
Nov 30, 2019
What happened to the Sexy Milf Town video game, which will be available on August 13, 2022?
Looks like it was removed...
No link to "store page" like other games.
Searching in the store doesn't return it.
Huge guess: but w/ that comment, steam might've figured it was a non-legit game and removed it. Why the discussion stuff is still there, not sure.
Edit: Helps to log in... (forgot I wasn't)
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New Member
Jan 10, 2020
What I liked about MC was the relationship with Celia, most games have romantic Love Interests but the fucked up back and forth with Celia was very cool; anyone know any other games out there with similarly unromantic LI's?


Game Developer
Jun 3, 2019
The last update he released wasn't even that big, I highly doubt that the game will have a decent ending. He will release some rushed bullshit just because it looks bad to have an abandoned game and he still wants to milk people with his new game that was supposed to be released this summer.
Isn't that sort of how he always is? Bad endings to rushed games.


Sep 10, 2021
This dude is a pathological liar, theres absolutely zero value or weight behind what he says/writes on his patreon page.
Not once any statement or promise in any of his status logs actually turned out to be real 0%
Why would you think that this time its gonna be different?
This is predatory behavior that comes from the anxiety that his supporters are gonna ditch the game or forget about it so he gives them a fake estimated release window to keep them engaged and plant hope in them.
Nothing is coming in ~ January 2023 not even one render, I promise.
and project X is not even an idea its just a placeholder, and always will be.
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Jul 25, 2021
Not trying to defend him or anything. But I preferred an ending to this, no matter how bad it is. So I can finally forget about this and move on. Crossed fingers.
wake up!!!

* Last update of this game was back in July 2021
* His last post on icstor.com was on August 1 2020
* his last port on Patreon was on November 18 2021

Then ICSTOR goes AWOL, no post on Patreon or icstor.com "NOTHING". ICSTOR never paused Patreon billing on current (3485 suporters), kept collecting good money for doing jackshit.

All of sudden he mention "Milfy City v1.0 Final Edition" is comming out on Jan 2023, well then next update was not supposed to be a final edition it was a continuation of the game, what you need to understand is that he has lost more than 3500 patreons supporters and is hoping not to loose any more supporters by posting a update of the game.
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