
Feb 2, 2019
Long Live the Princess cheat mod
Thanks for the mod, but it currently breaks the tutorial, after finishing it it just drops me back to the main menu. Not sure exactly what causes it but I assume it's got something to do with the return statement at the end. It also skips over the moment you get the Abilities menu. Installing the mod after the tutorial seems to work fine, I'll report if I find any other issues.


Jan 14, 2018
Thanks for the mod, but it currently breaks the tutorial, after finishing it it just drops me back to the main menu. Not sure exactly what causes it but I assume it's got something to do with the return statement at the end. It also skips over the moment you get the Abilities menu. Installing the mod after the tutorial seems to work fine, I'll report if I find any other issues.
Umm, you're the first one to say anything about that? And I just tested it right now, I never got "dropped" back to the main menu? At what point exactly are you experiencing the "drop"? Like what's the line said before it happens?

It skips the abilities menu? Are you refering to the point where you obtain the pathfinder skill from the uncle the first time or? Because if so I also just checked that part and it didn't skip it on my screen? :unsure:

Had you changed anything in the run where you got dropped? Like had you added stats for yourself or relationship points for anyone or was it a "clean" run so far when the error occured? I just tested a "clean" run, but if you had I will have to see if there should be anything related to that, but I'm not sure what that would be to be honest. :D

Edit: Just did a full reinstall, by DL'ing both the game and my mod from the site, and I still don't get the mentioned errors, so right now I can't replicate your errors.
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Feb 2, 2019
Umm, you're the first one to say anything about that? And I just tested it right now, I never got "dropped" back to the main menu? At what point exactly are you experiencing the "drop"? Like what's the line said before it happens?

It skips the abilities menu? Are you refering to the point where you obtain the pathfinder skill from the uncle the first time or? Because if so I also just checked that part and it didn't skip it on my screen? :unsure:
I used the "skip to the end" option, which skipped the part where you get the Abilities menu by talking to your uncle, so it never showed up on that playthrough. When I got to the end of the tutorial after speaking to the Crone and returning to the city, at the point where you get told about clues, clicking next there took me to the main menu instead of the map screen, as it's supposed to. The specific line is the paragraph that start with "Not all clues can be found this way."

I hadn't changed any stats other than skipping ahead.

I read through the files a bit but the code is above my skill level so I didn't find any obvious issues. I can only guess that a call somewhere was skipped so the return statement at the end made the game return to the main menu.


Jan 14, 2018
I used the "skip to the end" option, which skipped the part where you get the Abilities menu by talking to your uncle, so it never showed up on that playthrough. When I got to the end of the tutorial after speaking to the Crone and returning to the city, at the point where you get told about clues, clicking next there took me to the main menu instead of the map screen, as it's supposed to. The specific line is the paragraph that start with "Not all clues can be found this way."

I hadn't changed any stats other than skipping ahead.

I read through the files a bit but the code is above my skill level so I didn't find any obvious issues. I can only guess that a call somewhere was skipped so the return statement at the end made the game return to the main menu.
Ok, just a quick recap then, you tried to skip the New Game and go straight for the New game plus right? But that didn't send you straight back to the menu as it should? Since that is what happens when you skip it at the beginning.

Using this option makes is so that you can start a new game right after choosing your name, and then go straight into the new game plus, with unlocked spells, but not stats, which you should change manually if you want from the cheat menu in the bottom right corner.

Or did you use the "Start endgame" option from the cheat menu in your home?

This option is mostly for getting specific achievements, otherwise it's not a "good" idea to press it, since it skips all the content and starts the endgame, which will result in, that you will fail basically all missions and get the bad ending :D,
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I will look into if there is some problem with the skip to new game plus now, it can be that Belle changed something in the latest update that I was unaware of.. But if it's the second option you chose, then it's probably because it's not what you wanted to do in the first place :)

Edit: Ok, looks like I forgot to add one little condition after Belle's update in the tutorial.

You are right that you got kicked out of the game, after using this option, but you were supposed to get kicked out to the menu right after the choice, so you had the option to start the New Game plus, which is what that option is meant for, so if that's not what you wanted to do, then say "no" at that point :)

Edit 2: Ty for the feedback m8. The error has now been fixed, and the new version is already up and ready for download. (y)

And please do tell if you hit any other problems. I don't know if Belle may have changed other things here and there I didn't notice, when I updated for the lastest version, but I'm pretty sure, this was the last update needed for my mod :)
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Mar 17, 2019
can i molesting "Nell" in this game?
everytime i try to "vaginal sex" on her, she's always waking up. And even after i got the "deep sleep" spell, the game says "it's horrible idea...".


Jan 14, 2018
can i molesting "Nell" in this game?
everytime i try to "vaginal sex" on her, she's always waking up. And even after i got the "deep sleep" spell, the game says "it's horrible idea...".
Nope, not possible, and you will get told why when you unlock a certain clue about her. :)


Jan 16, 2023
How do I train courage? I'm at the town hall and I clicked visit upper training ground and also visit lower training ground and it doesn't do anything. And according to the "long live the princess" guide I got from mejoress which is in detail it tells me on Day 4 Afternoon I am to open the map, go to the Town Hall, Train courage

I'm confused.


Mar 18, 2018
How do I train courage? I'm at the town hall and I clicked visit upper training ground and also visit lower training ground and it doesn't do anything. And according to the "long live the princess" guide I got from mejoress which is in detail it tells me on Day 4 Afternoon I am to open the map, go to the Town Hall, Train courage

I'm confused.
You train Courage with Thaddeus at the town hall.


Jan 16, 2023
You train Courage with Thaddeus at the town hall.

I have now been to the town hall several times now and there is no Thaddeus there. This guide for
example says Day 5 morning I go to town Hall and Thaddeus is there and has more dialogue, I went
there Day 5 now morning and no Thaddeus.
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Jan 16, 2023
The guide you are following are outdated, try looking at either mine or Glaurungs from the OP in this thread.
Your guide is showing the opposite of the game to

Your guide says Day 5 Friday Afternoon: Talk to Evelyn Invade Mind → Small secret → Do you masturbate → Yes

The game shows something completely different, and there is no small secret, here is what
Day 5 Friday Afternoon Evelyn shows in the game


Also your guide says on Day 6 Saturday morning Go outside → Leave town → Tell me more about dryads

That doesn't work either, you get a screen that says "Look at the wilderness map" and "leave" those are the only options available.
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Jul 17, 2020
View attachment 2564353

I have now been to the town hall several times now and there is no Thaddeus there. This guide for
example says Day 5 morning I go to town Hall and Thaddeus is there and has more dialogue, I went
there Day 5 now morning and no Thaddeus.
The guides you can find with Google search are all badly outdated and will lead you astray. Thaddeus is locked until you meet with him for the first time. The first week of the game, a huge amount of content is locked until you do certain things.

To gain access to thaddeus, spend time with Evelyn in the afternoon at home. The first time you do that, she sends you off to town hall to meet with Thaddeus and Aldred, which unlocks courage training, asking Thaddeus questions, and access to Aldred at the work site.

Then visit Aldred at the work site in the morning to get some money and to unlock your pathfinding skill, which enables you to hunt. Without that 1 point of pathfinding, you will never meet certain characters who live out in the wilderness.

Counterintuitively, training with Thaddeus the first time unlocks access to a weekly supply of money from Evelyn, which makes paying for training rather easier.

Out on the wilderness map, training with Erato (who you cannot meet without that point of pathfinding) unlocks a new wilderness area and she is your guide to meeting other forest dwellers and their quests.

The game becomes much less frustrating if, the first week, you focus on unlocking all this content, plus revealing 3 secrets so you can train up your magic skills with the Crone. My guide (linked on the first page of the thread) has a mini-walkthrough for the first few weeks of the game, along with help for virtually every place you can get stuck along the way. And unlike every online walkthrough, it is a) up to date, and b) doesn't just tell you how to replicate someone else's playthrough of the game.


Jul 17, 2020
Your guide is showing the opposite of the game to

Your guide says Day 5 Friday Afternoon: Talk to Evelyn Invade Mind → Small secret → Do you masturbate → Yes

The game shows something completely different, and there is no small secret, here is what
Day 5 Friday Afternoon Evelyn shows in the game

View attachment 2564392

Also your guide says on Day 6 Saturday morning Go outside → Leave town → Tell me more about dryads

That doesn't work either, you get a screen that says "Look at the wilderness map" and "leave" those are the only options available.
Every online walkthrough, including Nishka's, is just a series of actions for you to take. Which is a great format for a linear visual novel. But LLTP is an open world game with branching paths and a huge range of choices of what to do at each step.
If you miss one of the earlier actions in the sequence that Nishka followed to create his walkthrough, then the entire house of cards falls down and the rest of the walkthrough becomes an exercise in frustration.

I have written a guide (not a walkthrough) which is designed to empower you to make your own choices and play the game the way you want, instead of mindlessly replicating Nishka's playthrough. it's linked in the first post of this thread, but to save you time, it's here:


Jul 17, 2020
Can someone help me get Sister Agnes Scenes ? Please help !
Her content is only available in New Game +. If you are playing a regular game, you just see her in Callie's house and can have one conversation with her and that's it. In NG+, she has a dark secret and a (very simple) relationship path. You have to reveal the secret before you can have sex with her.

In NG+, You can talk with her right from the start. Do so, ask her everything you can, and then (of course) read up about the church in the library. There's nothing else you can do with her (aside from donating to the church) until you master the Knock spell and see Agnes in Callie's house at night. Once you've entered Callie's house at night, talk with Agnes again, and also explore the church. There are two scenes you can see while exploring, one during the day, another at night. They don't always happen the first time you explore, so keep trying (exploring doesn't use up time if there's nothing to see). Once you've talked with agnes, read up about the church, and seen those two scenes, you have all the clues you need to reveal her secret.


Jan 14, 2018
Your guide is showing the opposite of the game to

Your guide says Day 5 Friday Afternoon: Talk to Evelyn Invade Mind → Small secret → Do you masturbate → Yes

The game shows something completely different, and there is no small secret, here is what
Day 5 Friday Afternoon Evelyn shows in the game

Also your guide says on Day 6 Saturday morning Go outside → Leave town → Tell me more about dryads

That doesn't work either, you get a screen that says "Look at the wilderness map" and "leave" those are the only options available.
You have to follow the WT precisely to get it like it is written there, since you don't have the small secret anymore, I'll have to guess that you have learned it earlier than specified in the WT. So I have to assume that you haven't followed it for the first 4 days correctly, and therefore it will not be as specified. The day 6 part is something you've probably seen earlier aswell if you have left the town before day 6 for any reason, then you've met with Erato at that point and therefore it wont show up this time.

So yeah for my WT to work you have to follow it to the letter. Or you can try to see if you can decipher the guide Glaurung has made.


Jul 17, 2020
So yeah for my WT to work you have to follow it to the letter. Or you can try to see if you can decipher the guide Glaurung has made.
I can tell you were not an English major, and that you don't remember the days when the only way to get help with a video game was to download a long wordy text document from Gamefaqs and read it. :)
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