Anyway, there is one thing still make me wonder and confused after playing this game till 0.26
Who is MC actually ?
After Crone teach him spell in 2nd chance, MC going his inside mind and see a gate with red background.. Then he hear about Primrose & Nell inner voice, crone shocked after saw Thaddeus in MC mind also..
Crone asked to MC likes "Who the hell you are? You actually already knew this spell, but you forgot it ot once but when you learn it you instant to did it"
2nd times is when MC hear Prince Selena voice and truly face, Crone angry about it and ask MC to stop it..
Last times when MC want beat Samara in practice, he can predicted correctly what will Samara do.. Even Belle very confused about it..
So, after that all... I didnt see any connection to reveal who is MC here actually.. I was thinking he is trult identity will reveal when Merek meet him again later..