
Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
Je n'arrive pas à avoir la dernière CG avec le voisin. J'ai du rater quelque chose.
Voici mes Stats et ma dernière sauvegarde :
I can't seem to have the last CG with the neighbor. I must have missed something.
Here are my stats and my last save:
View attachment 517478
Désolé, je m’aperçois que la correction de dernière minute que j'ai faite sur ce personnage a désactiver le déclenchement du CG suivant.
Du coup j'ai corrigé le jeu (merci à toi) mais ce ne sera que dans la mise à jour...
Pour te remercier, J'ai corrigé ta sauvegarde : PJ
Pour ceux qui tiennent absolument à débloquer ce CG, il faut éditer la sauvegarde avec un "save-editor" et augmenter la valeur de la variable 076 à 6. ATTENTION : ne faites pas cette manip si les CGs précédents n'ont pas été débloqués, ça les rendraient inaccessibles.

Sorry, I realize that the last minute correction I made on this character has disabled the trigger of the next CG.
So I corrected it in the game (thanks) but it will only be in the update...
To thank you, I correct your save

For those who absolutely want to unlock this CG, you have to edit the save with a "save-editor" and increase the value of the variable 076 to 6. WARNING: do not do this manipulation if the previous CGs have not been unlocked, it would make them inaccessible.
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Engaged Member
May 16, 2017
Merci. J'attend donc la prochaine version avec impatience.
Thank you. I therefore look forward to the next version.


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
Subject matter is great, however the content thus far is very grindy and repetitive. Also, the creator seems to be new to RPGM, the menu functionality doesn't take advantage of a lot of the available mechanics, like the auto run toggle... that would be helpful, instead of having to hold down shift all the time.
Although I readily admit that I still have a lot to learn about RPG, the auto-run isn't in use because you have to do sport to go faster in this game.
On the repetitive side, as I said before, this is the first release. So you'll have to wait a little bit for more content. But I'm working on it!
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New Member
Feb 18, 2019
I downloaded the file, but at the beginning of the extraction the program freezes.
I think I could like this game but I don't have a solution nor an alternative.

Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Looks nice, but keyboard function and not being able to expand to full window are off-putting. Movement is slow and with maps it becomes fatiguing. The constant undressing and dressing get old after a dozen times.
All those improvements can be made and how to advice should be in one of the forums.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Interesting, but she's forced to give in to blackmail or we just get game over ... It would be more interesting (my opinion) if she could not accept blackmail but remained open to other circumstances.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
I downloaded the file, but at the beginning of the extraction the program freezes.
I think I could like this game but I don't have a solution nor an alternative.
the download must have failed. You have to download the game again (use another link if you prefer).

Looks nice, but keyboard function and not being able to expand to full window are off-putting. Movement is slow and with maps it becomes fatiguing. The constant undressing and dressing get old after a dozen times.
All those improvements can be made and how to advice should be in one of the forums.
you just have to click "ALT+ENTER" to be in full screen.
Moves are slow at the beginning of the game (you can hold down the SHIFT key to move faster). As soon as you have increased your sport feature enough, she will run all the time.
If you'd don't skip the tutorial, you'd have had all that information... ;)

Interesting, but she's forced to give in to blackmail or we just get game over ... It would be more interesting (my opinion) if she could not accept blackmail but remained open to other circumstances.
Blackmail is the thread of the story. That's why the events that make it up are mandatory.
I know that for the moment, the other CGs are chained without stat restrictions, but in the planned script of the game. It's the actions of blackmail that drive her to go wild.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
English translation - feels like it was run through Google Translate. Bluntly put, it's awful. Playable, but awful. I'd recommend getting a French Canadian to translate (as they tend to be legitimately fluent in both French and English, while most who learned one or the other as thier primary language tend to be lousy with the other). Pointing out a couple spots that were particularly bad. Jogging - when finishing, Lolita talks about it being 'extenuating', guessing that you want the word 'strenuous' (or something similar) instead. That's kinda a guess though, the word doesnt really make any sense there. Cinema - Nightmare on Elm St: described as 'unlocking CG", which makes it sound like it's allowing a large category of events to occur, rather than allowing a specific event (+variants) to occur. Vibrator - That's a dildo, not a vibrator. It's semi-transparent, it's very clear (pun intended) that there are no batteries involved.
First of all, thank you for the long feedback.
It's really great to hear the reactions of people who are new to the game.

As far as the translation is concerned. The few parts that I didn't translate myself, I did them through DeepL. Maybe I should have gone through that translator more.
Since I posted the game, several people have offered to help me. That should make things better.

So, I hope my English will be understandable enough in this post... ;)

Cinema - LoTR: described as raising stats, the only thing it raises is arousal, which doesn't really make sense (unless you're trying to imply that Orlando Bloom is just that sexy? Can't agree with you about if that's the case, although my own attractions might be a factor there). If the goal is raising arousal, a porn movie (or at least a movie with nudity/sex) would make a lot more sense.
Initially,I put this film to make a gag: to have a very full room on one side that will not interest the player since it does not bring much, and on the other side an almost empty room that allows you to be naughty.

I guess my idea works too well, considering how angry it makes you.:ROFLMAO:

Balance: Outfits - Needs adjustment, badly. Most outfit categories have 3 sluttiness tiers (4 for casual). At the end of week 1, my character could use any outfit except the mono-kini. Money was the only factor in getting them. If you want outfit progression, then you'll need to either adjust when the outfits become usable or adjust how easy it is to raise stats.
I know I need to rethink the balance of the game. Between the extreme shyness of some mundane actions and the boldness of others... There are things that need to be reworked.

But if I'm waiting for the game to be perfect, I wouldn't post it anytime soon...

This is only the very first version of the game. The version number corresponds to the number of CGs.

Watersports (urine) content - would benefit from a way to turn it off. A lot of people find this to be a major turn-off, and doing things like forcing it when the player uses the beach will cause many players to avoid the beach (or bother their cat while clicking though it. Think of the poor harassed cats! No pussy pun intended).
As a mother tells her son, if you don't want to pee in one place, just take precautions before...
I don't take anyone for a traitor: there's the 'urination' tag on the thread.

I'll see how I'm gonna handle it from here. There are other embarrassing pee-pees in my script.
I'm currently thinking about making an option menu to enable/disable certain parts of the game. Urine can be part of these options
But it's a long job to make this menu, so I'm not sure it will be in the next release...

Roomate - it feels like you're trying to copy the hideous character (that the player can feel that they are better than) that the Japanese do. That kink is pretty much unique to the Japanese, and the majority of Eu/NA/SA players kinda hate it. Due to the nationalistic nature of the Japanese, you won't be getting many supporters (or even players) from Japan. I'd recommend a full overhaul of that character into something that players from Europe/the Americas will actually enjoy. When you combine that with the fact that that character slows the game down by acting like a dweeb every time Lolita cooks/showers... It's hurting your game. Badly.
I didn't have a character in mind when I created this one.
He's a geek who wants to spy on his naked roommate.
For the fact he slow the game : I've already had some feedback on that. I'm in the process of making the repetitive actions skippable. But nothing force you to eat in the game (it just brings stats).

Balance - back alley - difficult/impossible to get to the shop (drugs) there without being robbed, unless I missed something.
The thief is triggered at a certain amount owned. Each time the amount increases. He's there to piss off and he's good at it...:devilish:

I've added a CHEAT ROOM in the next Update. It will be possible to disable it.

Logic - Job:Cafe - There's no reactions if Lolita has high exhibitionism and wanders in there topless. Likely connected to the fact that this is an early release, but putting in basic placeholder text for things like that will indicate that content is planneed for it.
There's no reaction to Lolita's outfits yet. But it's planned!

The only one who has reactions is the man in the pool (you tell me about afterwards...) But in the end all the characters should react according to the outfit.

I even imagined adding pedestrians just for the purpose of

Balance - Job:Cafe - Unless you want this job to be abandoned as soon as possible (and some players will like the job). you're goiung to need to open it up in some way to have it make more money. The obvious option would be letting more than one NPC harassing Lolita (based on stats), and getting higher tips for things like putting their hands under her clothing and the like. Other options could potentially work as well.
There's still a lot of stuff in the « café français ». If you look in the CG room you'll see that the café is there and that there are almost only "soon".

For your information there are many more CGs planned than what the CG ROOM shows at the moment.

Classmate: No option to refuse after the first event. Awful idea, the player always needs the option to refuse (although the penalties can/should be severe at times). If you don't want to allow options, scrap the game and remake it in Ren'py as a visual novel.
As I told Ruodger in the post before. Blackmail is kind of the thread of the story.
So it's hard to let skip it:
for example: It's Paul's blackmail that unlocks access to the razor.

Titles/stuff around town - Make no sense. I played a character than was only groped (100ish corruption, 300+ exhib), her only hand-job was removed via loading a previous save. Your title system only works if the player chooses to go full on slut. You're always going to find people who want to try a 'virgin run', you kinda need to account for that. Seeing stuff like 'lolita sucks' as graffiti all over the school only works if she's actually being a slut. If she's just being a tease... well, it makes it look like the game was poorly programmed.
I didn't have time to work on this part of the game, but yes, I did plan an angelic end of the game... However, the game is called LOLITA GONE WILD not LOLITA IS A HOLY VIRGIN.
It's not poorly programmed, I repeat: this is only the very first version of the game.

Exploit - Major - pool: after Lolita showers, she can repeatedly talk to the NPC ust outside the showers to raise her stats infinitely. An autoclicker and 20-30 minutes (while you make dinner) will put her stats at ridiculous levels.
Yeah, I've already heard about that bug. It will be fixed in the next version.
But I find it curious that the first idea you have when you discover a bug is to program an autoclicker

Logic - Pool - Showering at the pool doesn't count as showering in general.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean... Actually, if Lolita takes a shower at the pool it's the same as at home: she comes out clean and doesn't need to take another one.

But some actions get dirty. So depending on what you did between the pool and the house, she might want to take another one.

In the next update, she will stop warning that she wants to eat or take a shower after a certain number of times.

I hope you'll try the game again in a future update.
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2018
Good game so far. I liked how you stopped forcing the changing scenes to be repeated, at home, and started making them optional. The animated clothes changing scenes, in general, are a cool feature, but sometimes, you want to just quickly change outfits.

I think there could be a good way to optimize the waitress scenes like the clothes changing. After a few manual afternoons, maybe have her start to automatically serve tables until she gets to a handsy person, and then offer the choice menu?

I enjoyed exploiting the pool scene where you could talk to the guy after the shower repeatedly to get your stats up quickly, but if you don't want that there, that will be something to fix eventually. Frankly, if I found an exploit for earning cash to get outfits faster, I'd probably use it, except I think it might make the weekly rent a moot point. I definitely don't want to ruin the fun.
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2018
I read some above and saw the shower exploit was discussed already. Not trying to beat a dead horse. Like I said, I liked it being there even though I imagine it wasn't intentional.


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
I think there could be a good way to optimize the waitress scenes like the clothes changing. After a few manual afternoons, maybe have her start to automatically serve tables until she gets to a handsy person, and then offer the choice menu?
Thank you for that suggestion.
There are new events being written in the bar. So it's not possible to make the service automatic yet.
However, it's a really good idea, once the bar is completely finished, it will be possible.
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Sep 17, 2018
I'm gonna check out this crash story:unsure:. Right now, I can't reproduce the crash.
Is it the compressed version you used ? Does the game freeze or does it quit?

For stat modifier messages. I've already provided an option to disable messages in the next release.:cool:
Regarding 0.55.1 Crash when accepting sex in the pool shower. It was not on the compressed version and the game quit and popped up an error window. I'm having difficulty reproducing it myself however.


Sep 17, 2018
At 400 Exhibition when out and about totally Naked you don't need to change when going down to Glory hole. Problem is you won't get paid because being paid was triggered when you got dressed.


Dec 25, 2019
As a mother tells her son, if you don't want to pee in one place, just take precautions before...
I don't take anyone for a traitor: there's the 'urination' tag on the thread.

I'll see how I'm gonna handle it from here. There are other embarrassing pee-pees in my script.
I'm currently thinking about making an option menu to enable/disable certain parts of the game. Urine can be part of these options
But it's a long job to make this menu, so I'm not sure it will be in the next release...
The simplest programmable way is to include a couple of yes/no questions at the intro of the game and then add another empty page on every pee event that has the switch for "no" as a trigger. You have conditional forks in the event manager in rpgm for exclusions during events as well. And then you can use an item for a common event/global event that asks you the yes/no question for sensitive content again.
Since the pee events are fully optional anyways I don't understand the complaint though.


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 20, 2018
Regarding 0.55.1 Crash when accepting sex in the pool shower. It was not on the compressed version and the game quit and popped up an error window. I'm having difficulty reproducing it myself however.
I'll check again, but right now, I don't understand this crash.
(The fact that you're also having trouble reproducing it proves that it's well hidden.)

At 400 Exhibition when out and about totally Naked you don't need to change when going down to Glory hole. Problem is you won't get paid because being paid was triggered when you got dressed.
Ooops ! :oops: Sorry !
Very good point. I'll correct that as soon as possible!
As there are no reactions to Lolita's outfits yet, I must admit that I haven't tested all the outfits everywhere...

The simplest programmable way is to include a couple of yes/no questions at the intro of the game and then add another empty page on every pee event that has the switch for "no" as a trigger. You have conditional forks in the event manager in rpgm for exclusions during events as well. And then you can use an item for a common event/global event that asks you the yes/no question for sensitive content again.
Since the pee events are fully optional anyways I don't understand the complaint though.
I did think of a series of "yes/no" questions at the beginning of the game. But it's gonna get long and boring... I'm leaning towards a presentation a bit like the score. With an "item" in the inventory to adjust if you change your mind.
It's not the coding itself that's long. It's the "concept" of the menu (that I take time to finalize to make it as less boring as possible) and try to think about the future of the game to include the "choices" that are not yet in the game.
I might be able to make this menu for the next update, but I won't delay the release if I can't finish it.

The pee aren't fully optional in the game, but there's not many places that force you (the second one is in the warehouse, but the pics will be redone) and these events are only triggered if you have to pee. So the problem is that they'll happen more often to those who don't make Lolita pee, so perhaps they don't like "urination"...
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