Patreon has a whole list of things it doesn't like and will use to shut down a creator if it wants to. Usually it's prompted by some douche nozzle reporting you because you didn't give them the content they wanted, as fast as they wanted, and as free as they wanted. I got my game completely shut down over one report of the game because I didn't totally redo the game in the fashion some complainer wanted me to (include pregnancy and make the tits smaller in my game). He wasn't even a member of my subscribers, just some basement dwelling POS who wanted more and so reported me for it. With the right screen shots, Patreon won't even ask questions. They'll simply shut the game down completely. You can reopen it, but you've lost all your subscribers and pretty much need to start from the beginning again. Steam, Subscribestar, and others can so it as well, but they usually require more than one person with some screen shots to bother.