When I first saw this game I just sort of figured that this was an attempt to "cash-in" on popular games like BB and DMD... I never expected to end up enjoying it more than either of those
The game is very fun if not a bit grindy. I don't like using cheats but find myself using the ingame cheats to fudge a few points here and there. Mostly in cases where unlocked activities are mutually exclusive and/or older activities have been depreciated, making advancement slow.
I enjoy all of the characters... Lots of pleasant surprises and humor. There is some novelty of recognizing characters from other games (BB, DMD, Babysitter and others). Even the new pizza customers are interesting and fun.
Speaking of pizza, I'd love to see some more customers with special interactions. For example, maybe a stoner chick that pays in weed (calming effect) or some other kind of customer that has a chance to pay or tip with a consumable item, casino chips or whatever. Anything to help keep the job from becoming stale. Heck.. there could even be some freaky stuff like the option to get it on with the crazy big girl or a male customer (player can always refuse the trade, of course).
I really look forward to Casino content and opportunities the new location will present. Same with the back area of the gym (Sophie/Veronica/Amy 4-way pls lol). I want to meet Aunt Emma too
The rendering, lighting, and scene composition are very, very good. I do have a few visual complaints... In some scenes, I think the cum could be a bit better. I also feel like the MC's bedroom is very spartan with no decorations or anything. I guess the Apt, in general, feels a bit sterile but I suppose they only recently moved in. Lastly, the Policewoman's uniform kind of breaks immersion for me... it's too much of a cheesy Halloween Sexy-Cop outfit.
As a final note, I found myself needing to use the walkthrough more so than I normally do with games. That's not necessarily a bad thing but some events can be difficult to trigger when casually playing. Things like needing to be in a certain room at a certain time to get a text or needing to sleep after the club incident to trigger the dream (my first play, I stayed up through the next day and it didn't trigger). I think that having a bit more flexibility with some of these events would be nice.
So far, there is one event I can't seem to trigger and couldn't find anything about it in the walkthrough... There are 2 photos of Sophia in the mall changing room (where Ash sent photos from, I think). I have no idea how to get those and would be grateful for anyone to give me a tip with that