I just joined this community in order to say a huge
to Miron for this awesome game!
I have played a few Femdom games before (The Asylum; Femdom Lockdown; Femdom Hotel; The Prison etc.), but Moving Down is by far the one I like best.
For one thing, I am really into FLR (female-led relationships), and that is something that you rarely find on the web, often it's just fetish stuff happening with random hot females. But Moving Down explores a real relationship, and slowly, slowly escalates things, which I think is sooooooooooo hot! I have finished chapter 3, and while I appreciate that escalation is in the narrative logic of any game, I sincerely hope that the main path (or at least one path I can play) in future updates will maintain this very asymmetric marital relationship and continue to focus on it (instead of, say, worldwide female supremacist pseudo-politics or debt chattel slavery). Of course, in RL such a relation (and many other stuff happening) would be unhealthy, toxic, illegal, whatever, but this is a fantasy, right? And for me, a really really hot one!
In addition to this very general and I think unique trait, the game also looks technically / artistically very well done to me. In comparison to an earlier game programmed by the dev, which I have recently tried just because Moving Down was so good, the language of the dialogues has improved so much, it's really perfect now. Graphics are good, scenes are visually complex, and the characters are aesthetically hot, too. I did not find Maria sexy right from the start, tbh, but she has really grown on me, and the slightly weird facial features which I found a bit off-putting at first have taken on the charm of the wicked now. For the kind of character that she is, her "dry" outward appearance is really much better fitting than if she were a 100 % hot luscious beauty, especially since the storyline now also shows how she "blossoms" when she immerses herself into a world of power and glamour, for which the narrative sees her as destined.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put into this game, Miron!
I am at the edge of my seat for any future continuations of the game!