If you are having mental or physical health issues, cutting off your income can only make it worse. On, the other hand, telling the people who are feeding you is a good idea so they can choose to keep supporting you (not the game) until you are able to work on the game again. And, you don't even have to say what is wrong with you, "I'm having medical problems and it's going to delay my work. I have no idea how long it might take, but I would like to thank you for all the support you have shown me in the past." is all that is needed. Most people would understand what. What you are asking for is a little extreme.
Hi, IcStor! Welcome to F95!
I'm sorry you had to actually crawl out of your hole due to your inability to count days since your prior (March) Patreon post, but it was nice to hear your shtick again.
I'm sorry you think we're being harsh about your mental issues, but given that your words are very contradictory, we're not quite sure what to believe. You claim to have created 8000 renders in the last some-teen months, but continue to claim mental illness stops you from working. Which is true? You HAVE, or HAVE NOT, worked? Or, are you so mentally deranged from creating your games you no longer realize what you're saying?
Also, if creating games of this genre is so taxing on your mental state, isn't it time to move on to a different vocation? I mean, I know 250k$ (or so) per year is a lot to give up, but with your ability to make money for doing nothing, I would think United States Politician or Stock Executive would be along the lines of the salary you want with the effort you are willing to exert.
Take care, and enjoy your time in the zone!