Milfy City v1.0 – Release in 2021 (february 30)
Milfy Kingdom – On Hold (when MC release)
This is crazy. He got burned out when creating Milfy City, because all those characters and storylines were too hectic and he didn't know where to turn, at least allegedly. And he wants to start a new game which, at least by it's concept, looks much bigger. All while he has not properly finished MC? I don't get it. This is going beyond the definition of insanity. Every one of his projects wasn't properly finished and was rushed, yet every time he started even bigger project just to repeat the exact same outcome. He never learns. He is either not very smart in that regard or he's lying.
He should have made something more compact with less characters and shorter story, so he wouldn't get burned out before the finish line. He does the exact opposite every time and this time it's even worse, because he has all these plans for a next even big game which will be even more tedious to finish because all those promised features, while the previous one is barely done.

He's gonna get frustrated from fear of not delivering and get mentally exhausted again. And this time it's gonna be even way more frustrating with all those features that he promised. I never backed Icstor, I have no right to feel offended by this development, but I am so baffled by his behavior. If it happened once, maybe twice, but it was at least 3 or 4 times already. Milf Control, IS 2, Milf's Villa, Milfy City. I never played IC1. You would think he would have learned from it, right? WRONG!
This time it's even weirder. It's Milfy City we are talking about. It was loved by so many people, probably Number 1 game of this type at that time. He could have been so proud of it, and so happy that he got so much money and accolades for it. The characters are so fun to play with, especially because they look so good. The story is simple, but works very well. It did kinda go all over the place lately, but I don't understand why. And then he got stuck. But it didn't have to go that way. Especially when you can also look back at your previous mistakes and accomodate your planning to it. Make an outline of the story, make it shorter and more compact, have very distinct fetishes for each characters, etc. Nope, didn't happen.
TL,DR: ICSTOR never learns from his mistakes, instead doubles down. Why? I don't get it at all.