I was referring to "back to RfR" and saying no to that for a purely selfish reason

. I know I'm repeating myself but a twist in RfR killed that game for me and there is no going back. I will never be able to play that game again (or any future updates as the reason I got hooked to a game was ruined by a twist). After a huge disappointment I was insanely happy to see a new game by the same dev (this one) as I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ART (characters). Loved the story of RfR (up to the twist) and was hoping for the game never to end but... CLVG is for me the best character art on this forum. Girls are gorgeous! Story is good, renders ok, outfits are great... The games ticks most of the boxes on my wish list. Too bad that (
for me) the twist in RfR killed the mood, killed the story, killed the emersion and ultimately killed the game.
I hoped CLVG never goes back to RfR but move to a new project. It is a very selfish wish as I love the art so much and if they go back to RfR and end MBFD (or kill it in a similar fashion to RfR) I will have nowhere to go to. Well, nowhere to go to with CLVG games
Love is born trough selfishness, so you could call it the mother of love.
I can only imagine what part of RfR killed your "kink" or fun, but it sounds to me you did not liked the addiction twist and maybe that they are older then it seams?
Well only you can tell, but since it is only one of many twists in the game, i want to say i loved that.
It developed the girls from one dimensional "Ecchi toys", into 3 dimensional characters, with real pains and difficulties.
Sure some may say, that killed my kink. But that`s like saying i want to eat everyday the same food or not?!
The best for me is when characters in a game change and develop trough trust. Not abusive structures.
I mean it`s fine to give into some fantasy's. But it is simply not realistic to keep this running for more then a few updates.
It`s getting simply dull and repetitive after a very short amount of time, a problem you see in many "slave trainer" games.
To compensate for the lack of development, you have to bring in more and more slaves, what does little more then cosmetic changes.
Well not every one can appreciate or even build trustful relationships. Many humans are indeed power hungry and try to feed their own ego.
Sadly they never learn to realize that superficial sex won`t fill your soul.