So. The final World Expansion act is now done.
What's in it?
- Molly's birthday
- A bunch of new side-quests related to Kingdom Quests
- Two challenge tier enemies (where you can indeed lose)
- A bunch of new kingdom events.
- New enemies for the paths
- New tier9 gems that unlock new metas
- New side events for a couple of characters
- Lots of quests now getting correctly closed off
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Full changelog
(Note Act+ updates do *not* advance the main story; they exist to breathe life into the story. The final act of Love of Magic is coming up next, with Act XVI: Eternal Summer).
If you're enjoying the story, Book 1 and Book 2 are about to go up on the Steam Summer Sale. It's how I pay rent
Give Book 3 a wishlist to help it do well at launch