First of all, thanks for writing this, I appreciate it a lot.
I what way, is there anything I can do to make it less confusing?
Yes, that is an unfortunate side effect, but it does speed things up
a lot and removes all repetition, which is what people generally complain about.
They're put in such a way that generally you will always have something to work toward, sometimes this doesn't work because of all the player choices, but yeah.
I think this is a consequence of you not going with Helen, she fills up a lot of stuff in the game and I think the experience gets a lot more interesting if you choose to go with her.
This was planned very early on in a specific sequence. Mark wakes up, still slightly drunk and having Jenny's words in the back of his head, he sees the twins going at it and goes "Hey, that's pretty hot." instead of "holy mother of god what the fuck are they doing?". He then finds his, attractive, naked sister in who he now realize actually wants to bone him, and most of all he feels the same way. Everything after this point needs to happen quickly because it doesn't make sense to keep dragging it out. They both want to have sex, so why wouldn't they? I get that this is hard to predict though, and I wish I could sort of give a hint to new players or something.
More likely is that I'm going to rework "part 1" of the game to make it more appealing.
Well, they're a couple as are Mark and Sarah. While they're both very open people, you need to discuss those things before hand and make sure things don't go wrong, what is someone gets jealous? Then things would get really awkward around the house, etc, etc.
I can understand that, although I do still think she's a good addition to the game and getting those extra scenes is better for the game as a whole, I think.
Thank you so much, this honestly made my day (and the review by
@Camshot4 )
That's my intention!