I dont know if its just a rumour or not but after people got mad to him when he said he is working on his new game "Project X" before finishing the Milf City. One of his discord admin told me when i asked him does he know anything about whats going on in PM he replied to me this I believe "ICSTOR" is trying to complete milf city in one patch which is going to be v0.7. I guess if its true thats why the percentage bar is not going up and this time maybe he is really trying to fix his mistakes in past that he did. He didnt let his patrons know what exactly is going on with game developement weekly or not even monthly plus he did a lot of excuses for his personal life in past. Im not defending him at all dont get me wrong his lack of communication with his fans and all of his irresponsibility for his job is absolutely unacceptable. Im just saying what i heard thats all. So we have 3 option here if you ask me:
1- He is not doing any shit or taking it veeeerrryy slooooww.
2- He has lack of communication with his patrons and fans but still working on both projects.(in a slow speed as expected from him ofc.)
3- He focused on Milf City once he realised his patron numbers are going down like crazy and he is trying to finish the Milf City with one patch as i heard from his admin on discord at once which is going to be v0.7 patch.
To be honest i dont know what to say since he is not telling anything legit to anyone about what he is doing currently. If you ask me what i think about him. Im tired a lot because of his excuses and lack of comminication with people around himself and dont expect and believe him at all no matter what he does and says until he releases something for us. I also think even if he works, he work very slowly and lost his passion and dont care about what people think about him anymore or something different is going on that we dont know about his personal life. Like i said im not defending him at all. All of these thing is just what i think and like i said if he is having hard times about his personal life we dont expect him to tell everything to us but at least he could make some explanation on his website or patreon page. To be honest im also not sure if anyone would believe him since he made a lot of excuses for himself in past and i wouldnt believe it either even if its real. He did all of this to himself. He should wake up and take some responsibility from now. He is not reliable anymore, believe me he was always like this he was the same while working on his previous games but this time its only even worse. He needs someone that will wake him up and make him work and check what he is doing like his parents or baby sitter. He was always like that. Im glad some of his patrons finally realized they've been milked for almost a year and canceled their membership. He had 6600+ patrons only a month ago now he has 5635 and going down everyday. I guess when he reach 3000 or 2000 patron maybe that will make him wake up.