So I gave it a try yesterday again.
I still very much love the game but the grind is too much imo. I need to grind stats AND topics and both take ages, the later is the worse part because often times you can't decide what topic you get.
My request would be a simple slider in the preferences where we can change the value to grind.
For example, pervert takes 600 to max when the slider is at 100% but only 300 if we set it at 50%. Maybe also some option to customize when we get a topic?
I don't want the game to be super easy instant sex but right now it takes too much time.
Even if the graphics are worse I still think super powered is the better game (one of the best), you have a bit grind but at the same time instant reward / changes once you unlock new powers.
On a side note:
Super powered is my favorite game but why weren't the superior mother and sister models from loser used?

I would kill to have them replace the rather boring ones we have in SP.