Update from Icstor:
Hello everyone, it’s been a while. First of all I want to say that I’m sorry for a lack of communication lately. I knew I should make this post sooner, but I didn’t exactly know what I wanted to do and I had to consider all the options with myself and some of my team members. I know that probably a lot of you started to hate me, but there’s nothing I can do besides saying that I’m really sorry. To be honest I’m burned out again with working on Milfy City. I was thinking that taking a break again could be a solution, but to be honest I know it’s not. I’ve learned one thing in the last few years of creating games but I’ll write about it later in the post.
What about Milfy City? When it comes to Milfy City, I’m considering creating the last two BIG updates to Milfy City. I want to finish all characters' storylines which the player could already start to not leave any started story unfinished. Let’s call it version 0.9 and 1.0. I’ll probably make version 0.9 a little smaller so you can guys get the content sooner. Probably with Linda and Sara's complete storyline. Everyone that has supported or is supporting me now, since the beginning of this year will receive those updates for free.
What about the release date? I don’t know, and I don’t want to give any exact month or day because we know how it could end. I’ll post the news always at the end of the month with current progress.
Current progress bar? I know that in its current form it’s not really helpful and related to the truth. There are things that are not on my side to do so I can’t really tell how much time other members of the team need. I’m thinking about changing it to a general percent of completion with separate boards, like renders/programming/writing and testing.
What about the future and after completing Milfy City? I’ve learned one thing in the last few years of making games. (Maybe too late…?) In order to finish the game as I want, without being burned out I can’t make more than 4-5 updates. It’s just who I am. I like creating new stuff and new characters. It’s exactly then, at the beginning when I feel passion and I love creating it and I can work even all day without being exhausted. So, I decided that my future games will be separated into episodes. (For sure no more than four/five). No more creating versions 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 .etc Because in every next version I became less and less interested in the project. I’ve already got a great idea for the story for my next game. But, for now only the programmer is working hard on all the mechanics that I want to implement.(There’s a lot

) In regards to Milfy City he has nothing else left to do until I create renders. So, I have to finish my part first in order to let him start working on it. In the meantime he’s working hard so we’ll be able to release the first episode MAYBE even at the end of this year.
I want to apologize once again for the lack of communication lately, and I’m hoping that there are still a lot of people waiting to see Linda, Sara and a few others characters again