
Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
- Yes, I can say that this was the shittiest update. I love this game, but that shit completely ruined this update. And I didn't even have the enthusiasm to finish watching this update. As I said before: I don't want to see all the fucking shit. If that shit comes on the screen, I'll skip the update every time. The same thing happened earlier when that shit walked on the beach, so CTRL on the bottom to finish the update. Not for nothing is that character considered the shittiest character. It's also one of the reasons why game developers usually avoid using that fucking character in their games. That's a legend that everyone hates.

- I don't care if it had a different style in this game, but that character is just so hated that it ruins the game, at least for the update. If that shit comes back several more times in this game, I might even consider putting this game on ignore just because of that shit. It would be okay if there was another character instead of that fucking shit. There wouldn't be that hate in that case. And I'm hardly the only one who thinks this way. But I might be the loudest.
This game, well, it's clearly too evolved for you. It makes use of very refined humor, that someone basic and traumatized like you can't appreciate.

Eric is present, as a character to be hated, exactly because he's hated by so many. So, instead of getting another asset hated, why not use one that is already in the shit.

Your small brain, limited intelligence and thin skin, couldn't take it. You got your little feewings hurt, because the bad man showed up. Were you crying for Mommy?

So what did you do? You decided to start slapping yourself, banging you little fists on your little head. Or the equivalent of that, by punishing YOURSELF by not playing the content. Sure, that's effective. We all got very impressed by your very STRONG stance. You really showed everyone that you are tough. (not)

You definitely didn't come across as a cry baby that doesn't control his impulses, even when they ONLY punish himself. No sir, you came across as a little kid hiding behind the sofa sweating and shivering because a bad looking banana showed up on TV when he was watching TeleTubies. I have only one question for you. Did you pee yourself or were you using your big boy diaper?

So, after that, still shivering from the scare of the bad banana, you decided to punish the Dev, by saying his work was shit. Are you really that dense that you think that the opinion of your momma precious little boy, matters in any way, shape or form? Even if you were this Dev's top donor, do you think, even for a second, that that would give you the right to say that in an open forum?

Were I this Dev, you would be banned from my content for life. In as many sites as I could pull it off.

You HerkkuPeukku are a whiny lidle baby with extreme entitlement issues, you are in no way shape or form a mature enough human being to press the "I am over 18" button on any game.

Grow the fuck up.

Peace :(


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
I'm gonna try to say this as nice as possible, even though I really don't want to. There's a special group of people on this website I've noticed, quite a few but still a vocal minority. People who complain about any little thing they don't like, are constantly facepalming posts that suggest something even slightly out of line of their view of the game, or threads that have even a hint of content or kinks that they aren't a fan of, no matter if optional or not. They are truly a nuisance to this site and the devs/users who use it, that it actually annoys me, especially with how often I see this bullshit.

Yes I'm talking about you, you're one of those people, I've seen you across many threads, face palming, harassing devs, or arguing with users about the most idiotic stuff possible. If a guy that isn't the MC is seen on a preview, I instantly see your kind up in arms asking if there is NTR, or if there's optional kinks in games... OPTIONAL mind you, I still see people getting their panties in a twist, as if there being forced to play the game in the first place, even though they aren't. Regardless my point is, if you entitled pest don't get it exactly how YOU want it, it actually makes the dev crap or the the game unplayable in your kinds eyes.

Just because there's a Easter egg of a character, (who isn't even the same character, just the same model and name), is placed in a game, that happens to be hated, "OMG SHIT UPDATE, LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE". This is actually how you and others think, and it's honestly quite worrisome, you might need to seek a professional, and I'm not even being ironic in this case. Anyways, most devs aren't gonna bend a knee to your ridiculous demands, and if you can't handle it, then just move on and go find your generic harem game that has a world where you're the only male that exists, and the girls fall for you in 0.5 seconds of seeing you and there's literally no depth in character development or anything else that actually makes a story/game good.

Alright that's really all I had to say, I just wanna say don't listen to these doofuses TropecitaGames I see them all the time, and while annoying, they're just that, annoying and entitled, and expect every dev to give them exactly what they want. I for one enjoyed that update, and have enjoyed the game as a whole pretty thoroughly and will continue to do so, even if a side character that has had almost no screen time, happens to be a nod to a hated character from another game, my ego and masculinity isn't so fragile that I need to hold down the control key cause he's on screen. :D

Anyways, have a good day everyone, I won't say anymore on the matter, I just love calling out idiotic stuff from time to time. :ROFLMAO:
i wanna complain ... everytime someone puts a book report as a post that takes me like forever to read ......:love::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
jk jk i agree with ya 100%
TropecitaGames is awesome ... maybe not as awesome as the game but awesome .... :unsure: wait did i say that already :oops:


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I didn't want some CTRL-presser crying, so any tooth would serve as an Eric's representation since he skipped that part :devilish:
The part for the whole and some other fallacies :D
Self-inflicted injuries don't really classify as accidents, do they? So he CHOSE to refuse to see, because... tantrum. Why are we coddling him and saving him from HIS mistake? He doesn't deserve to know. IMO, obviously.

Peace :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
I just want to read a thread without someone bringing a knee-jerk overreaction borne 100% from their own baggage and hangups into it as if they are empirical, objective value statements.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
Self-inflicted injuries don't really classify as accidents, do they? So he CHOSE to refuse to see, because... tantrum. Why are we coddling him and saving him from HIS mistake? He doesn't deserve to know. IMO, obviously.

Peace :(
Who is this "We" you speak of?
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Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
I'm gonna try to say this as nice as possible, even though I really don't want to.
Nicest way? Fiiiine.

OPTIONAL mind you, I still see people getting their panties in a twist, as if there being forced to play the game in the first place, even though they aren't.
Forced? No. They play it willingly like the cucks they actually are. Then they take it out on the dev because that makes them feel like a man again.

generic harem game that has a world where you're the only male that exists, and the girls fall for you in 0.5 seconds of seeing you and there's literally no depth in character development or anything else that actually makes a story/game good.
Those can be quite fun. 7/10 Will highly recommend!

don't listen to these doofuses @TropecitaGames
What Slap said. Make the game you want and don't worry about shitbags, or doofuses as Slap said.
  • Haha
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Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
WTF just happened in this thread?
Eric! apeared and Users with Big Brother POST PTSD started a rant, without playing or even asking.... after they got mauled by us rabid fans,.... Now want a Cookie ? ;)
The Old Spanish phrase became true: "those which get burned with milk, cry when they see a cow!" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Edit: edited Post Traumatic Stress Syndrom
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2022
Once upon a time when i first started playing AVN's i met Eric in my travels. Yes it was on BB. It was way back when i didn't bother looking at tags i just saw pretty pictures and downloaded. I didn't bother reading reviews either because everyone's taste is different, "One man's trash is another man's treasure" so to speak. Anywho, as i was saying.... i just looked at the title pic and thought that looks nice so i'll give it a go, I like to be surprised and boy was i with BB. So from then on i did start looking at tags etc.

Now, I don't like NTR. I'm not an anti-NTR crusader, if i see it on a tag i'll check/ask in the forum to see if its avoidable, if it is then i'll give it a go, if it isn't then i'll move on....i'm not going to cry about it. Im also the kind of person that reads these AVN's for the story first and everything else second. I also don't read them for fap material, i have porn or a misses for that.....(she watches more porn than i do!!) But i digress, so as soon as i met that Eric fellow and found out what he was doing i instantly hated him. Little did i know that as soon as he entered My Dorm, he would get his comeuppance And it came in the form of an adorable little nun by the name of aunt betty who with her trusty iron/rolling pin knocked his teeth out. When that happened i literally cheered! My misses asked me why i was so excited and i told her that Eric finally got fucked but in the good way and she immediately knew what i was on about because she plays these AVN's too, her favorite is Hail Dicktator.

Moral of the story is.....i don't have a fucking clue but im sure theres one in there somewhere.

Thanks Trop, you really made my day with this latest update! Ignore a certain whiney bitch and you continue to make an awesome story(y)
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