74/74...Kalendon's post with the pictures set me on the right path...I was missing the last bathing suit.
So checking the beach in the morning at all times popped the knot.
Thank you, good sir!
1. It is well known, that Fly Lvl will get a meaning only in later Ep. Itm there are only graphics to explore.
Yes, I read it too and than forgot about it. Mainly because I remember playing an earlier version where my fly level was 3...
2. 10 horny -> 1 Love. Love and Shyness trigger events (in Ep2, limit is at 15 85)
So far I found no event triggered by stats. They just seem to follow up each other (unlock event 1 before you can do 2).
Only exception might be sleeping in the same bed as the hoe in Ep. 1.
3. Click Julias icon, next time you see this same scene, click MC icon. Whats prob ? Whats random ?
Several things. For example getting her to sleep in new nightwear. First you need to pick her and get presented an old scene without any progress in XX/74 bar. Than you need to do the opposite thing (take the dude) on the FOLLOWING day (not later) to progress.
Please correct my if I did something wrong or my memory is failing. I mostly play this game late at night and after beers.
If there is nothing to correct, than this is obviously random, as it makes no sense for itself looking at the characters, their behavior, the story, whatsoever. It's just that the dev made it that way.
I think this is the very definition of 'random'. Just do it because this way is set as the proper way, in no regard to any logic, without connection to the characters, the story or anything else.
Trying every location at all times was a thing since early room for rent. But to me this stuff should be a last ditch only for players who lost their way and not be made even worse by making people do shit one day without any response and giving them the answer a day later by doing the opposite. What' next? Take a crap on the beach, play the fly for 3 days around the pile, than watch it as Julia, Ida, Maria (in that order) to progress?
But what is to expect from story and coherence when you could lose the game (room fore rent) on the first day by grabbing Amy's ass, just to be told in last version that 'all girls are super horny nymhos' and Amy set up being found by the MC herself in an elaborate plot to take his money. Totally full of sense, not random and not made by Captain Hindsight, right?
Please dev, much less would be more.
This is a porn game. No story needed or expected. But if a story is added and it is by all intends just stupid as fuck, please don't pretend the opposite!