
Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
When I first read Primrose's explanation of what had happened, I was struck by how easy it would be to upset Samarra's opinion of the motive for the murder. Just have Primrose produce the two bags of gold coins given to her by the old woman. Samarra's whole theory was that Primrose was desperate for cash to keep the library open. Yet here in her possession is coin enough to keep the library afloat indefinitely. The presence of this stash would also help substantiate the story about the old woman. Together with the chameleon scales, this should be more than enough to rid Primrose of any suspicion in the crime.

And yet, Dickon never mentions it after he hears of it, and certainly not in his talk later with Samarra. Strange. If he believes the coins would be confiscated as evidence, he never says it... or even thinks it.

What is also strange, is that no one else here on this thread seems to have mentioned this.
"Yes, Miss Samarra, I may have been desperate for money, giving me motivation to kill Truthsayer Merek, but here's two bags of money I suddenly got at the time of his murder to prove my innocence."

Doesn't really work now, does it?

Also, Primrose feels guilty and responsible. She doesn't want to admit to the presence of the woman unless she has to, and by the time the MC manages to force it out of her, he tries a different approach that is more constructive to the investigation long-term.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
When I first read Primrose's explanation of what had happened, I was struck by how easy it would be to upset Samarra's opinion of the motive for the murder. Just have Primrose produce the two bags of gold coins given to her by the old woman. Samarra's whole theory was that Primrose was desperate for cash to keep the library open. Yet here in her possession is coin enough to keep the library afloat indefinitely. The presence of this stash would also help substantiate the story about the old woman. Together with the chameleon scales, this should be more than enough to rid Primrose of any suspicion in the crime.

And yet, Dickon never mentions it after he hears of it, and certainly not in his talk later with Samarra. Strange. If he believes the coins would be confiscated as evidence, he never says it... or even thinks it.

What is also strange, is that no one else here on this thread seems to have mentioned this.
While keeping the library afloat is Primrose's main concern, she has a Code (thank you Terry Pratchett). That Code is to follow the rules, and by accepting the money, she broke the rules (she wasn't allowed to let anyone in). The only justification she has for breaking it, was to save the library, even though it's her greatest Shame. So, if she came forward and told Samara what she did and gave the money, Everyone would know she broke her Code (not that anyone would care, but it did in her mind), and even though she'd be free, the money would be gone and she would have broken her Code for nothing. Her self-perceived reputation would be shot (again, even though anyone would understand and not judge her).

Primrose is a stickler for the rules, so admitting she broke the rules is worse than clearing herself for murder. She'd rather be a hyporcrit in her own mind and bear the burden alone than Everyone knowing it and judging her (even though those Everyone doesn't exist).

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
Doesn't really work now, does it?
Of course it works. There is no proof of when she got the coins, but it credits her story of the old woman, which is further verified by the discovery of the chameleon scales. It is not proof that she is innocent, but it at least pokes holes in Samarra's theory, and provides an alternate theory of the crime, and bolsters the theory provided by the scales alone.

"Samarra, here are the chameleon scales used to transform someone into an old woman, and here are the bags of coins she gave Primrose to gain entry." If not from the old woman to gain entrance, who else is going to dump bags of gold coins on a librarian?

No gold coins = Samarra'a motive; gold coins = bye bye Samarra's motive.

Primrose is a stickler for the rules, so admitting she broke the rules is worse than clearing herself for murder. She'd rather be a hyporcrit in her own mind and bear the burden alone than Everyone knowing it and judging her (even though those Everyone doesn't exist).
I might buy that, but Dickon is not bound by any code of Primrose's, and should be more than willing to break it, to keep her out of prison.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
I might buy that, but Dickon is not bound by any code of Primrose's, and should be more than willing to break it, to keep her out of prison.
Okay, so... where are these gold coins you're talking about? You think Primrose will just give them up like that, after I've told you she needs them to save the library at any cost? And you're claiming to do this to help Primrose, you say, yet you're willing to violate her trust in you just like that? Yes, Dickon isn't bound by Primrose's code, but he is bound by his own code, namely no dickish moves. And ratting out Primrose is a complete dickish move. The object of the game is still to get everyone to trust you. The magic doesn't work if they shut you out completely.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
That Code is to follow the rules, and by accepting the money, she broke the rules (she wasn't allowed to let anyone in).
Dickon has already broken Primrose's 'code' by giving Samarra this clue: "Primrose gave an old woman access to the library the night of Merek’s murder". There is no getting around that. It is a principle point of the game, without which one cannot proceed. I have actually read the text in that encounter between Dickon and Samarra, where he laid out all the evidence he had discovered. There is no doubt that he told her about the old woman being let into the library. Perhaps you should re-play that scene.

It remains to be seen (undoubtedly in the next release) what Primrose's reaction will be to Dickon's 'dickish' move.

... Maybe she'll kill him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
Maybe I explained it incorrectly, but the dickish move would be take the gold and give it to Samara. And again, it's Primrose's Code. She had no other option to confess after Dickon had already figured it out something was off (due to the spell). Dickon does indeed not care about her Code, but he won't go tell everyone what she did. And Samara is professional enough not to give information about the investigation. So, her personal secret just became the secret of three people (who don't really care enough to do anything with that secret). I don't even think that Primrose knows what exactly Dickon told Samara, just that she's off the hook now.


Mar 8, 2018
How long will take be a new update? I'm new on this game and i know almost nothing about Dev and his releases :coldsweat:


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
How long will take be a new update? I'm new on this game and i know almost nothing about Dev and his releases :coldsweat:
I release my updates at the end of the month. The top of tells you everything you need to know about upcoming releases.

If everything goes smoothly, end of the month.
It's been 8 months of timely releases so far. I don't think there's any reason to expect things to go anything but smoothly. :)

Le Taz

Master Of Baguettes
Mar 28, 2018
Everybody can hit a speedbump sometime in his life. Don't wish it to anyone but shit happens.
Glad to know it goes well for you belle.
You're still my favorite Fae
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Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
It's been 8 months of timely releases so far. I don't think there's any reason to expect things to go anything but smoothly. :)
Since your game is one of the most interesting games to play in (or out of) porn, I don't give a &^%$(#$ if you happen to delay a release a bit. You have given us one of the few porn games where plot really matters. So, while I am anxious to see how everything resolves, I can be patient if dates slip.
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Mar 27, 2018
I release my updates at the end of the month. The top of tells you everything you need to know about upcoming releases.

It's been 8 months of timely releases so far. I don't think there's any reason to expect things to go anything but smoothly. :)
Since your game is one of the most interesting games to play in (or out of) porn, I don't give a &^%$(#$ if you happen to delay a release a bit. You have given us one of the few porn games where plot really matters. So, while I am anxious to see how everything resolves, I can be patient if dates slip.
Adding on to this. The fact that you've managed 8 months consistency is incredible as I've seen other games where there's been a delay and the Dev hadn't made it clear why there was one.
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Le Taz

Master Of Baguettes
Mar 28, 2018
I believe belle is the kind to set realistic goal for each of the update. That's why each update is not focused on giving huge content every time but to give a reasonably good amount which is bugless and on time.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2017
I believe belle is the kind to set realistic goal for each of the update. That's why each update is not focused on giving huge content every time but to give a reasonably good amount which is bugless and on time.
He did say he works as a game developer outside LLtP as well, so he probably has experience in this sort of thing.


Developer of Supermodel & Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
He did say he works as a game developer outside LLtP as well, so he probably has experience in this sort of thing.
That's (sadly) not accurate. I have game development experience, including professionally, but I don't currently work in that industry.
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