The feels when you didn't have enough sub points to learn feet kiss before starting ch2, and then realizing fighting the barbarian warlord chieftain submissively is actually impossible without feet kiss to escape her hold since she just gets back to full health, with you unable to escape the hold.

RIP I was trying to do a balance of sub and defiant choices, but seems you're supposed to really only go one way/route from game start to finish? I managed to beat the boss with just raw physical skills, but wish I'd known beforehand I'd need feet kiss or had some way to learn more sub points or something to unlock it before ch2, since basically as an escape hold move it's pretty darn important to have.
Also, is there going to be any content with Mychelle? I was kind of hoping for some female guard or female paladin foot stuff in the city, but the barbarians were plenty great too, especially liked the shrinking stuff, was definitely a welcome surprise seeing that! (And hyped there will be more of it! Future smelly in shoe or boot/entrapment scenes?~) Anyways, I think it'd fit Clessa to make her slave properly show Mychelle his gratitude and how thankful he should be for Mychelle saving his life by kissing her fresh from boots feet.

Also, since she's working with Clessa now, would be fun to see Clessa (Or maybe even Priora?) 'corrupt'/convince Mychelle's 'good girl' personality or ease her into embracing foot femdom (or at least in relation to putting/keeping the player in his place which may or may not awaken certain dominant feelings inside Mychelle~). Just a couple ideas I had though. Looking forward to Chapter 3!