So I'm going to share some of my search results:
- There's a "
MonsterBlackMarket ver0.10.1.6" which apparently was shared on hellven(dot)net - if there's no access to the site, try to use VPN with US location, that one is whitelisted. Unfortunately, that post is locked for registered users + user need to be at a certain level, blah-blah. Yeah, that's the only thing I found.
That's really unfortunate, because there were ver. 0.12 and 0.13 as well. I'd love to have non-compressed assets from these versions (clothes, hairs for certain poses).
As for the Hunger mechanic, I think I'll share some more. I checked first launch releases, like and Like I mentioned earlier, we couldn't do much about their Assembly code, because it was built with IL2CPP and it limited modding a lot, prior before they listened and switched back to mono. BUT: these first several release versions also shipped with:
"_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame" along with GameAssembly.pdb file (I believe that's for debug) and Managed folder with more or less standard Assembly-Csharp.dll in Managed folder. I checked that Assembly file in dnspy and I can tell there's a code for "Hunger/Need Food speech bubbles".
Also, in data.unity3D, character scripting data, all slaves have two more lines of values:
"m_FoodConsumptionList": [20],
"m_DecreasingMentalityOnHungerList": [15],
Just an example for HumanData data file which was found in release version. And if you'll check that version, you'll see this as well:
View attachment 2686620
Like I said, release versions runs on IL2CPP, so I can only check code from "debug" folder, but cant tweak that version assembly file. Doesn't really help with patching current version either. Food/Crystal icons seems to be still included in the game as well.
Anyway, that aside, here's another test I made. If you didn't know, CG scenes are mostly controlled in Assembly, not in a script, which is much more harder to edit than other animations in the game. That's why I didn't bother with them. But I decided to mess around some parts of the code, adjusted spine slots and movements... here's the result:
PS: "Pregnancy" in CG scene is just a visual effect in cutscene, but it can be set dynamically, depending on how much cum is inside. Pretty much the same as existing "cumflation effect". Scenes can be set to start with girls fully covered in cum right away and can be cleaned like usual. Inflation will go away as well. If it's set to appear at the third vaginal creampie - it will appear after that only. Here I showed cum value in vagina set to 2 from the start.
View attachment 2687002