Dec 31, 2018
If you wonder how to cheat on Android, since it's impossible to access console in JoiPlay, you may directly change the values in start_game.html file. For example, you can adjust the amount of money you earn per shift at the assembly plant, so in lines
<<if $workroll is 1>>+$130<<set $cash+=130>><</if>>
<<if $workroll gte 2>>+$45<<set $cash+=45>><</if>><br&gt
change 45 and 130 to whatever you want.
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New Member
Jul 25, 2022
So I was giving this game a go,
Did a few replays and didn't want to do the stat grind again, then one thing let to an other ...

now I have a pretty extensive cheat list, so I might as well share.
This is composed on game version:
As always, before you start cheating make a backup of your save, you might break stuff.

Press 'F12' go to the console tab, here is an tutorial and use the for item descriptions.

Besides money, all other values are set to 200, any of those can be changed to other WHOLE numbers, don't use decimals or floats. '10' is ok, '5.2' is not.

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Other then that fun little game you got here GD-Studios, the setting/world feels very well flashed out and the writing is very well done. I can easily see this growing into a text based 'Elder Scrolls' like game. There is already an fair amount of stuff to do. so keep it up.

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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Hello, I'm new to this game and this is the first time I play HTML game.
I tried to use cheats with console. I followed the instructions, but it doesnt work.
I attached a screenshot of my trials. In the screenshot, i tried to use cash cheats.
If anyone can help, much appreciated. Thank you!

need help with cheats.PNG


Aug 13, 2020
Hello, I'm new to this game and this is the first time I play HTML game.
I tried to use cheats with console. I followed the instructions, but it doesnt work.
I attached a screenshot of my trials. In the screenshot, i tried to use cash cheats.
If anyone can help, much appreciated. Thank you!
Your code works; you will not see the number change until the screen refreshes/changes...
Personally, I do not uses


Sep 27, 2019
Hello, I'm new to this game and this is the first time I play HTML game.
I tried to use cheats with console. I followed the instructions, but it doesnt work.
I attached a screenshot of my trials. In the screenshot, i tried to use cash cheats.
If anyone can help, much appreciated. Thank you!
Yes as stated you need to refresh the values some how, moving location will do the trick. Ether move to an other map location or try moving to other rooms. This is the case of all changes made through the console.
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New Member
Jul 25, 2022
Yes as stated you need to refresh the values some how, moving location will do the trick. Ether move to an other map location or try moving to other rooms. This is the case of all changes made through the console.
Ah i see. I moved to other location and it works. Thank you!


May 23, 2020
Or a 99% chance during certain Stamina-draining storms.
i've checked the html is this a bug?

<<if $stormchild is undefined and _nocapt isnot true and $weatherroll gte 8>>
<<set $aback to 6, $aback5 to 7>>

<<if $weatherroll is 1>><div class="red">A storm rages outside!</div><br><br>Heavy gusts of wind and rain are pounding the windows. It's not wise to leave your home right now.<</if>>
<<if $weatherroll is 2>>It's really windy today. Grey clouds cover the skies and heavy rain pours down on the streets outside.<</if>>
<<if $weatherroll is 3>>It's rainy and cold outside. Small gusts of wind and rain bash against the windows, creating trails of water that stream down in irregular patterns over the glass.<</if>>
<<if $weatherroll is 4>>Clouds cover the skies outside and a drizzle of rain has painted the windows with small droplets of water.<</if>>
<<if $weatherroll is 5>>You cannot tell the weather right now. <<if $daycount gte 61 and $daycount lte 190>>It's neither sunny nor raining outside.<<else>>It's too dark to see anything outside the windows. <</if>><</if>>
<<if $weatherroll gte 6>><<if $daycount gte 61 and $daycount lte 190>>It's a nice day today. Beams of sunlight are shining through the windows, adding an opulent brightness to <<if $wopos is 1 or $wopos is 100>>your home<<else>>the building<</if>>.<<else>>It's clear and chilly outside. A milky-white hue of starlight gleams through the windows, adding a drowsy and calm atmosphere to <<if $wopos is 1>>your home<<else>>the building<</if>>.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $weatherroll is 8 and $daycount gte 61 and $daycount lte 190>><br><br><div class="red">It's dangerously hot outside!</div><</if>>


when i switched the weather to the heavy rain then stormchild spawn properly


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
in which part of the map? the valkyrie always shows up at marston but i never seen the storm child!
Storm child shows up randomly at the auction house in Watery Eyes or Crystal Hills. Her chance of showing up is normally 1%. Depending on the version of the game you're playing that goes up to 99% if it's a scorchingly hot day or a rain storm. I think the public version requires a hot day and the newest alpha is a thunderstorm (haven't tested it yet personally since it was fixed recently but others have confirmed it works now). Her stormchild trait will show up in the auction house so you'll know it's her if she's there.


Sep 6, 2022
20 different art styles means 20x better
I mean I didn't complain about it when I played Slave Maker 3. AI art really opens doors for games like that, imagine if AI art becomes so good that you could consistently get it to draw the character you want in the environment you want in roughly the position you want, they wouldn't need to make art for the game, they would just need to generate the prompts and images on the fly.

Anyhow, I'm a bit disappointed we only have the public version here.
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New Member
Jul 3, 2019
I’ve played the game a little bit. Overall, I really like it, and I’d like to provide some feedback to make it even better.

The story

The story is generally pretty good. Unlike a lot of NSFW games, the story is good enough that I actually care about most of the characters, and the world has a mystery that I'm looking forward to uncovering. My main complaint here is that there isn't more. While this is understandable for a game that is still in development, I'd like to list the narrative content that's most in need of development, excluding content that is obviously under development:

i. Adrienne

Very cute. That by itself is enough of a reason to want more of her. Some threesome content with her and Michelle would be very nice. I'd also like to transform her into a proper slave. On a less horny note, the Preacher is underdeveloped, and an Andrienne quest could help develop him more.

A minor complaint I have about the quest to acquire Adrienne is that there is no violent option. While intimidating/defeating the Preacher shouldn't be easy, it should be an option if I don't want to whore out Michelle or play poker. Perhaps this could be tied to the player's power.

ii. Sera

The storyline around the fort is very underdeveloped. Not enough time is spent developing why the soldiers want to align themselves with the MC. While Sera tells us that the established houses are run by assholes, we never learn more about this. Aligning herself with a minor house like the MCs instead of a more established house is a very significant decision on her part and ought to have a deep motivation. Perhaps you could add some story elements exploring how she was treated by the establishes houses. Alternatively, you could take this in a different direction: even though Sera says she refuses to work with established houses, maybe, in reality, those houses refuse to work with her because of some secret in her past.

iii. Mei

She ripped off our buddy Ansel. She needs a story where she faces the consequences for this. I'm sure Ansel wouldn't be too hard on her.

iv. Aisha

She's gone from being an emkid to a common Ravenhead slut. When I ask her about her background, she says she has been humbled. No kidding. There is a lot of potential to expand on this. Perhaps events/scenes that pop up has her willpower and corruption reach certain thresholds, or a quest that has her interacting with some old emkid friends from her youth who haven't fallen from grace.

v. Bounty girl (I don't remember her name)

One of the bounties from the City Hall leads to a pair of fugitives in Kasey's park. They say that they are not guilty, and that they are just in the process of leaving Ikaanos. I'd really like to learn more about their story. Perhaps with different quest paths if I chose to let them go vs. enslaving them.

vi. Miss Winton

I've completed the quest and found her brother. The fact that she is still labeled on the map tells me that I'm supposed to care about her, but I can't actually do anything with her. If she doesn’t matter after the quest, her map label should be removed. If the player is supposed to care about her after the quest with her brother, then a new quest that explores her and her house should be added to the game. Perhaps a seduction plotline, and the ability to acquire whatever assets house Winton has left. One possible angle to explore here is the intersection between nobility and patriarchy in Raana: what is it like to be a woman leading a minor noble house in Raana?

Business management

While most slave training games involve some amount of business management, Masters of Raana also models the larger economic and political environment that the player's business operates in. This gives the game more depth than most games like it. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement.


Business management is too grindy. After manually pressing the relevant buttons a certain number of times, the player should have the option of automation. I see 6 areas that could be automated:

1. Prostitution

Right now, to whore out my slaves, I need to click the prostitution button every night. I'd like to see automation that, when enabled, automatically whores out all assigned slaves with a condition better than some player-defined threshold every night. If a whore's condition is worse than the threshold, they stay home for that night, but are not disabled for future nights. This should happen even if the player is not home.

Automation could be tied to a "Madam" role. If you add a Madam role, then the Madam's attributes could affect whore revenue, and injury/rape/theft/skyguard risks.

2. The arena

Right now, to make my arena slave fight, I have to physically go to the arena and press the button every single day. Automation should empower my arena slave to fight every day, and to take tendstims as necessary to heal injuries. The player should be able to configure a risk level for their slave. Riskier fights offer larger potential prizes, but a greater likelihood of losing and being injured, while safer fights offer a lower, more consistent income.

3. Combat

Combat is boring when enemies are significantly weaker than the player's party. When the player's party is significantly more powerful than an enemy there should be a way of automatically resolving the fight. When a fight is automatically resolved, the player's party takes some damage, and spends some ammo depending on the strength of the enemy. The player should have the option of trying to capture slaves. Trying to capture slaves when auto-resolving should apply a malus to the player's party that increases the risk of injury. The probability that slaves are successfully captured should depend on what weapons the player's party has armed in the melee slot.

Once the player's household becomes strong enough all daily combat involves a large strength disparity. Thus, even with the auto-resolve system above, there would still be combat grind in the late game. To resolve this, the player should have the option of automatically sending out mercenary parties to clear out raider trash. When enabled, all respawnable raiders on the map will automatically be cleared each time they would have respawned, the loot that they would have generated is automatically added to the player's inventory, and the tendstims and ammo necessary to clear them are automatically deducted.

4. Slave training

Slave training becomes boring when it involves repeatedly going through the exact same scenes. While I like reading through the scenes the first few times, after that, I find myself repeatedly clicking to just get through them. In addition to being grindy, this creates two additional problems. Firstly, sometimes I press the wrong button by accident. For example, if I order a slave to give me a blowjob while I'm filthy, then the [Next] button becomes [Force]. This can create a situation where I accidentally rape a slave (sorry Juno). Naturally, as a kind and civilized master, I'm quite adverse to this. Secondly, because there is no way to quickly see whether the scene's text has changed since last time, I end up skipping through even new content. To put it another way, because the scene's text only changes one scene in ten, it doesn't make sense to read through the same text I have already read just for a one in ten chance of seeing something new.

Ideally, there would be a way of setting a daily schedule that includes slave training amongst other tasks. When automated in this way, players should have the option of seeing any scenes that have new text. This way, players can still see their slaves being broken while skipping through the boring stuff.

Another annoying feature of slave training in the current version of the game is how affection naturally decays over time. This can be resolved by fucking or talking to slaves, but can end up being grindy. Ideally, the daily schedule would give players the ability to automatically improve the affection of broken, but unaffectionate slaves.

5. Skill training

Skill training involves a lot of grind. While I appreciate that each lecture at the university has unique text, other sources of skill points are not so interesting from a gameplay perspective. The daily schedule mentioned in the slave training section should include the option to read books and train basic skills.

6. Inventory management

Part of managing your business in Masters of Raana is ensuring that you remain adequately stocked in food, ammo, and tendstims. While food is somewhat automated, the automation is imperfect since it doesn't take into account revenues from gardening. Ammo and tendstims are completely unautomated. The player should have the option of setting a target stockpile level for each consumable. Then, every night, so long as the player has money, the stockpile replenishes to the target level. The player should also have the option of choosing where to buy replenishment goods, and whether to buy in bulk.

The economy

The current economic system in game is a big step up from other similar games. Even so, it could be better. I'd like the economic simulation to be deeper, for the player to be able to invest in a broader set of ventures, and for the player's ventures to have a larger effect on the economy.

The economic model

I envision a system where the economy is divided into agents. An agent could be a business (ex. Aimee's goods), an individual (ex. Aimee), a social stratum (ex. the poor, the Emerald Islanders), a noble house, or the government. Each agent supplies and demands various goods and services to the market, and the prices of goods and services fluctuates dynamically based on supply and demand. These fluctuations in turn impact the income of the various agents which in turn impacts their behaviour. The income that businesses earn is split between reinvestments and dividends to shareholders, while the income that non-business agents earn is spent on various consumer goods. The amount of goods that agents are able to purchase from the market may also affect other aspects of their behavior. For example, if the urchins become less impoverished, this may reduce crime, which in turn reduces protection payments, reduces raider spawn rates, and weakens crime-focused houses. Less impoverished urchins may also reduce the supply of new slaves on the market, increasing slave prices, and by extension the price of prostitution services.

Agents may also be affected by random events. For example, a natural disaster may kill people, reducing the labour they supply to the market, and the goods/services they demand from it. A disaster may also destroy investments which could affect the supply and demand of various goods and services.

At a minimum, I'd like to see markets for the following goods/services:

* Every tradable item already in the game, including but not limited to guns, ammo, armor, food, and sex toys
* Unskilled labour
* Professional labour
* "Protection"
* Sexual services
* Narcotics
* Slaves

Investible ventures

For every commodity in the game, the player should be able to invest in a venture producing that commodity. These ventures then supply and demand goods and services on the market just like any other agent. After achieving a modest cash reserve, any additional profits are payed out to the player in dividends.

How this would improve the game

Games are interesting when they give the player interesting choices. By tying agents and events together through markets and prices, the player's choices can have complex second-order effects on other agents. For example, a player who invests in agriculture may reduce food prices, and by extension the profitability of other agricultural ventures. This in turn weakens agriculturally-focused houses. It also gives the player an incentive to undermine houses that compete with their investments since competition increases supply, and thus lowers prices and profits. It also puts players in the position of having to evaluate trade-offs. For example, while destroying a competing farming venture may make the players agricultural investments more profitable, it would also further impoverish the poor, which may in turn destabilize the republic.

Return on investment

In general, the RoI in this game is too high. Payback periods are often less than a year. While this makes sense for gameplay reasons when it is rare for players to play for more than a year anyways, if the game is improved to be less grindy, allowing the player to invest an unlimited amount of money at a such a high RoI will eventually break the economy as exponential growth does its thing. For this reason, if the player is given unlimited investment opportunities, there needs to be diminishing returns to capital, and/or a lower base ROI.

Fort Sera

Fort Sera is pretty underwhelming. It costs a huge amount of money to acquire, and then it generates a modest trickle of income. I'd like to be able to do more things with my private army. Maybe assign them offer "protection", “recruit” criminals and impoverished citizens, raid convoys, or attack rival houses.


Right now, there is a settings option to freeze aging, and a drug the player can buy from the palace that does the same thing. I'd like to see some sort of auto-apply option where the player has the option of automatically buying and using the drug on members of their household to freeze aging. This way we can maintain our young pristine story slaves without "cheating" by using the freeze age option.


Most of the human-drawn renders are pretty good. The choice to use AI is interesting. On the one hand I could see how using AI could substantially reduce development costs, and free up resources to spend on other areas of the game, on the other hand, the AI renders have lots of visual incongruencies. Since the fun in the game comes primarily from the story, NSFW, political, and economic elements, and your development budget is fairly limited, I think it makes sense to use AI for minor background images, but not for characters. This mostly seems to be what you've gone with, though Sera notably lacks a human-drawn render.

Since breaking slaves generally involves putting them in bondage harnesses, the lack of bondage harness renders for random slaves is a major shortcoming.


The only potential bug I have encountered so far is with sex with Adrienne. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if this simply hasn't been implemented yet, but even though her corruption is 69, age is 18, and my lust is "satisfied", I can't "Demand Sex" or "Ask For Sex" with her. If this is a bug, it could be related to the fact that by the time I acquired her she was already 18.
Last edited:


Apr 19, 2019
I’ve played the game a little bit. Overall, I really like it, and I’d like to provide some feedback to make it even better.

The story

The story is generally pretty good. Unlike a lot of NSFW games, the story is good enough that I actually care about most of the characters, and the world has a mystery that I'm looking forward to uncovering. My main complaint here is that there isn't more. While this is understandable for a game that is still in development, I'd like to list the narrative content that's most in need of development, excluding content that is obviously under development:

i. Adrienne

Very cute. That by itself is enough of a reason to want more of her. Some threesome content with her and Michelle would be very nice. I'd also like to transform her into a proper slave. On a less horny note, the Preacher is underdeveloped, and an Andrienne quest could help develop him more.

A minor complaint I have about the quest to acquire Adrienne is that there is no violent option. While intimidating/defeating the Preacher shouldn't be easy, it should be an option if I don't want to whore out Michelle or play poker. Perhaps this could be tied to the player's power.

ii. Sera

The storyline around the fort is very underdeveloped. Not enough time is spent developing why the soldiers want to align themselves with the MC. While Sera tells us that the established houses are run by assholes, we never learn more about this. Aligning herself with a minor house like the MCs instead of a more established house is a very significant decision on her part and ought to have a deep motivation. Perhaps you could add some story elements exploring how she was treated by the establishes houses. Alternatively, you could take this in a different direction: even though Sera says she refuses to work with established houses, maybe, in reality, those houses refuse to work with her because of some secret in her past.

iii. Mei

She ripped off our buddy Ansel. She needs a story where she faces the consequences for this. I'm sure Ansel wouldn't be too hard on her.

iv. Aisha

She's gone from being an emkid to a common Ravenhead slut. When I ask her about her background, she says she has been humbled. No kidding. There is a lot of potential to expand on this. Perhaps events/scenes that pop up has her willpower and corruption reach certain thresholds, or a quest that has her interacting with some old emkid friends from her youth who haven't fallen from grace.

v. Bounty girl (I don't remember her name)

One of the bounties from the City Hall leads to a pair of fugitives in Kasey's park. They say that they are not guilty, and that they are just in the process of leaving Ikaanos. I'd really like to learn more about their story. Perhaps with different quest paths if I chose to let them go vs. enslaving them.

vi. Miss Winton

I've completed the quest and found her brother. The fact that she is still labeled on the map tells me that I'm supposed to care about her, but I can't actually do anything with her. If she doesn’t matter after the quest, her map label should be removed. If the player is supposed to care about her after the quest with her brother, then a new quest that explores her and her house should be added to the game. Perhaps a seduction plotline, and the ability to acquire whatever assets house Winton has left. One possible angle to explore here is the intersection between nobility and patriarchy in Raana: what is it like to be a woman leading a minor noble house in Raana?

Business management

While most slave training games involve some amount of business management, Masters of Raana also models the larger economic and political environment that the player's business operates in. This gives the game more depth than most games like it. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement.


Business management is too grindy. After manually pressing the relevant buttons a certain number of times, the player should have the option of automation. I see 6 areas that could be automated:

1. Prostitution

Right now, to whore out my slaves, I need to click the prostitution button every night. I'd like to see automation that, when enabled, automatically whores out all assigned slaves with a condition better than some player-defined threshold every night. If a whore's condition is worse than the threshold, they stay home for that night, but are not disabled for future nights. This should happen even if the player is not home.

Automation could be tied to a "Madam" role. If you add a Madam role, then the Madam's attributes could affect whore revenue, and injury/rape/theft/skyguard risks.

2. The arena

Right now, to make my arena slave fight, I have to physically go to the arena and press the button every single day. Automation should empower my arena slave to fight every day, and to take tendstims as necessary to heal injuries. The player should be able to configure a risk level for their slave. Riskier fights offer larger potential prizes, but a greater likelihood of losing and being injured, while safer fights offer a lower, more consistent income.

3. Combat

Combat is boring when enemies are significantly weaker than the player's party. When the player's party is significantly more powerful than an enemy there should be a way of automatically resolving the fight. When a fight is automatically resolved, the player's party takes some damage, and spends some ammo depending on the strength of the enemy. The player should have the option of trying to capture slaves. Trying to capture slaves when auto-resolving should apply a malus to the player's party that increases the risk of injury. The probability that slaves are successfully captured should depend on what weapons the player's party has armed in the melee slot.

Once the player's household becomes strong enough all daily combat involves a large strength disparity. Thus, even with the auto-resolve system above, there would still be combat grind in the late game. To resolve this, the player should have the option of automatically sending out mercenary parties to clear out raider trash. When enabled, all respawnable raiders on the map will automatically be cleared each time they would have respawned, the loot that they would have generated is automatically added to the player's inventory, and the tendstims and ammo necessary to clear them are automatically deducted.

4. Slave training

Slave training becomes boring when it involves repeatedly going through the exact same scenes. While I like reading through the scenes the first few times, after that, I find myself repeatedly clicking to just get through them. In addition to being grindy, this creates two additional problems. Firstly, sometimes I press the wrong button by accident. For example, if I order a slave to give me a blowjob while I'm filthy, then the [Next] button becomes [Force]. This can create a situation where I accidentally rape a slave (sorry Juno). Naturally, as a kind and civilized master, I'm quite adverse to this. Secondly, because there is no way to quickly see whether the scene's text has changed since last time, I end up skipping through even new content. To put it another way, because the scene's text only changes one scene in ten, it doesn't make sense to read through the same text I have already read just for a one in ten chance of seeing something new.

Ideally, there would be a way of setting a daily schedule that includes slave training amongst other tasks. When automated in this way, players should have the option of seeing any scenes that have new text. This way, players can still see their slaves being broken while skipping through the boring stuff.

Another annoying feature of slave training in the current version of the game is how affection naturally decays over time. This can be resolved by fucking or talking to slaves, but can end up being grindy. Ideally, the daily schedule would give players the ability to automatically improve the affection of broken, but unaffectionate slaves.

5. Skill training

Skill training involves a lot of grind. While I appreciate that each lecture at the university has unique text, other sources of skill points are not so interesting from a gameplay perspective. The daily schedule mentioned in the slave training section should include the option to read books and train basic skills.

6. Inventory management

Part of managing your business in Masters of Raana is ensuring that you remain adequately stocked in food, ammo, and tendstims. While food is somewhat automated, the automation is imperfect since it doesn't take into account revenues from gardening. Ammo and tendstims are completely unautomated. The player should have the option of setting a target stockpile level for each consumable. Then, every night, so long as the player has money, the stockpile replenishes to the target level. The player should also have the option of choosing where to buy replenishment goods, and whether to buy in bulk.

The economy

The current economic system in game is a big step up from other similar games. Even so, it could be better. I'd like the economic simulation to be deeper, for the player to be able to invest in a broader set of ventures, and for the player's ventures to have a larger effect on the economy.

The economic model

I envision a system where the economy is divided into agents. An agent could be a business (ex. Aimee's goods), an individual (ex. Aimee), a social stratum (ex. the poor, the Emerald Islanders), a noble house, or the government. Each agent supplies and demands various goods and services to the market, and the prices of goods and services fluctuates dynamically based on supply and demand. These fluctuations in turn impact the income of the various agents which in turn impacts their behaviour. The income that businesses earn is split between reinvestments and dividends to shareholders, while the income that non-business agents earn is spent on various consumer goods. The amount of goods that agents are able to purchase from the market may also affect other aspects of their behavior. For example, if the urchins become less impoverished, this may reduce crime, which in turn reduces protection payments, reduces raider spawn rates, and weakens crime-focused houses. Less impoverished urchins may also reduce the supply of new slaves on the market, increasing slave prices, and by extension the price of prostitution services.

Agents may also be affected by random events. For example, a natural disaster may kill people, reducing the labour they supply to the market, and the goods/services they demand from it. A disaster may also destroy investments which could affect the supply and demand of various goods and services.

At a minimum, I'd like to see markets for the following goods/services:

* Every tradable item already in the game, including but not limited to guns, ammo, armor, food, and sex toys
* Unskilled labour
* Professional labour
* "Protection"
* Sexual services
* Narcotics
* Slaves

Investible ventures

For every commodity in the game, the player should be able to invest in a venture producing that commodity. These ventures then supply and demand goods and services on the market just like any other agent. After achieving a modest cash reserve, any additional profits are payed out to the player in dividends.

How this would improve the game

Games are interesting when they give the player interesting choices. By tying agents and events together through markets and prices, the player's choices can have complex second-order effects on other agents. For example, a player who invests in agriculture may reduce food prices, and by extension the profitability of other agricultural ventures. This in turn weakens agriculturally-focused houses. It also gives the player an incentive to undermine houses that compete with their investments since competition increases supply, and thus lowers prices and profits. It also puts players in the position of having to evaluate trade-offs. For example, while destroying a competing farming venture may make the players agricultural investments more profitable, it would also further impoverish the poor, which may in turn destabilize the republic.

Return on investment

In general, the RoI in this game is too high. Payback periods are often less than a year. While this makes sense for gameplay reasons when it is rare for players to play for more than a year anyways, if the game is improved to be less grindy, allowing the player to invest an unlimited amount of money at a such a high RoI will eventually break the economy as exponential growth does its thing. For this reason, if the player is given unlimited investment opportunities, there needs to be diminishing returns to capital, and/or a lower base ROI.

Fort Sera

Fort Sera is pretty underwhelming. It costs a huge amount of money to acquire, and then it generates a modest trickle of income. I'd like to be able to do more things with my private army. Maybe assign them offer "protection", “recruit” criminals and impoverished citizens, raid convoys, or attack rival houses.


Right now, there is a settings option to freeze aging, and a drug the player can buy from the palace that does the same thing. I'd like to see some sort of auto-apply option where the player has the option of automatically buying and using the drug on members of their household to freeze aging. This way we can maintain our young pristine story slaves without "cheating" by using the freeze age option.


Most of the human-drawn renders are pretty good. The choice to use AI is interesting. On the one hand I could see how using AI could substantially reduce development costs, and free up resources to spend on other areas of the game, on the other hand, the AI renders have lots of visual incongruencies. Since the fun in the game comes primarily from the story, NSFW, political, and economic elements, and your development budget is fairly limited, I think it makes sense to use AI for minor background images, but not for characters. This mostly seems to be what you've gone with, though Sera notably lacks a human-drawn render.

Since breaking slaves generally involves putting them in bondage harnesses, the lack of bondage harness renders for random slaves is a major shortcoming.


The only potential bug I have encountered so far is with sex with Adrienne. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if this simply hasn't been implemented yet, but even though her corruption is 69, age is 18, and my lust is "satisfied", I can't "Demand Sex" or "Ask For Sex" with her. If this is a bug, it could be related to the fact that by the time I acquired her she was already 18.
So, to put this short, you suggest optional selective automatization of tastefully improved (practically) everything within this great game?
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Jul 4, 2019
Hello, I'm new to this game and this is the first time I play HTML game.
I tried to use cheats with console. I followed the instructions, but it doesnt work.
I attached a screenshot of my trials. In the screenshot, i tried to use cash cheats.
If anyone can help, much appreciated. Thank you!

View attachment 3199251
I find using a save editor like saveeditonline is easier for this game in particular but to each his own.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I’ve played the game a little bit. Overall, I really like it, and I’d like to provide some feedback to make it even better.

The story

The story is generally pretty good. Unlike a lot of NSFW games, the story is good enough that I actually care about most of the characters, and the world has a mystery that I'm looking forward to uncovering. My main complaint here is that there isn't more. While this is understandable for a game that is still in development, I'd like to list the narrative content that's most in need of development, excluding content that is obviously under development:

i. Adrienne

Very cute. That by itself is enough of a reason to want more of her. Some threesome content with her and Michelle would be very nice. I'd also like to transform her into a proper slave. On a less horny note, the Preacher is underdeveloped, and an Andrienne quest could help develop him more.

A minor complaint I have about the quest to acquire Adrienne is that there is no violent option. While intimidating/defeating the Preacher shouldn't be easy, it should be an option if I don't want to whore out Michelle or play poker. Perhaps this could be tied to the player's power.

ii. Sera

The storyline around the fort is very underdeveloped. Not enough time is spent developing why the soldiers want to align themselves with the MC. While Sera tells us that the established houses are run by assholes, we never learn more about this. Aligning herself with a minor house like the MCs instead of a more established house is a very significant decision on her part and ought to have a deep motivation. Perhaps you could add some story elements exploring how she was treated by the establishes houses. Alternatively, you could take this in a different direction: even though Sera says she refuses to work with established houses, maybe, in reality, those houses refuse to work with her because of some secret in her past.

iii. Mei

She ripped off our buddy Ansel. She needs a story where she faces the consequences for this. I'm sure Ansel wouldn't be too hard on her.

iv. Aisha

She's gone from being an emkid to a common Ravenhead slut. When I ask her about her background, she says she has been humbled. No kidding. There is a lot of potential to expand on this. Perhaps events/scenes that pop up has her willpower and corruption reach certain thresholds, or a quest that has her interacting with some old emkid friends from her youth who haven't fallen from grace.

v. Bounty girl (I don't remember her name)

One of the bounties from the City Hall leads to a pair of fugitives in Kasey's park. They say that they are not guilty, and that they are just in the process of leaving Ikaanos. I'd really like to learn more about their story. Perhaps with different quest paths if I chose to let them go vs. enslaving them.

vi. Miss Winton

I've completed the quest and found her brother. The fact that she is still labeled on the map tells me that I'm supposed to care about her, but I can't actually do anything with her. If she doesn’t matter after the quest, her map label should be removed. If the player is supposed to care about her after the quest with her brother, then a new quest that explores her and her house should be added to the game. Perhaps a seduction plotline, and the ability to acquire whatever assets house Winton has left. One possible angle to explore here is the intersection between nobility and patriarchy in Raana: what is it like to be a woman leading a minor noble house in Raana?

Business management

While most slave training games involve some amount of business management, Masters of Raana also models the larger economic and political environment that the player's business operates in. This gives the game more depth than most games like it. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement.


Business management is too grindy. After manually pressing the relevant buttons a certain number of times, the player should have the option of automation. I see 6 areas that could be automated:

1. Prostitution

Right now, to whore out my slaves, I need to click the prostitution button every night. I'd like to see automation that, when enabled, automatically whores out all assigned slaves with a condition better than some player-defined threshold every night. If a whore's condition is worse than the threshold, they stay home for that night, but are not disabled for future nights. This should happen even if the player is not home.

Automation could be tied to a "Madam" role. If you add a Madam role, then the Madam's attributes could affect whore revenue, and injury/rape/theft/skyguard risks.

2. The arena

Right now, to make my arena slave fight, I have to physically go to the arena and press the button every single day. Automation should empower my arena slave to fight every day, and to take tendstims as necessary to heal injuries. The player should be able to configure a risk level for their slave. Riskier fights offer larger potential prizes, but a greater likelihood of losing and being injured, while safer fights offer a lower, more consistent income.

3. Combat

Combat is boring when enemies are significantly weaker than the player's party. When the player's party is significantly more powerful than an enemy there should be a way of automatically resolving the fight. When a fight is automatically resolved, the player's party takes some damage, and spends some ammo depending on the strength of the enemy. The player should have the option of trying to capture slaves. Trying to capture slaves when auto-resolving should apply a malus to the player's party that increases the risk of injury. The probability that slaves are successfully captured should depend on what weapons the player's party has armed in the melee slot.

Once the player's household becomes strong enough all daily combat involves a large strength disparity. Thus, even with the auto-resolve system above, there would still be combat grind in the late game. To resolve this, the player should have the option of automatically sending out mercenary parties to clear out raider trash. When enabled, all respawnable raiders on the map will automatically be cleared each time they would have respawned, the loot that they would have generated is automatically added to the player's inventory, and the tendstims and ammo necessary to clear them are automatically deducted.

4. Slave training

Slave training becomes boring when it involves repeatedly going through the exact same scenes. While I like reading through the scenes the first few times, after that, I find myself repeatedly clicking to just get through them. In addition to being grindy, this creates two additional problems. Firstly, sometimes I press the wrong button by accident. For example, if I order a slave to give me a blowjob while I'm filthy, then the [Next] button becomes [Force]. This can create a situation where I accidentally rape a slave (sorry Juno). Naturally, as a kind and civilized master, I'm quite adverse to this. Secondly, because there is no way to quickly see whether the scene's text has changed since last time, I end up skipping through even new content. To put it another way, because the scene's text only changes one scene in ten, it doesn't make sense to read through the same text I have already read just for a one in ten chance of seeing something new.

Ideally, there would be a way of setting a daily schedule that includes slave training amongst other tasks. When automated in this way, players should have the option of seeing any scenes that have new text. This way, players can still see their slaves being broken while skipping through the boring stuff.

Another annoying feature of slave training in the current version of the game is how affection naturally decays over time. This can be resolved by fucking or talking to slaves, but can end up being grindy. Ideally, the daily schedule would give players the ability to automatically improve the affection of broken, but unaffectionate slaves.

5. Skill training

Skill training involves a lot of grind. While I appreciate that each lecture at the university has unique text, other sources of skill points are not so interesting from a gameplay perspective. The daily schedule mentioned in the slave training section should include the option to read books and train basic skills.

6. Inventory management

Part of managing your business in Masters of Raana is ensuring that you remain adequately stocked in food, ammo, and tendstims. While food is somewhat automated, the automation is imperfect since it doesn't take into account revenues from gardening. Ammo and tendstims are completely unautomated. The player should have the option of setting a target stockpile level for each consumable. Then, every night, so long as the player has money, the stockpile replenishes to the target level. The player should also have the option of choosing where to buy replenishment goods, and whether to buy in bulk.

The economy

The current economic system in game is a big step up from other similar games. Even so, it could be better. I'd like the economic simulation to be deeper, for the player to be able to invest in a broader set of ventures, and for the player's ventures to have a larger effect on the economy.

The economic model

I envision a system where the economy is divided into agents. An agent could be a business (ex. Aimee's goods), an individual (ex. Aimee), a social stratum (ex. the poor, the Emerald Islanders), a noble house, or the government. Each agent supplies and demands various goods and services to the market, and the prices of goods and services fluctuates dynamically based on supply and demand. These fluctuations in turn impact the income of the various agents which in turn impacts their behaviour. The income that businesses earn is split between reinvestments and dividends to shareholders, while the income that non-business agents earn is spent on various consumer goods. The amount of goods that agents are able to purchase from the market may also affect other aspects of their behavior. For example, if the urchins become less impoverished, this may reduce crime, which in turn reduces protection payments, reduces raider spawn rates, and weakens crime-focused houses. Less impoverished urchins may also reduce the supply of new slaves on the market, increasing slave prices, and by extension the price of prostitution services.

Agents may also be affected by random events. For example, a natural disaster may kill people, reducing the labour they supply to the market, and the goods/services they demand from it. A disaster may also destroy investments which could affect the supply and demand of various goods and services.

At a minimum, I'd like to see markets for the following goods/services:

* Every tradable item already in the game, including but not limited to guns, ammo, armor, food, and sex toys
* Unskilled labour
* Professional labour
* "Protection"
* Sexual services
* Narcotics
* Slaves

Investible ventures

For every commodity in the game, the player should be able to invest in a venture producing that commodity. These ventures then supply and demand goods and services on the market just like any other agent. After achieving a modest cash reserve, any additional profits are payed out to the player in dividends.

How this would improve the game

Games are interesting when they give the player interesting choices. By tying agents and events together through markets and prices, the player's choices can have complex second-order effects on other agents. For example, a player who invests in agriculture may reduce food prices, and by extension the profitability of other agricultural ventures. This in turn weakens agriculturally-focused houses. It also gives the player an incentive to undermine houses that compete with their investments since competition increases supply, and thus lowers prices and profits. It also puts players in the position of having to evaluate trade-offs. For example, while destroying a competing farming venture may make the players agricultural investments more profitable, it would also further impoverish the poor, which may in turn destabilize the republic.

Return on investment

In general, the RoI in this game is too high. Payback periods are often less than a year. While this makes sense for gameplay reasons when it is rare for players to play for more than a year anyways, if the game is improved to be less grindy, allowing the player to invest an unlimited amount of money at a such a high RoI will eventually break the economy as exponential growth does its thing. For this reason, if the player is given unlimited investment opportunities, there needs to be diminishing returns to capital, and/or a lower base ROI.

Fort Sera

Fort Sera is pretty underwhelming. It costs a huge amount of money to acquire, and then it generates a modest trickle of income. I'd like to be able to do more things with my private army. Maybe assign them offer "protection", “recruit” criminals and impoverished citizens, raid convoys, or attack rival houses.


Right now, there is a settings option to freeze aging, and a drug the player can buy from the palace that does the same thing. I'd like to see some sort of auto-apply option where the player has the option of automatically buying and using the drug on members of their household to freeze aging. This way we can maintain our young pristine story slaves without "cheating" by using the freeze age option.


Most of the human-drawn renders are pretty good. The choice to use AI is interesting. On the one hand I could see how using AI could substantially reduce development costs, and free up resources to spend on other areas of the game, on the other hand, the AI renders have lots of visual incongruencies. Since the fun in the game comes primarily from the story, NSFW, political, and economic elements, and your development budget is fairly limited, I think it makes sense to use AI for minor background images, but not for characters. This mostly seems to be what you've gone with, though Sera notably lacks a human-drawn render.

Since breaking slaves generally involves putting them in bondage harnesses, the lack of bondage harness renders for random slaves is a major shortcoming.


The only potential bug I have encountered so far is with sex with Adrienne. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if this simply hasn't been implemented yet, but even though her corruption is 69, age is 18, and my lust is "satisfied", I can't "Demand Sex" or "Ask For Sex" with her. If this is a bug, it could be related to the fact that by the time I acquired her she was already 18.
there was a time and place several years ago that your post would be my post!
Several of your points are asking too much for what can be programed and can be considered cost effective!
you have several errors in the girls quests!

for miss winston if you visit with buddy or Ayshel or another unique NPC you get to spitroast her,
this enables you to grow your copulation skills greatly, even if they are high already!
later on when leaving the city hall in hamilton you are attacked by a group of payed rogues to leave her alone!
So i assume there is a secret suitor to her and her questline is probably far from finished!
it might have ended for me since i am married already, but for an unmarried MC perhaps there is that questline...
it seems i have finally reached a crossing point in her questline, she looses everythyng and you can buy her off in hamilton directly!
so she becomes just another fuck toy that doesn´t bring anything to the table... so just another regular bitch!
--- end of edit ---

for Adrianne and Michelle questline, if your faction is over 25 in strenght, you can challenge him to a fight and
the preacher backs down, imediatly provides you with a 5 standing on his house which probably provides you with some wealth!

not sure about that part,but then again my MC is a profound Catholic
and as gifted over 5000 merchandise to the church and never seen 1 penny back as contribution!
might be because i refused to provide my golden challice of frankish origin to the church
(this was a nice touch... "frankish origin", implying it might be a relic of the 8-10th century imitating the holy grail)

some of your requests are undoable, but i understand the spirit in which you do it,
as stated several years ago, before i was this jaded your post would be similar to mine!
that being said, how come someone who is not jaded enough ends up in such a forum?
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Aug 18, 2017
Anyhow, I'm a bit disappointed we only have the public version here.
And you will be in future. I think it speaks to the dev, that none of the buyers is willing to share the "premium version" of the game. Part of it is because the dev is smart enough to present the game here, that often makes the people more reluctant to share the payconent. But since you don't find it in the www either, it is quite obvious the crowd love the guy and don't want to take away his income.


Jun 13, 2022
And you will be in future. I think it speaks to the dev, that none of the buyers is willing to share the "premium version" of the game. Part of it is because the dev is smart enough to present the game here, that often makes the people more reluctant to share the payconent. But since you don't find it in the www either, it is quite obvious the crowd love the guy and don't want to take away his income.
Plus updates are pretty frequent.


Sep 6, 2022
And you will be in future. I think it speaks to the dev, that none of the buyers is willing to share the "premium version" of the game. Part of it is because the dev is smart enough to present the game here, that often makes the people more reluctant to share the payconent. But since you don't find it in the www either, it is quite obvious the crowd love the guy and don't want to take away his income.
This is a piracy site man. But you're right that it is impressive considering the amount of subs.

I'm not too disappointed though, the patreon content seems to be not that important anyways, it's on the level of pre-purchase or deluxe edition content. one quest, a slave and a unique weapon. I can see why he's well liked. It's mostly disappointing because the quest seems like a major storyline quest, not a side quest.


New Member
Jul 3, 2019
there was a time and place several years ago that your post would be my post!
Several of your points are asking too much for what can be programed and can be considered cost effective!
you have several errors in the girls quests!

for miss winston if you visit with buddy or Ayshel or another unique NPC you get to spitroast her,
this enables you to grow your copulation skills greatly, even if they are high already!
later on when leaving the city hall in hamilton you are attacked by a group of payed rogues to leave her alone!
So i assume there is a secret suitor to her and her questline is probably far from finished!
it might have ended for me since i am married already, but for an unmarried MC perhaps there is that questline...

for Adrianne and Michelle questline, if your faction is over 25 in strenght, you can challenge him to a fight and
the preacher backs down, imediatly provides you with a 5 standing on his house which probably provides you with some wealth!

not sure about that part,but then again my MC is a profound Catholic
and as gifted over 5000 merchandise to the church and never seen 1 penny back as contribution!
might be because i refused to provide my golden challice of frankish origin to the church
(this was a nice touch... "frankish origin", implying it might be a relic of the 8-10th century imitating the holy grail)

some of your requests are undoable, but i understand the spirit in which you do it,
as stated several years ago, before i was this jaded your post would be similar to mine!
that being said, how come someone who is not jaded enough ends up in such a forum?
So with the quests, I've tried going to Miss Winton just now with Ansel and Bud, and I don't get a spitroast scene. My guess is that you only get this scene if you previously asked her to pay with other means.

With Adrianne and Michelle, you're right about being able to challenge him, I forgot about that. That said, as far as I'm aware, the player only gets the option to challenge him if they are powerful enough when they first talk to him. The player doesn't have any option to build their strength and come back later.

As for the feasibility of what I'm asking for, I'm assuming you're referring to the automation or the economic improvements. I'm a professional software developer, though with minimal UX experience, so I can speak to the (non-UX) programming aspects of this. Ultimately, nothing I've described is technically complex. While I haven't done a detailed cost estimate, and such an estimate is not possible without more precise requirements, I'd guess that the (non-UX) development of a minimally ambitious set of requirements represents a few hundred hours of work. I'd be surprised if the rest of the work took more than a few hundred hours, though I can't speak authoritatively on that. Now obviously, for a game like this, this still represents a lot of time/money, so the development of these features, especially the economic improvements, are unlikely without significant player demand, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them undoable. It really comes down to how much the player base wants these features and whether Grimdark sees them as being compatible with his vision for the game.

I'm sorry you're so jaded. I know life can be really fucked sometimes. I hope you're able to get yourself to a better place. I know you didn't ask for advice, and I don't mean to be rude by providing it, but I see this perspective a lot online, and I'd like to take a moment to address it, if not for you, then for someone else who is in a similar place. Frankly, my life has been pretty fucked over the past few years, and in part I'm writing this for myself.

In my experience most people who are jaded are jaded because they don't recognize the extent of their own agency. Sometimes people confuse critical thinking with cynicism, and they don't realize that critical thinking includes thinking critically about your own cynicism.

Maybe they have a shitty job, but they don't think they can get a better job so they don't try. Maybe they believe that all employers suck, or that they don't have and can't acquire the skills to get a decent job. They don't realize that good employers exist, and or that not all good jobs require years of complex and expensive training.

Maybe they're in a shitty marriage, but they don't think that they could get a better one, so they don't try. Maybe they don't believe that they can fix their current marriage. Maybe their marriage is truly unfixable, but they believe that all women suck, that they're not good enough to get a good women, that the divorce courts would ruin them, or that being single is worse than being in a bad marriage. They don't realize that good women exist, and that most of them just want a man who treats them decently and acts responsibly. They don't realize that the courts aren't actually rigged, and that being single isn't that bad.

I don't know what your situation is like, but I do know that except for a few extreme situations, everyone has agency. Maybe you can't guarantee yourself a good life, but you can increase your odds of one. Sometimes things outside of your control will hinder your plans, but if exercise your agency to its fullest, you can maximize your odds of overcoming them. Life can be really fucked sometimes, but if you think critically about your situation, you can almost always find a way of working towards a life that's less fucked.

As for my lack of jadedness. I'm here because I like porn and I like games, and I especially like this porn game. Not everyone who enjoys these things is jaded.


Sep 22, 2019
I was wooing Laika, then she got to 18 years and she's not a virgin? Did her previous masters have fun with her when she was 13?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
while we are waiting for a new version, here is a small extension of retreat;)
does this allows for slaves to work from the retreat or it just adds parking space for lazy bitches?

did the original retreat allow them to work?
nope thus why i asked!

might be worth it if the next update is save compatible,
if not and we all must start from the beginning once again!

thanks for your work on behalf of the community even if its not what i require!
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