Man, the "father says" bit is weirding me out. I really want to dump that grooming creep Ahab in a river with a bag full of rocks.
Yeah, it was really weird the first time she said it, then she kept mentioning her dad and it got even weirder, maybe it has a reason and will be part of her story line. It's creepy as hell though. lol
All in all, I love this game, Belle is adorable and I really like her relationship with MC. I hope she's actually going to have a big story and not just be there aiding you on your quest. She's a really great character!
The other characters are also great, MC isn't an unlikable douche, the story is good, it got even better while investigating Merek's death.
I'm excited for more content, though since I saved Primrose, I'm gonna have to skip v0.10 and wait for the next update for more. :coldsweat: