Did anybody else laughed when they found the "idea" of extinction by homosexuality? Kind of ignoring that having sex to conceive, as a chore, has been a constant in most human history. And people kept doing it just because they wanted children. You can have sex without enjoying it specially, shocking as it may look for teenagers. And as long as it's consensual, it's not even that bad from time to time.
I have to say that I just finished the game and I thought that it was pretty well written, until the end. At that moment it crumbles. They build the ending too much and then it comes and... every argument is so childish and dumb... it proves that the writer used the strategy of not commiting to hide his lack of experience or skill. That's a tactic that works pretty well until the end, the resolution can't hide your... lacking aspects as a writer. You can't keep hiding behind a wall of supposed "mystery" when you have to finish the story.
Any kid can make a great start for a story. He would only need imagination. If you want to test the talent of an author, look for the endings. That's where you can know who is who.
EDIT WITH SPOILERS: I think the ending would have benefited of more sofphistication, more elaborated dialogue and less evil monster monologuing.