
Dec 14, 2020
Could a keyboard extended function to simply open the cosmetic potion screen be possible for use with Complex?
Also maybe a toggle for pregnancy and above ground health drain for Complex.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Alright, here's another trick about Thigh size and Cumflation Reset.

At first I looked at it only with Cosmetic Potion in mind. But it's not really an option for Complex Breeding, right?
In the base game we can customize two slave options from the start: Voice and Clothes.

I tweaked some code lines in assembly and edited Localization file. Here's the result:

- Voice option: click on right arrow to change Voice and Thigh size. Left arrow controls Voice only.
- Clothes option: if slave have Cumflation belly with or without pregnancy, click once to reset it (Pregnancy state won't be affected). I don't think there's a way to disable that effect completely, but if someone want to look at it: try to set "SemenInsideType = 0;" at all times. This will disable Cumflation without a need to rebuild the mod. I probably won't change that, though.

I tested this tweak with Complex Breeding mod + CBwithTits and it should work.

This post comes with an attached update for Tits V2a (Mod V2 to V2a Only) - it includes changes I described above. Links in the mod thread are also updated with Cumulative V2a version and V2-V2a update only.

View attachment MBM-CustomizationTrick-crf16.mp4
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Jan 27, 2023
Tits Mod V2a Release (Download link, mod only):

This mod also have it's own thread now (Link)

Drop "MonsterBlackMarket_Data folder" from the archive to the game folder and replace all files. Play the game.

- This mod version includes all changes made for V1. If you have Tits V1 installed, you can download V2 and install it on a modded version. Just make sure you replace all files and it will be updated.
- Game must be version ONLY. Any other version will crash on startup. Mod was build specifically for this version. If game will be updated to, let's assume "" this mod most likely won't work with it.
- Use version with DLC and Uncensor patch applied BEFORE you add this mod to your game folder.
- Other MBM mods compatibility: I can't guarantee all functions of this mod will work if you're using any kind of BepInEx mod. Recommended gameplay mod which is reported to be stable with this mod is Complex Breeding mod by guyverek, which you can get here:
- https://f95zone.to/threads/monster-black-market-v2-0-16-0-dlc-team-apple-pie.124772/post-10016740
- https://f95zone.to/threads/monster-black-market-v2-0-16-0-dlc-team-apple-pie.124772/post-10701757

Notes for V2a Release:
- Player now can customize Thigh size and reset Cumflation effect without using Cosmetic Potion/Generating a new slave/Sending them to bath:

- Voice option: click on right arrow to change Voice and Thigh size. Left arrow controls Voice only.
- Clothes option: if slave have Cumflation belly with or without pregnancy, click once to reset it (Pregnancy state won't be affected).

Notes for V2 Release:
- Hitsuji and Usagi now have full 'grown' forms. They are still considered as "small furry" type by the game's logic.
- Slave clothes color are random now. It depends on slave's eye color and both can be changed at the same time.
- Male NPCs/Player character in the mansion now have clothes. Clients have randomized clothes, independent of their "rank/color". Player character have clothes too, but a fixed one. This change affects Male Idle Stand and Masturbation pose.
- Paizuri/Titjob now have "Cumshot Inside" option. There's a 50% for a slave to end titjob animation by sucking off a client. Aphrodisiac potion will increase this chance to 100%. Animation is adjusted for gameplay and gallery mode.
- Initial implementation of more clothes for slaves. For now it's only active for woman idle stand and rest pose. Can be changed alongside with pubic hair.
- Initial implementation of cumflation. Only Woman type for two poses: idle stand and rest pose.
Belly size doesn't get affected by fetus amount, but by how much cum is inside:
1. If you leave a slave with a monster and forget about her long enough belly size will continue to enlarge.
2. If slave can't be impegnated, due to small womb size, gene rejection or because of max births reached, but gets cummed inside - belly size will increase anyway.
3. Shower room will affect belly size. Basically washing away "cum inside", so belly size will return either to normal size or normal pregnant size.
4. Paizuri with "Cum Inside" ending will result in belly size increase as well.

Other minor graphical tweaks for V2:
1. Woman+Girl Maid Stand: Gallery fix, maid_cloth_arm_left now renders correctly for non-depraved state.
2. Woman+Girl Paizuri/titjob: Cloth tits sprite now renders as it should. Male sprite is now more transparent so you can see female artwork better.
3. Bed Girl 1 (Vip Room): Cloth on tits now renders as intended in spine controller file.
4. Minotaur Girl 2: Fixed dick clipping.
5. Salamander Girl 2: Cloth sprite now renders as intended.
6. Tentacle Girl 1: Cloth sprites now renders as intended.
7. Woman capsule animation loop changed to unused one. It's just slightly different with faster machine movements and slave's squirting at the end of the loop.

- Outline/Highlight effect are disabled for Woman figures, as well as some Girl figures. Had to do this due to current version of UABEA which can't handle mipmaps texture repacking functionality (this results in sprite scaling issues, with messy looking character outlines). I'll restore this effect if and when it'll be fixed via upgrading tool set or if someone tells me if there's a way to make it work somehow.

Notes for V1 Release:
- Mod name for now is just "Tits", but there some other changes.
- Added Tits size 5 for both Girl and Adult (Grown) type slaves. This is bigger than original largest "Huge" (it's Size/Type 4) and it comes with 2000 milk value.
- Adult types now have all adjusted graphics to use "Flat" (Tits Size 0). Milk value was increased from 100 to 200 for 2 reasons: it keeps game from soft-locking at tutorial milking stage and because I didn't want to change original milking machine container capacity. Can be changed, though.
- Girl slave types now have all adjusted graphics to use "Small" (Tits Size 1).
- Girl slave types can have all tits sizes without locking it to "Flat". Code checking was disabled for tits and pubic hair.
- Thigh size is independent from tits size/growth state now. How it works by default: for Grown slaves if tits size was bigger than 1 (Small) it switched spine to render big Thighs (Type 2). Girl types was coded to have small Thighs in their "Loli" state. These code checks was removed and now each race and female character have 2 new variables in their script data: "m_LowerBodyTypeChanceList" and "m_LowerBodyTypeList". Thigh size is random now. It also works on Unique Slaves and NPC, but I'll describe it with another change below.
- Tits size and Thighs size for Unique Slaves and NPCs are randomized. Although their graphics stays the same, milk and thigh values will be different on a moment you acquire them (NPCs characteristics are set at the moment you brainwash them, judging by my testing results). Tits value can be changed later with the cosmetic potion. Their offsprings will come with the same tits and thighs value.
- Cosmetic potion use on Unique Slaves and NPCs. At the moment the only option which can be changed is Tits size for the milk value. Graphically they stays the same because of fixed spine code. Can be changed, although I don't see much point in it.
- Rune Ending doesn't 'end your game' by sending player back to main menu after showing CG, but enters "Limitless" mode like other endings do.
- Brainwashing NPCs doesn't lock up their CG scenes.
- Gallery Tits size can be changed from Flat to new Extra size without original code limitation.
- Some small visual fixes and adjustments that I noticed here and there editing spine data.

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So, what's for Tits V3 release? Well, I have some ideas, but this really starts to "snowballing" with additional graphics and stuff... we'll see.
Also, with my schedule I should call this mod "Tits Forever":

View attachment 2657638
when we will have the new hair and new outfits
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Dec 1, 2019
outfits, really? i mean just in the standard waiting pose could be a thing in some minor way, i mean, switch between naked standard and vvip could be a thing, then again partial variants of those outfits... but new ones? boy that one would be worth a dlc. add jobs from complex breeding and roll the dice for some nice outfits + craft some transmog stones to mix and match what is best...

i cant stress it enough, the dev really dropped the ball in starting a new one instead on going all "no man sky" on this game... praise the modding scene!

just thinking about it, if you could add minor skin distinctions like scars or freckles and exclude it in the potions.... oh boy the autistic breeding starts again...


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
outfits, really? i mean just in the standard waiting pose could be a thing in some minor way, i mean, switch between naked standard and vvip could be a thing, then again partial variants of those outfits... but new ones? boy that one would be worth a dlc. add jobs from complex breeding and roll the dice for some nice outfits + craft some transmog stones to mix and match what is best...

i cant stress it enough, the dev really dropped the ball in starting a new one instead on going all "no man sky" on this game... praise the modding scene!

just thinking about it, if you could add minor skin distinctions like scars or freckles and exclude it in the potions.... oh boy the autistic breeding starts again...
I just wish there were more variables available, like for clothes and what not instead of a need to use workarounds for pussyhair-eye type, etc.
Although I can tell that adding more stuff will be harder and harder. Those hair types will give lots of headache. And it also brings another question - will the game eventually be able to handle 4096x4096 or even 8192x4096 sprite sheets? I know I'll need to at least double memory requirements just to be able to pack all available hair types.

As for outfits, especially maid clothes from VVIP room. There's a line in spine controller data which, if changed, will result in automatic switch for fully depraved slaves to wear maid clothes. I don't use it, because there's no control over it once slave have full depravity meter.

Attached sprite sheets for the idle stand pose, default one and V3 WIP.

- if you could add minor skin distinctions like scars or freckles
Pretty much possible. It's just that there's limited number of variables to work with in the base game. Heck, I can "force" to render a dick on girls if there's a 'correct' eye type/pussyhair selected :p
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Dec 1, 2019
goddamn, so, lets say we get some additional resources for the sprite sheets, are we talking about the game engine cant handle it or the users pc wont be able to handle it? cant you make another sprite sheet the game takes its resources from instead of bloating single sheets?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
goddamn, so, lets say we get some additional resources for the sprite sheets, are we talking about the game engine cant handle it or the users pc wont be able to handle it? cant you make another sprite sheet the game takes its resources from instead of bloating single sheets?
- are we talking about the game engine cant handle it or the users pc wont be able to handle it?
"Both." but both are bad. /s

- cant you make another sprite sheet the game takes its resources from instead of bloating single sheets?
To be perfectly clear, I'm not inventing nothing new with the game code, just tweaking it. Spine changes are more drastic, yeah, because I need to recreate each one of them (new .skel, .atlas, repacked sprite sheets). That's just how this game handles it.

So far I don't see any stability issue, but I won't be surprised if it will start to appear at V3. Just something to keep in mind, basically.
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Dec 1, 2019
well, godspeed then. hope stuff will work out eventually.

i wonder how the devs of the game see the whole modding aspect. maybe they see theres interest and need for more so they take all their assets and scrapped ideas and throw out a monster black market 2 on a tough engine and lean into modding...one can dream...

E: also, is guyverek still around? havent seen any recent post and dont have him anywhere else but here... hope hes well and still interested/invested in his mod...
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
i wonder how the devs of the game see the whole modding aspect. maybe they see theres interest and need for more so they take all their assets and scrapped ideas and throw out a monster black market 2 on a tough engine and lean into modding...one can dream...

E: also, is guyverek still around? havent seen any recent post and dont have him anywhere else but here... hope hes well and still interested/invested in his mod...
I know for the fact that they listened when we asked to consider compiling game in Mono and they did it at the time V2.0 of the game released. And some other changes to the code were made, by request, IIRC... well, the point is - they do care at least.

I'd love to hear from guyverek myself.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
from what i heard the new game is a h-game spin on darkest dungeon+ raising your own heroines and make them grow up threw their lifestages to use them in combat.

also, to get a minotaur or salamander, in basegame and the modded version, get fairy npc and the dragongirl npc who unlock dismantling of slaves+monsters and make item crafting + monster synthesis available. just dismantle a few monsters to get "origin dna" and open the item by-product tab, drag and drop the origin dna into the cloning tub next to the dragongirl npc...

usually most stuff explains itself if people just play and experiment enough, the origin dna stuff is somewhat shrouded, but people were talking about it in the first few pages if i remember correctly...

e: also using the search function "minotaur" or "salamander" in this threads throws people usually on a pretty good trail to get the information they seek...
What would be the name of that other game?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
bro every time i load the mod the slave lost thigh even in the mod
edit : oh wait i dont check the post i dont had the v2
That will happen with every Tits mod version if you will use an old save. I recommend to start a new game to avoid any potential bugs.

the name has to be announced, nothing so far but the development name „projectRPG“.
That reminds me: Monster Black Market name in the animation files was "ProjectHentaiDungeon". Maybe that's known, maybe not.

Are succubus and kitsune slaves possible in CBM, or am I spinning my wheels trying to get these things?
Rune is a Succubus pretty much and she does have a script file in game data which is literally called "SuccubusData". Kitsune though... there's only Inu/Neko variations in the game.


(Just messed in spine a bit for fun).
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