Amazing game, the writing is great and the art quality is fantastic and supplements the writing well. I especially like that there's a good spread of scenes for taking a more dominant approach, a lot of female protag games seem to suffer from the curse of "you have to play as a sub to see the majority of scenes/playing as a dominant personality means turning down sex scenes." I hope things keep developing in this way, with no personality/route feeling left out. I especially love all the teasing you can do, like after you spill coffee on your chest or while you're exercising. I'd love to see even more of that kind of thing, or for existing scenes to be taken further (like for the option to give Ted some hands-on action after the coffee spill rather than just some staring.)
Minor nitpick- the UI is great, but less suited for Android devices (I use a tablet and it works fairly well, but the side screens obscure the text so I have to keep them closed most of the time.) Not a huge issue and certainly not something that kept me from enjoying the game.
Personal request: I'd love to see a gangbang scene where the protag is more in control. The only scene I've found that could qualify as a gangbang is the dinner scene where she gets fucked after eating a bunch of aphrodisiac food and while it was great, the protag was fairly passive and not really in contrl since she was basically drugged, as I recall. It's possible I missed options somewhere, I haven't done a comprehensive exploration of all available content, but I'd love to see a scene where the protag makes a conscious choice to get fucked by a bunch of aliens.
Thanks a lot for the very kind words. I've been putting a lot of work into factoring the multiple preferences people often have. Going forward it will be the same, but I've implemented a few RPG mechanics that will make your choices matter more along the game.
UI is pretty difficult, even more so when building it for multiple devices as a sole developer. I hope I'll have enough knowledge sometime soon to make a bunch of media rules that will work for every device in part without spending too much time on them.
About the gangbang scene, I'll see what I can do
I would suggest that in future updates, a job for Emma at the bar, which could influence her reputation at the bar, depending on her and customers' behavior, so the bartender could or may not offer her the option to work as a prostitute at the bar. at night, in case that's interesting for the game. it's just a suggestion
There are new RPG mechanics that will help with this. There's a sex worker job line planned amongst the three, so I can connect it together to that one when it comes to it, depending on how smoothly the job transition can be developed.
I'm glad the blackmailer's coming back. To be honest, scenes like that (where the MC is coerced) and the shower scenes (where the MC can act slutty) are the two major types of content I like in a female protagonist game. The more 'lighter' sorts of content, like romance based stuff, generally doesn't interest me much.
Speaking of those shower scenes, I have a suggestion: making repeated scenes have slight variations. I'm not talking total overhauls, just a few edits here and there to indicate that it isn't the first time the scene has happened.
About your first point, that's why I try to see the content from multiple perspectives and what actions players would like to take in general. Your own preference is definitely accounted for.
About your second point, I wanted to make repeated scenes as well, but I thought they'd make more sense for a more dynamic progression line such as a job or whatever, where a scene in day 1 can be foreplay for a scene in day 2 and so on, making repeated playthroughs more exciting.
Is there, or will there be a way to avoid the spa dream?
Or is there a way for you not to get groped that I missed?
To avoid the spa dream, you'd probably need to not sleep at all. I'm working on spacing out the dreams in the next updates, so they won't happen one after another and they'd instead happen at random intervals such as the 5th time you go to sleep, you'd get the first dream.
Sorry for this, I've just released and updates the download links with the hotfix build (which contains fixes for this and the other critical bugs reported so far).
It's a consequence of having too much code to account for, especially code that needs to be updated when bigger changes are made to the underneath systems.
Yep, that's been reported a couple times on the discord. I'm sure the dev will release a hotfix soon but if you don't want to wait then you can get around it by skipping to the sandbox portion of the game.
A hotfix has been released
I have a weird bug thats shows up in every version I have tried. From mega to to nopy. Not a single one of them has any health or energy displayed at any point (including character creation) and when I get into a fight there are no action buttons at all which causes a softlock. I've turned all my extensions off, my AV, tried incognito mode but still nada. There be something weird going on here.
I didn't notice this at all before, but you're right. The stats aren't showing as they should. Until I can figure this out, there's a numerical representation of your stats in the smartwatch menu.
The no action buttons is fixed now in the latest hotfix. I've uploaded the download links.
Encountered an Error. Not the first one!
Edit - Not able to proceed from this scene no matter which of the 2 option I choose. [ Ignore the flowers and move forward, crouch and smell it]. Its stuck. Too many errors.
It's been fixed, sorry.
Does your customization of the female character reflect with the images used?
Or is the same orange haired character?
Only the default preset. It's impossible to draw for every variation. At most, what can be done is filtering the skin/hair colors in code to be closer to your options, but I'm learning differential equations to be able to do that properly.
If you mean the images that show during sex scenes and events, it's the same orange-haired character. This can be immersion-breaking, but since the dev is the writer, programmer, and artist, they probably don't have the time to make variant images for every hair color. I usually just play the default hair color to avoid any disconnect between the art and character.
That's true, not only there's no time but also not very possible. Every drawing would have too many variations and it'd just multiply the workload I have.
Right. Not customizing the character then so it won't be jarring.
One of my favorite games! I'm into the sort of fetishes explored in this story (which is well written), and as a professional artist myself I am greatly impressed with the just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks a lot

I'm very glad to hear this from another artist.
I am also having this issue, both with chrome and firefox.
Should be fixed now.