If you're on windows 11 and still struggling to launch the game, I found a way to successfully open the game 100% of the time (at least on my end). Get Locale Emulator to create a shortcut of the majikoi A exes if you haven't already, then click on the game you want to open and spam enter around 25 times in the span of 2 seconds. That's it, I got no clue why it works but it does. If you spam too much you may get some error messages, you can just ignore them. And if you don't spam enough the game won't launch. If you're too slow the game also won't launch.
Also took a little screenshot of what it looks like in the task manager(sorted by pid). If you got something that looks like this that means the game will launch.
EDIT : Sasuga I couldn't just let it be like this. I created a simple batch file to launch the games without the need to spam. It's just a FOR loop.
1.Create a .bat file and edit it with notepad or something.
2.Put this in :
for /l %%x in (1,1, *) do (
start **\MajikoiA-1.lnk
-For the first * replace with a number of your choice. I found that not all Majikoi A games need to be spammed the same amount, probably it changes in function of the computer state or something. Around 20 works well if you wanna be sure it launches.
-For the second one ** replace with the path to the shortcut locale emulator created. Also make sure the name of the files matches and that it neither have a space nor japanese characters in it.
3.That's it! Save the file and you can now launch the game without spamming.
Since the batch file will execute the exe much faster than you there's more chance of the game throwing errors your way, just like last time you can ignore them.