
Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
Once upon a time when i first started playing AVN's i met Eric in my travels. Yes it was on BB. It was way back when i didn't bother looking at tags i just saw pretty pictures and downloaded. I didn't bother reading reviews either because everyone's taste is different, "One man's trash is another man's treasure" so to speak. Anywho, as i was saying.... i just looked at the title pic and thought that looks nice so i'll give it a go, I like to be surprised and boy was i with BB. So from then on i did start looking at tags etc.

[ISPOILER]I like to be surprised and boy was i with BB. So from then on i did start looking at tags etc.[/ISPOILER]
Now, I don't like NTR. I'm not an anti-NTR crusader, if i see it on a tag i'll check/ask in the forum to see if its avoidable, if it is then i'll give it a go, if it isn't then i'll move on....i'm not going to cry about it. Im also the kind of person that reads these AVN's for the story first and everything else second. I also don't read them for fap material, i have porn or a misses for that.....(she watches more porn than i do!!)
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[SPOILER="But i digress, "]so as soon as i met that Eric fellow and found out what he was doing i instantly hated him. Little did i know that as soon as he entered My Dorm, he would get his comeuppance And it came in the form of an adorable little nun by the name of aunt betty who with her trusty iron/rolling pin knocked his teeth out. When that happened i literally cheered! My misses asked me why i was so excited and i told her that Eric finally got fucked but in the good way and she immediately knew what i was on about because she plays these AVN's too, her favorite is Hail Dicktator.[/SPOILER]
Moral of the story is.....i don't have a fucking clue but im sure theres one in there somewhere.

Thanks Trop, you really made my day with this latest update! Ignore a certain whiney bitch and you continue to make an awesome story(y)
Loved your story, but just a reminder, this is a relatively recent update, so some parts should be put behind spoilers.

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Active Member
Aug 2, 2018
Jesus H Christ guys, just ignore that dingbat, he does nothing BUT complain in every thread he posts in......

A troll has been fed, several folks have gotten in some flamethrower target practice, I've been quite entertained by the preceding 20 posts or so, and now it's time to turn the page...


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
This game, well, it's clearly too evolved for you. It makes use of very refined humor, that someone basic and traumatized like you can't appreciate.

Eric is present, as a character to be hated, exactly because he's hated by so many. So, instead of getting another asset hated, why not use one that is already in the shit.

Your small brain, limited intelligence and thin skin, couldn't take it. You got your little feewings hurt, because the bad man showed up. Were you crying for Mommy?

So what did you do? You decided to start slapping yourself, banging you little fists on your little head. Or the equivalent of that, by punishing YOURSELF by not playing the content. Sure, that's effective. We all got very impressed by your very STRONG stance. You really showed everyone that you are tough. (not)

You definitely didn't come across as a cry baby that doesn't control his impulses, even when they ONLY punish himself. No sir, you came across as a little kid hiding behind the sofa sweating and shivering because a bad looking banana showed up on TV when he was watching TeleTubies. I have only one question for you. Did you pee yourself or were you using your big boy diaper?

So, after that, still shivering from the scare of the bad banana, you decided to punish the Dev, by saying his work was shit. Are you really that dense that you think that the opinion of your momma precious little boy, matters in any way, shape or form? Even if you were this Dev's top donor, do you think, even for a second, that that would give you the right to say that in an open forum?

Were I this Dev, you would be banned from my content for life. In as many sites as I could pull it off.

You HerkkuPeukku are a whiny lidle baby with extreme entitlement issues, you are in no way shape or form a mature enough human being to press the "I am over 18" button on any game.

Grow the fuck up.

Peace :(
Don't dance around the topic, tell us how you really feel.


Jan 18, 2022
I don't see things as you see them:
* Jack sucker-punched the MC in their first fight.
* The character isn't helpless, as it's shown in the next fight. He is naive and he's not a demi-god. He has flaws.
* It's Jack who is saved by Alexia in the second fight. Even being armed with a knife, he is losing the fight. Badly.
* What Alexia says is something law related, Conflict of Interest. And a narrative excuse for Betty to keep the secret.
There won't be any Netorare/Netorase in this game. I've said it multiple times. I don't like them as fetishes, and My Dorm is the game I would like to play.
If you play the update, you will discover that the "NTR" there is simply a joke, not kink related.
Thank you for your direct response. In a lot of these kinds of games, MCs who are "naive" and "not a demi-god" against male antagonists who easily beat them up can end up getting proper revenge, but they can also end up NTRed hard. It can also be that the MC is a bit of an oblivious beta that reminds me of the more naive moments of Ned Stark from Game of Thrones.
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