I have not felt that there was any romance between either of the partners.

As a whole I also didn't like how railroaded you were during the buildup to the sex scenes both are like nah we want your vag, even if you were like my character and had 35+ skill in anal due to never taking the buttplug out. You had to have vaginal to even get anal with the shower guy, why can't there be in option if you have the anal level to suggest that instead. It breaks my suspension of disbelief so hard that the MC I am controlling that apparently "loves anal" wouldn't even suggest doing anal. Either it is a yes or no and then a yes or no depending if you have condoms or not.

The actual animations for the penetrative sex scenes are also meh I played in a windowed screen so the resolution wasn't great in the first place but I also don't think I was missing much. I don't think they are horrible but I also don't think they are good either.

The audio and music was also similarly meh I turned both off after about an hour into the game because all the different sounds/music were in the areas not programed yet. Thus hearing the same couple things got old pretty quickly.

The story/plot... yeah I have no clue I skipped the tutorial so if it was only there I don't think I am missing much. From the gameplay it self it is cliched af, but I do think this game has a chance because imo these types of game live and die by how well the gameplay is and if the creator can actually keep up with the updates before burning out.

As a whole I think this is a good starter. But it needs a lot of work and I would say quickly because unfortunately for you, you chose to make the game in RPGMAKER. Japan loves RPGM and because of that new Japanese RPGM flood the market and especially these more sketchy/grey sites enmasse. And a lot of the elements you seem to want incorporate or use can often times be found completed and decently in depth in those game. The one that you might have in the long run over them if you decide to implement it would be pregnancy since they tend to make it an instant or near instance pregnancy with a similar instant or near instant birthing. The other one you might have over them is the STD mechanic which will be interesting to see what you do with for example will you only be able to receive STD's or if you are infected do you give them out as well.

I played this game for about 6.5 hours. I can say it is okay for what it was but like I have pointed out it needs a lot of work. If I was giving a rating to just the other people here on the site it would be a 2 out of 5. Telling them to avoid this game for now. And to check back in at a latter time. But since the developer is active for now on this site. I say give it a shot but be wary for now as of this post that it is pretty grindy and thus if you don't have a lot time to dedicate you might be better off waiting till the developer puts out the next update/bugfixes.
Your long post deserve a long response

I now for the moment it's grindfest. But it's the very first release of the game and I plan to extend it a lot. (the version number is the number of CG in the CG room). My goal is to make sure that this game is open, and that we can do different days every day. Even going to class every morning should be less and less repetitive with unique events that will become part of the story.
But, I can't promise that there won't be any repetitive passages
I have taken note of the remarks that the daily GCs are tiring in the long run. I have already corrected the clothes in this morning's update. I can already say that the masturbation scene will be skipable too in the next update.
I try to make thinks less repetitive by varying the images (for the showers there are 6 different images that alternate each time)

I know that I have to review some parameters of the game so that Lolita isn't modest at times and unseemly at the other end of the spectrum.
As I said, I'm at the very beginning of coding. I have a lot of things to improve, and if I post my game, it's precisely to get your feedback and improve it.

I let the "not finished" area open to let people see what will be in the game in the future. My goal is always the same: to listen to what people imagine and see if I like the proposals enough to integrate them into the game (And it concerns you, as you'll see below...)

The STD are really in the rough at the moment. If you get one, some characteristics drop off. But I plan to flesh this out (which will take time).
It's also an excuse to lead to future medical examinations.
But I'm interested in your idea of being able to infect other people. I hadn't thought of that at all in my plans. Thank you for this great idea! (That's why I post the game here)

As for the deflowering scenes: When she says it's romantic, it's of course irony.
I'm planning to add a real love story afterwards with one of the characters. But it's not in my priorities. I admit that my level of English slows me down a little bit to get into writing flirty scenes.

For the resolution of the pics. I made a mistake. I see the size of the game file growing and growing as I add pics. So I test a less quality to reduce the size of the game. It was a bad idea. I plan to redo these pics.

Your remarks about "if she love anal, why don't she do it ?" is the same as before. I need to rebalance the game to make it more logical. This will be a looong task for me

For the audio. I try to put different music in different place. I plan to put different music for different time too (as the night music is not the same as the rest of the day). I'm not sure it'll be enough to make this less boring...
I plan to add a lot of sound in all the game... Let's see in the future update if I can break the monotony

I chose rpg because I like the old-fashioned way. And that it allows me to easily make an open world.
I know a lot of players prefer Renpy or whatever. But we can't please everyone... and the games that inspired me (valentina, coming of age...) are on this platform.

I didn't think your post was grindy. It's full of constructive criticism.
I need feedback from real players who don't know what I planned ahead. So thank you very much for your post.
Your feedback is really important for me.

Hope you'll enjoy the next updates...
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2017
This is a promising start I hope you keep working on this, has the potential to be great!

Some technical suggestions though:
Enable the rpgmaker resizing, the default is way to small
Enable needs auto run as an option
Rename your packaged file to something like LGW so hosts don't go "who dis?! FBI!!!" on the name alone haha


Feb 16, 2018
Getting really annoyed with the deceptive version numbering systems that have been kinda rampant lately (0.55 being the initial release? Really?). Doesn't make me think there's more content, just brings to mind the multiple other creators that pull this shit trying to scam via patreon (no clue if that's the case here or not, but the dev's hurting themself with the numbering if they're actually making a game).


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
This is a promising start I hope you keep working on this, has the potential to be great!

Some technical suggestions though:
Enable the rpgmaker resizing, the default is way to small
Enable needs auto run as an option
Rename your packaged file to something like LGW so hosts don't go "who dis?! FBI!!!" on the name alone haha
Can't you make the command "alt + enter" go full screen?
It worked on every computer I tested the game on.

Timmae didn't manage to do it in the tutorial, but once in the game, it worked.

(if I'm not mistaken about what you're talking about...)


New Member
Jun 24, 2017
bonsoir monsieur le developpeur, en fait.....j'aurais bien préféré ses poils pubiens en couleur 'normale' loool, ça reste un RPG excellent tout de même :D Bonne continuation et merci pour le jeu!


Feb 25, 2017
hi, considering using the new rpgmv engine? the current rpgvx resolution was too small lol


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
bonsir monsieur le developpeur, en fait.....j'aurais bien préféré ses poils pubiens en couleur 'normal' loool, ça reste un RPG excellent tout de même :D Bonne continuation et merci pour le jeu!
c'est plutôt madame...
J'ai essayée de les faire en couleur "normale" mais j'avais le soucis que le rendu était trop proche de la version rasée. J'ai donc opté pour une couleur plus marquée...

Merci pour les encouragement !

PS : Attention, les règles du site demandent que l'on traduise les posts en Anglais .

It's Mrs...

I tried to do the pubic hair in "normal" color but I had problems cause rendering it was too close to the shaved version. So I opted for a more pronounced color...

Thanks for the encouragement!

PS : Be careful, the site rules want us to provide a translation with your post if its not in English .


Jun 25, 2017
The game keeps stuttering if in full screen mode. Reduce Screen Flickering is off. If on it's the same issue. Playing on Windows 10.
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