
Aug 30, 2021
ComplexBreeding Mod (version: proof of concept) (no file yet)

Someone ask for update so Im here to deliver, its a wall of text so I understand that only I will read it :)

Please do not have big hopes. Its my second mod in my life and first mod after posting on this thread I was informed that it is not working :D

I want to describe mod Im working on. MBM is amazing game and it have great potencial but for me developers should focus more on sandbox features and not "story".
(by story I meant unique characters itp. if I can be honest I will sell all features from DLC for assets like wings for generic slaves)

Many mechanics are very messy for me like trait system or upgrades rooms or even upgrading stats by consumig hectoliters of milk.
Progression in not linear but very "snowbally", you buying cat slave on beginning and you basicly shooting monsters left and right and after 10 minuts you have god slaves and monsters.
I like more slow and calculated sandbox experience when after few hours of game I can still have something to achieve or created.
I also like when you can "customize" your solutions to problems and achieve goals in diffrent ways. (like in factorio you can use belts, trains or robots)

Changed mechanics:
- Slaves cannot escape from brothel (I dont know who think it is a cool feature...)
- Fully depraved slaves are no longer supermens (they lose health like before)
- When "depraved face" is off, slave have originals eyes
- There is only one type of milk, milk not longer upgrades stats
- Most of room upgrades are disabled (I think only works health regeneration, cure disease, ending in and out)
- tentacle eggs are sold for 100 gold (5000... why not million)
- all triats and racial traits are removed and new system is implemented
- milk is for selling, slave generete milk in diff ratio and there is new attribute "milk quality" which is used when selling milk (milk is sold in automatic way in millking room)
- s with monster can give slaves and slave are more consistent in looks when in same species
- removed clone parent mechanics (monsters and slave can "mutated" simple visual stats (like eye shape and ball sack), there is ~10% chance per parameter, in case of tits size there is 5% for one size up and 5% for one size down)
- no slave species is restricted in tits size (some species like rabbits still have only for example flat on market but you can breed your way to huge if you want)
- you can have 5 childs in one pregnancy, big monsters only take 2 "slots" because getting this parameter up is much harder then in base game
- clients in brothel are changed for new trait system

I was thinking for days how implemented system which will be possible in current UI, it will include genetics (but in not overpower way like in base game) and will be fun.
I early drop the idea of many individual triats inheriting by children -> trait slot are very limited, UI is very small and hard to see stuff, and can be messy quickly

I created something I named "essences", essence can have tier value from 1 to 10 and describe how much concetration of specific group of genes slave/monster have.
For example slave can have demonic essence +1 which means that there is small group of genes originated from demons. More concetration more bonuses and sometimes weaknesses.
Tiers are inherited by gender and can be upgraded but every tier is harder to get then last one but having partner with high concetration of specific essence increase chances.
Tiers can be also lost by generations if you are not focus on selective breeding
For example feral essence:
View attachment 2369787

Racial triats:
Renamed to just traits, this can be anything like: immunity to diseases or tattoo/crest mechenics from elfs
Some traits are added just for beeing specific species, for example ghoul girl cannot be sick
Some traits are chance based and can be gained when essences levels are high, for example you have 10% chances to gain immunity for diseases when at least have eternal essence +4
When at least one parent have trait then of course you have bigger chance

Brothel changes:
Clients are now named after classes from dnd and can give you required essences to start your breeding program
View attachment 2369788

New species mechanics:
Species can now change, for example elf after taking to much demonic essence can give birth to drows (dark elfs) etc.
Species are divided to tiers Common -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic -> Legendary

Current human posibilities:
View attachment 2369790

Some starting species are recreated, for example dragonian is not more and you start with cute lizard and you must breed your way to powerful dragons:
View attachment 2369794

That all for now, everything I showed now is working in some way, Im currently playing to learn how number works and add at least minimum acceptable balance changes etc.

If someore read this I will be in shock.
Damn, sounding pretty good. I salute your ambition and eagerly await your mod.


May 11, 2017
Is there a way to get it in english after the patch? Or am i missing something here, its in japanese even tho it says it can be in english on the main page of this download. Or did the patch indeed screw that up.
The game has always been in English, you do not need to install anything extra. Just change it under options button.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2020
Hoping the dev's next DLC involves an incursion into whatever demon realm she crawled out from for a little bit of pillaging, so to speak.

Other than that, game is great so far. I only wish the pixies would automatically move slaves from the capsules to the nearest empty slave pen rather than the one they originally came from; late game, things get clogged up really easily.
Oh! Loved the game, played for 3 playthrough to unlock everything... But it's because I loved the game is what made the Rune ending that much argueous because I didn't know about the New Game + feature.
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Aug 22, 2021
It's a bit disappointing that we can't make the NPCs full slaves, even though Rune said 'we can do whatever we want now'. I wanna see Amilia pop out a horse, or Niel with a minotaur, or Sena and Lena in side-by-side tentacle rooms
One of the things I don't understand is why you can no longer see the normal sex CG once Rune has brainwashed an NPC. They are unlocked in the gallery so I didn't truly 'lose' anything, but it seems odd that someone intentionally disabled that.

At least with the Rune ending, you can just go back one save and break enough tentacle rooms to get the main 'happy' ending. Since you require essence to brainwash npcs though, you are more likely to do that iteratively over the course of your playthrough, so it isn't really fixable by the time you reach the ending.

Also I agree that the game is way too easy even on master. Between the bullshit expensive tentacle eggs (and the early-game mansion for breeding slaves which costs only 10 of those eggs), I have fully maxed out everything by day 35 with 500k to spare.
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Aug 10, 2020
One of the things I don't understand is why you can no longer see the normal sex CG once Rune has brainwashed an NPC. They are unlocked in the gallery so I didn't truly 'lose' anything, but it seems odd that someone intentionally disabled that.
Probably because there'd be additional work involved to add a preg variant to all those scenes, with extra modifications to the x-ray view and the twins.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Yep. Even DLC Barbara scene is notably cheaper that first four, with a 3d model instead of human-drawn art.
That's not true. It's still a 2D animated with Spine (version 4.0.61), same as the rest of animated CGs and all other animations. Attaching Barbara's CG spritesheet sourcs as well as the rest of them.

As for locked out CGs when characters/NPC are brainwashed seems more like a deliberate design choice. Kinda like a middle finger from a Succubus, so you'll start to take hints she's in control of that.

Well, whatever. I know what kind of code is responsible for this check in Assembly, so I disabled it. Tested it with a random save with every NPC brainwashed and it seems like working again.

Version ONLY.
Installation: Put DLL into MonsterBlackMarket_Data/Managed folder
Always make a backup of original files.

You can get it here ( )
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New Member
Mar 23, 2021
It would be interesting to see a mod that allows to put the NPCs in the cages with the monsters or in the brothel, but it would probably be a lot of animation work.


Aug 1, 2018
random mod ideas:
-bypass brainwash check for npc h cg(cause why not?lol.Ideally cg(s) should have the heart eye and extra changes,but no budget for that stuff,might as well wait official team do it properly.IF they ever do it. But hey,bypass is always good.)
-change the protagonist* pp size.(IF possible.cause why not?)
-(pending to update and make it into v? mod pack)
-remove the spawn tentacle button in the breed room(its a peak dumb stuff that we need to mod to remove,since there is already a FIXED BIG ui down there and can ctrl mass spawn.WHY extra button?and if misspress the monster inside goes to void.RIP)
-less limit when enhance room,so some options eg,cost reduction can be applied on normal room(aka free-rent possible.etc.)also make the max value higher like 50%,so it just breaks the game more but,no a problem,its a mod.just del the dll if too OP ^^)
-mass select/map wide and edit pixy settings(we need a way to select like 1000 girl,cause why not?)&change the market stock pixy setting
-mod flora/minion to accept milk and extract DNA from it(to have mechanics workaround the simple grind-body*)
-mod required work for special npc functions,5 is kinda acceptable honestly but why not?,
-allowing moving char while pausing game(very hard,workaround,playspeedx0.01,
-edit play time duration(possibly in savedata,but idk where)

-|Alternative mechanics sandbox mod(Kinda most in one),
---add milk quality to make things more confusing and balanced*(OVERENGINEERING WARNING,possibly need new items to implement,like human milk grade A,etc?)refer simple extra income mod,
---pending initial release POC.

-|add custom anim&sprite NON modpacks*(After getting some modding knowledge.Possible but,ehhhhh lets just say very hard and NEED RE-mod almost EVERY update,eg extra sprite by others,
---allow (milk/move) brainwashed npc at least in private mansion.(Very hard to implement and lack of img/assets)
---add new items(eg, reset milk?potion?lol.very useful for re-modding npc/special girls.IF we can somehow get the stock values and reset to it.(Of course we can just make it pure function and run at a press,but more Satisfaction with drag and drop CUSTOM ITEM, TLDR.custom Item optional for this)
---|make that size bigger*,
---add other race(cause why not?seems to be possible,for monster girl/boy might even implement Futa*,Multipurpose*,EXTRAASSETS NEEDED for high quality mod)
---edit the limit of a character final render,it seems to have a limit of the character texture,for eg modding the (amilia breast size at home is possible,BUT will have cutoff at a certain place,even after edit atlasdata.Maybe the skel has some limit.)

-(misll)a extra layer of mod that can control the stuffs in mod pack.Using a ui or runtime changeable keybinding,10+ epic mod,dont know how to toggle 10+ functions with only numbers.

Section known to be possible but need manual effort,how to.
-|has a toggle/some way to edit brothel reputation,(and make the customer per second higher,cpm haha.>possible by edit resource.TESTED POSSIBLE)
--mod limiting factor,the customer time to decide to go where,kinda slow.lmao.can we change this.

-mod milk production rate,(cause why not?milk girl?ok.low milk roleplay?ok.possible by edit resource.asset.TESTED POSSIBLE,BUT per race.NOT GOOD.)
-get rid of the 666 tentacle egg cap?(TESTED POSSIBLE)
-unlock preg cap to 5(I remember seeing a post someone made this mod for older ver. and tested the max is 5,TESTED POSSIBLE not sure why mine in game somehow only get 3 out* though)
-(EXMASTER mod*,for those that dont want to touchthemself,but want to grind)eg,

NOPE(here just to remind myself/others?)
----(DEBUNKED)option to make the milk obtained by tentacle direct go to storage(IT IS DIRECTLY TO STORAGE)
----(FUTURE PREDICTION,I think its hunger bar is going to be a real thing in future)remove/auto give food

SUCCESSFULLY IMPLEMENTED MODS(kudos to every modders helped)
-|(PixiesInPrivate.aka,pixy everywhere/pixy active in mansion for farm and sim private milk factory*,BEPinv5,Base dev. BEPinv6,ported and included DIRECTLY in modpack around 04feb2023 by Surgy,BOTH USER & DEV TESTED in v2.0.x)
--|bug1(confirmed conflict with healthpixyplus is messing with it.maybe the maths distance calculation part bugged.NEED A LONG TIME TO GO ACROSS MAP!),
---others test,

Misll guide to v8 modpack:
1=change age
2=change uncloth or uncloth
3=mod oppai size
4=change eye color
5=body color change
6=elf seal(on/off)
7=change hair acce
8=change ear type
9=edit tail style

NOTE,busy for a week may not be updated frequently,feb2023
Weekly BUMP
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New Member
Apr 24, 2020
Wait so, if I'm understanding this correctly, are people working on mods to both remove the flat chest lock on loli type characters, and also working on type 5 breasts? Because if so, those two combined would be pretty awesome!
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Wait so, if I'm understanding this correctly, are people working on mods to both remove the flat chest lock on loli type characters, and also working on type 5 breasts? Because if so, those two combined would be pretty awesome!
Loli flat chest lock is done via a code edit in assembly, same with pubic hair lock.
Figured it out, but it’s all version-dependent. As you can see, I released brainwash NPC CG unlock on a previous page and now 2.0.10 is posted and it’s not compatible with it.

Type 5 chest will be done eventually, it just need a lot of spine tweaking for all available poses/scenarios, but it seems possible.

V2.0.10.0 (DLC V1.4)

Where to get "uncensored patch"?
They usually upload it on their . I also reuploaded your archive to Mega, just in case:

"random mod ideas:
-bypass brainwash check for npc h cg(cause why not?lol.Ideally cg(s) should have the heart eye and extra changes,but no budget for that stuff,might as well wait official team do it properly.IF they ever do it. But hey,bypass is always good.) "

Graphics can be adjusted, although I'm not really touching the sprite work, can try to adjust a mesh so NPCs look pregnant. But there needs to be an addition of some toggle which will activate it via code.

Here's an example of an quickly edited mesh on Amilia's CG, no new assets required, just a call from the code to switch belly size:
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New Member
Oct 25, 2021
I uploaded to my original post very first version of ComplexBreeding mod.

new changes not mentiond in original post:
- some species are very similar in young and adult stage so many of the small species just skip this stage, species have text "(young)" beside species name if she can be upgrade by milk to next stage
- all of species sprites are removed and replace with generic "shadow" type, only sprites for monster and npcs remains (sprites that where no even similar to actual look of slave were very confusing)
- unlock selling species to Amelia to every day so its no need to stockpile needed monsters. (it can be harder on first pay but you can always take loan for starting expences)

original post:

If someone want to check it out I will be happy but remember that it is early version and bugs can occur
Can some1 upload 2.0.9 version with or without this mod? Old link for it doesnt work anymore


New Member
Nov 11, 2021
I uploaded to my original post very first version of ComplexBreeding mod.

new changes not mentiond in original post:
- some species are very similar in young and adult stage so many of the small species just skip this stage, species have text "(young)" beside species name if she can be upgrade by milk to next stage
- all of species sprites are removed and replace with generic "shadow" type, only sprites for monster and npcs remains (sprites that where no even similar to actual look of slave were very confusing)
- unlock selling species to Amelia to every day so its no need to stockpile needed monsters. (it can be harder on first pay but you can always take loan for starting expences)

original post:

If someone want to check it out I will be happy but remember that it is early version and bugs can occur

Man, if it is not difficult, can you upload your version of the game with the needed version of the mod pack?
I tried to install this mod, but nothing works (most likely the reason is in the version of the mod pack)
Mar 31, 2020
twice !!! brainwash them twice
Yeah I finished the game once on master and got all the achievements but still got the harem ending.
Then I created a new game, still on master, still got all the achievements and got the rune ending.
I think it's programmed to always display the harem ending first even though you've done enough to get the Rune ending.
Also I don't think you can get both endings on the same playthrough, which would explain the above.
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