Recommending My Game Recommendations, Primarily Dominant Protagonists


Sep 2, 2017
Recently I've been compiling my favourite porn games. I find games where the protagonist is dominant, or at least not submissive, to be my preference. Along with that games that have a certain level of quality in story, gameplay and art. I'll probably update this list with whatever I think is pretty good. Feel free to suggest any games you think would be worth adding, I'll check them out. I've put the games in tiers based on my personal feelings, but your mileage may vary.

Dragon Bride by Pabisshu
A really solid, but simple, action hentai game where you snuggle struggle defeated enemies. Its kind of short, but a lot of fun.​
Goblin Walker by Rusimarudou
A really fun action hentai game where you commit nonconsensual procurement of villagers. A lot like Dragon Bride, but better in my opinion.​
The Last Sovereign (unfinished) by Sierra Lee
Though unfinished there's a lot of content in this game. A RPG game heavy on good storytelling and meaningful choices, ranging from the fate of your allies to savvy investing. The porn isn't nearly as strong, but the fact that its an awesome game carries it.​
Every Takamakuran game, in order M]YR, A New Game, and Mercenary's Adventure
Fun, but simple RPGs. Really great art and nongrindy gameplay carry it, along with interesting themes. Their biggest weakness is that the gameplay isn't super compelling.​
The Three Delta games, Shrine, Princess and Warship
Three training-style games with solid gameplay and fun mechanics. Princess and Warship have RPG elements as well. The story could be better, but its still good.​
Daiteikoku by Alicesoft
The best Alicesoft game, in my opinion. The translation is technically partial, but everything that really matters is translated. Like Sengoku Rance its a Strategy RPG with Visual Novel style storytelling. The story is great, and is essentially World War II, but everyone is hot and in space.​
My Mysterious Rule! by Bosom Studio
WARNING: This game includes some scat and pissing content, though you can disable it. Personally I disable it.​
This is a fantastic hentai game. The gameplay and art in this game rocks, its a pokemon style sex game where when you beat a trainer you fuck em. While the story is a bit less compelling than sex ticket in my opinion the vastly superior gameplay saves it. Lots of male domination in this game, but very little rape. Just mind control. Strongly recommend. Sex Ticket is also produced by this studio, and thats another pretty good game.​
Self-defense Dojo Secret NTR Lesson by WAKUWAKU
My favourite among the recent netori games. Strongly recommend. You teach girls karate lessons and then fuck their brains out. What's not to love? Its only weakness is that its kinda grindy.​
Rance IX by Alicesoft
Classic good Rance game. H-Content is fine, but the gameplay and story is much better. Like most Rance games its basically a double A quality game. If you like RPGs and morally questionable protagonists play this game. Several of the other Rance games are on this list as well.​

Pretty Good
Rance series, more specifically Rance VI: The Collapse of Zeth, Sengkoku Rance and Rance Magnum by Alicesoft
Dohna Dohna by Alicesoft/Shiravune
Daibanchou by Alicesoft
All five of these games are RPGs with Visual Novel Story telling accompanied by light resource management, as is the standard for Alicesoft games. All good, but weaker than Daitekou in my opinion.​
Hentai Apocalypser series (PENIX and ZUBRIUS), neither of which are translated
Both of these are untranslated action hentai games. Their lack of translation doesn't really matter, as the story is basically nonexistent. If you like Dragon Bride and Goblin Walker and are hungry for more these will scratch that itch, but they aren't nearly as good.​
Most of the TISSUBOX games, specifically Everyday Sexual Life with Hikimori Sister/Slovenly Schoolmate and Rendezvous with a Lonely Girl in a Dark Room, many of which aren't on F95.
These games have no really story or gameplay, just animated sex scenes. I love the art style, so it gets a pass from me.​
Ghoul x Ghoulah
This isn't an RPG, but it plays just like one minus the combat and stats. Its a pretty fun adventure game, with some good mind control content.​
The Imperial Gatekeeper
A strong simulation hentai game with mostly nonconsentual hcontent, though there is some wholesome stuff. Gameplay is similar to Papers Please, story is content and art is quite nice. A good, solid pick.​
Trap the Cat by Project Physalis
Fun little mini-game with an animated hentai reward. Nothing special, but it works.​
Robozou and Boyish by Exaboy
Both kinda janky Flash games. Robozou has the better translation, but worse gameplay, whereas Boyish has a barely functional translation with better gameplay. Their gameplay is hard to describe, but I guess you could call them Trainer games?​
A Spell for All by Cmacleod42
A mind control themed text game, with good use of real pornstars and some small editing. Its nothing special, but offers a lot of freedom, choice, and decent writing. I really like the mind control aspect as well.​
Ntraholic (unfinished) by Tiramisu
NTR Legend and Ntraholic are very similar games. They're by the books Trainer games, with some small mini-games to make cash. They're both quite grindy, but fun if you want to dominate some poor shmuck's girlfriend. Good art in both, but lacking in gameplay and especially story.​

Sex Ticket by Bosom Studio
You walk around a look for women to fuck. Story's not bad, but there's really no gameplay element. In addition there's a lot of really gross scat content, so, play with caution. The art is fantastic though.​
Peeping Dorm Manager by Mango Party [and] HornyDoge
Really fun netori game. You fix shit and fuck tenants. There are only two main girls, which is somewhat disappointing, but the gameplay and H Content are pretty fun. Reccomend.​
Handyman Legend by SupaShinKen Studio
Really fun netori game. If you want to fix leaky pipes and fuck leaky pipes play this game and have a good time.
Buchicome ☆ High kick! by Aokumashii
One of the very few female protaginst games on this list, because functionally it may as well be male protag. You play the girl until the man beats you, then you control him. No story or gameplay value, its functionally a gallery, but goddamn are those animations amazing. If you like male dom/rape you'll probably really like this game.​
Lewd Gym by Sloth Gamer
Some light male dom aspects paired with a basic card game battle system and most importantly AWESOME animations. If you want to (consensually) roughly plow some hot monster girls this will probably be good for you.​
NTR Legend by GoldenBoy
One of the many netori games that have popped up. Personally I find Handyman Legend and Peeping Dorm Manager better, but this game is pretty fun too. Good animations, decent gameplay, solid reccomend.​

The Coward's Treasure by Monster-Ken
An alright, but grindy, action RPG, with elements of training. Its fun, and reasonably written, but the fact that the girls don't change in behaviour or dialogue after you fuck them into submission seriously detracts from it. It is also incredibly grindy. At least the art is amazing. The game was MTL, but was recently officially translated.​
Two Horns by Pink Art Cafe
An action game with decent story, fun gameplay and nice looking art. The only problem is that all of the characters use the same base model for the sex scenes, only differing in clothes and face.​
Apartment Story by pH Studio
A training game where you groom different residents of your apartment. Kind of barebones, but it functions well enough.​
Something Unlimited (unfinished) by Gunsmoke Games
A training game set in the DC universe with good writing. Its biggest weakness is the management gameplay is incredibly barebones, and not fun at all. Its second biggest weakness is a lack of full options for the girls you get to plough, but I guess the number of fuckable characters somewhat counterbalances that.​
Rogue-like (almost finished) by Oni
A training game set in the X-Men academy. Its gameplay isn't super exciting, and porn elements are a little slow with somewhat basic scenes. Still, the mind control elements, variety of girls, and the options to push your relationships with those girls in specific directions is fun.​
College Brawl by ingeniusstudios
Decent brawler with some H Content. I really like the tags and 2D hentai games, but the gameplay and animations are only acceptable. Play it if you want, or skip.​
Feminist F-ist by Happy monster co., ltd.
Decent kinda funny hentai game with mediocre H elements. Its there, you fuck women, but its only moderate fun and a decent fap.​
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2017
Update: added
- My Mysterious Rule! by Bosom Studio
- Self-defense Dojo Secret NTR Lesson by WAKUWAKU
- Rance IX by Alicesoft

Pretty Good
- Sex Ticket by Bosom Studio
- Peeping Dorm Manager by Mango Party [and] HornyDoge
- Handyman Legend by SupaShinKen Studio
- Buchicome ☆ High kick! by Aokumashii
- Lewd Gym by Sloth Gamer
- NTR Legend by GoldenBoy

- College Brawl by ingeniusstudios
- Feminist F-ist by Happy monster co., ltd.

Note: please go ahead and add any recs you have in the comments. I'm always looking for good H games.