Barovaro to peek in what AT (Diane) are you ? also that button apears in some of the Lifestyles of the MC such as Inmoral I have my MC in neutral and I have at 16:00 hs in AT Scorned M. that button It requiers from MC (sneaking lvl and Incest lvl.) As well certian values from Diane like Asertiveness below 1 etc etc
She's currently in her restrained AT - I had to restart from scratch so save files issues shouldn't be a thing for me.
But it may nail what is the root cause of this. She has 0 assertiveness into either direction and I have embraced neither dominance nor submission. Skill-wise none of this should be an issue either as only immoral is at 1 (have it embraced though).
I have in the meantime redownloaded the game via the gofile just in case there was a hidden update without updating the version number, but there is no change.
I wonder if the new AT broke it by having both scenes require assertiveness below a certain value. Sadly, my submission/dominance topics have no effect on assertiveness.
I'll just have to push her to the next AT which is not very cumbersome - although grinding the money I need for Gina is much more of a pain considering I just bought the video server before realizing what Gina's next AT needed.
Sidenote: once I purchased a stash of pills, can I stop embracing unhealthy? The stat reduction is kind of annoying.