Definitely making the renders in Koikatu takes the longest. Each one must be posed individually so unless I get lucky and one of the premade poses that are included or have been saved are exactly what I want, I'll be adjusting every joint in their bodies and moving hair and clothing around. Sometimes after the posing is done there will be clipping issues usually involving clothing or hair where it will be poking through skin or other objects, so I'll need to fire up my Paintshop Pro program and use the extremely useful clone tool to eliminate those. This is where I also design from scratch all the urine and cumshots.
Animations are extremely time-consuming as they require all of the work described above, but it's multiplied by how many frames are in the each of the animations. The camera angle is often the key to making these work.
I get that not everyone is into the urination kink so they are all skippable whether they are listed in the button or not. The exception will be seen in Chapter 4 where there is a one frame urination scene that is an important part of the story. Chapter 5 will include my experiment with a futa character, but that will also be very skippable as I'm not even sure how I feel about that. Will be interesting to find out though.
Thank you both as always for your feedback.