I added this warning at the start of the game some time ago:
That warning didn't prepare players for MC lacking suddenly a specific personality option that he had previously. You added some specific option in every single relevant choice before 0.18 and for many players their MC
always had fun directly with the girls instead pimp/publicly shame them. So it's about internal consistency in your MC development and players playthroughs, not about "self inserting too much".
Additionally it's about personal preferences of course. The same way some people will never enjoy futanari, furry/scaly or scat content some others will never enjoy public shaming, sharing, whoring or even something as mild as "public fucking". No rational person would complain about some game focused on reptile-men shitting on furry-women feet offering exactly that in some specific update, those that don't enjoy that
shit, simply ignore the game and move on, to try others.
Your game however never focused on public shaming or whoring exclusively but consistently offered an option for MC to interact directly with the girls, instead pimp them: With Kate and the principal, Victoria in the gloryhole, Chloe and the drug dealer, Victoria again in the Art Gallery, etc. Why in the world
the MC (not me, the completely different fictional character who fucked all those girls) would suddently prefer to offer Victoria to the creature from the Abyss or make Juliet and Brooke fuck each other and publicly shame them when
he has been chosing to fuck all the girls himself until now in many players playthroughs?
I think this is a pretty reasonable thing to expect in any game adult or not, specially if story focused and full of dialogue choices and character development: some minimal consistency in MC actions and options.