
Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
I don't think you are correct just because in the game right now we already have those types of conflicts, we had them dealing with Elaine and the Martin thing, with the whole Fiona background thing, the Alice thing, the Ida thing, those were all those types of conflicts/drama, sure they didn't involve the entire group but that isn't something that truly would happen that much, so I believe that the original commenter didn't mean the same thing you did, or you two mean something that I'm not understanding.
That is basically what I meant with the first sentence about internal conflicts. But what I think the previous poster wants is a more physical conflict.
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Aug 4, 2020
I love this game, I played it in version 0.11 as a harem and it's a lot of fun.

Now I've tried to play the 0.14 without a harem, just the relationship between the main character and Sandra, without relating to any other character, nor going alone to see anyone except Fiona, with whom he also has no kind of sexual relationship... And everything goes more or less well, apart from the game developer who doesn't like him to go alone with Sandra and is bothering her to join Lucy or someone else...

I'm sorry, but I want to play only with Sandra and the game, as soon as Alice appears she STRONGLY FAILS. There are scenes with Lucy and Maddie talking about things that DIDN'T happen, they do happen in harem mode, but NOT just following Sandra's route, and it's quite annoying... Here I've left it, I don't know what will happen next...
I think it's a subject that should be corrected. I, if I like a game, I like to play different options and not only the harem mode... And it's a pity, because the story is kind and funny... After the route with Sandra, I wanted to do a route only with Lucy and Alice, but after what is happening with Sandra, I fear the worst ...
I know that the game is not finished, but Alice happens at the beginning of the game, and should be allowed a route with only one character without failure, at least in the beginning of the game ... If I failed on chapter 6 I would understand it, but it is that it fails in the first and second chapter... I do not see it logical...
Congratulations on the game, it's fantastic ... and hopefully correct these situations, as it is frustrating to play in NO-HAREM mode as it is...


Este juego me encanta, lo he jugado la versión 0.11 como harén y es muy divertido.
Ahora he intentado jugar el 0.14 sin harén, solo la relación entre el protagonista y Sandra, sin relacionarse con ningún personaje más, ni acudiendo solo a ver a nadie salvo a Fiona, con la que tampoco tiene ningún tipo de relación sexual... Y todo va más o menos bien, al margen del desarrollador del juego que no le gusta que solo vaya con Sandra y anda molestando para que se una a Lucy o a alguien más...
Lo siento, pero quiero jugar solo con Sandra y el juego, en cuanto aparece Alice FALLA ESTREPITOSAMENTE. Salen escenas con Lucy y con Maddie hablando de cosas QUE NO HAN SUCEDIDO, sí suceden en modo harén, pero NO siguiendo solo la ruta de Sandra, y es bastante molesto... Aquí lo he dejado, no sé qué pasará más adelante...
Creo que es un tema que debería corregirse. A mí, si un juego me gusta, me gusta jugar distintas opciones y no solo el modo harén... Y es una pena, porque la historia es amable y graciosa... Después de la ruta con Sandra, quería hacer una ruta solo con Lucy y Alice, pero tras lo que está pasando con Sandra, me temo lo peor...
Ya sé que el juego no está acabado, pero lo de Alice pasa al principio del juego, y debería permitirse una ruta con un solo personaje sin fallos, al menos en el inicio del juego... Si fallara sobre el capítulo 6 lo entendería, pero es que falla en el primero y en el segundo... No lo veo lógico...
Enhorabuena por el juego, es fantástico... y ojalá corrijáis estas situaciones, ya que es frustrante jugar en modo NO-HAREN tal y como está...
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
To me it's weird when people want more drama in this game, the lack of big drama is what makes me love it so much. There are some games where I'm never sure if the dev will do an 180 and starts going into weird directions but with this game I never have to worry about that kind of stuff.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
But the game tells you in the beginning that the harem route is currently the main route, it doesn't make much sense to try to go for a single girl at the moment :).
So don't ask if you want to go with the characters or not... Why do they give you the option to play without Lucy when the game is reduced to half? 'Let them say it's a pure harem and go ahead...
Pues entonces que no pregunten si quieren ir o no con los personajes... Eso sí que no tiene sentido. ¿Para qué te ponen la opción de jugar sin Lucy cuando entonces el juego queda reducido a la mitad? ´Que digan que es un harem puro y duro y adelante...
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Nov 18, 2018
The non-harem paths will come, but Killer7 is working on the harem path first. It makes perfect sense to put the switches in place while building the over-all structure rather than try to retro-fit it all in later.

We're seeing what is essentially the beginning of the development process for the game. That it looks as seamless as it does is a credit to Killer7.

Deleted member 618663

I am with Killer7 If you want drama, You can have mine. Karri is alive they spent this morning wiring and pinning Her rib cage back together( a few scrapes on her lungs no punctures). Ankles left for another day. Now I get to call her grumpy Puss she called me that when I broke 3 ribs. Enough RL for now I want know what will happen when everybody catches Sandra and Alice cooking breakfast like that? Imagine the look on grannies face. Priceless!


Jul 25, 2019
You may call it boring when there is no conflict, when there is nothing that can threaten to take your girls away. Maybe it is boring, I don't know, but it is something that I personally love. I want a game that just shines with positivity. Of course you have sad moments, of course you have very sad moments and of course you have emotional moments that make you happier than before. But I want to counter every sad moment with something nice. Alice's sad past because she never had a household gets outshined by someone like Sandra, Becca and Lucy who welcome her with open arms. Fiona's bad past and the terrible things she had to endure get balanced out because MC was able to bring the emotional side of her out.

This is what I want for my games. I don't want conflict that could threaten your girls in any real manner. I don't want drama where you have to be scared that someone will take Lucy away. I don't want one of the girls to suddenly become ill and die just for the sake of drama. I want to make wholesome harem vn's that tell a emotional story ( from my point of view.)
Personally one of the things I like about this game is that there are only inter personal conflicts in the game. It is nice to have a game where everything is working out, not just poof and everything is alright but by people actually working it out by themselves. Plenty of games where there is something always stressful and IT IS exciting, but sometimes it's just nice and relaxing and feels great to play a game where people just love and care for each other and nothing will stand in a way of them doing just that. Like Erics and Tanja have learned, the hard way.
This is why I keep coming back to this game. It feels therapeutic. It's a pallet cleanser for when other games i enjoy, like The Deluca Family or anything Dr PinkCake does, leave me feeling scandalized. I like K-Drama level stories as much as the next perv, but between those stories games like MNF cut the anxiety back down with a straight fantasy.
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
But the game tells you in the beginning that the harem route is currently the main route, it doesn't make much sense to try to go for a single girl at the moment :).
This is quite openly promoted as Harem Game. Playing a single girl route .. that does not compute.
OK, if you just can`t stand one of the girls outside the core group ( ginger cult in this case ) then leave her be, but I really cannot get why you would play a harem game to go for a single LI route.

My 2 cents...


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
This is quite openly promoted as Harem Game. Playing a single girl route .. that does not compute.
OK, if you just can`t stand one of the girls outside the core group ( ginger cult in this case ) then leave her be, but I really cannot get why you would play a harem game to go for a single LI route.

My 2 cents...
In the future there will be individual routes, but yeah in this type of games I play them like pokemon, gotta catch em all.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
In the future there will be individual routes, but yeah in this type of games I play them like pokemon, gotta catch em all.
I just wish the story took place on Venus and we would have 5832 hours a day to look after all of our girls. Unfortunately, some of them are neglected, especially Sandy, I would like a lot more screen time with her. :love:


May 2, 2020
I suggest you do an experiment, think about your morals, now go back and search were it came from, and why you believe what you belive, I can garantee that at least some of them are because you were taught, either by a parental figure or society, but if you prefer to not acept the science behind pyschology and behaviou
The first part of this statement is true. However, psychology is NOT a science and is mostly subjective based on many educated guesses. It is true that modern psychology has many case studies to back them up. In the past the majority of psychologist went into it to find answers to their own problems and had more problems than their patients.

How does that apply to MNF is this. The MC and everyone in his new family have horrendous pasts and have now put it into their past except for possibly Maddie. Elaine is now on a path to redeem herself but do to the long term of this behavior it will take longer and some of these mistakes will linger and probably be repeated due to her age.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I can tell you right away: If you want conflict, drama, or even any real antagonists then my game will probably not be for you. I will never introduce someone or something that will threaten the harem or any of the girls. I'm not into that and I don't like it. And things that I don't like can't land in the game.

You may call it boring when there is no conflict, when there is nothing that can threaten to take your girls away. Maybe it is boring, I don't know, but it is something that I personally love. I want a game that just shines with positivity. Of course you have sad moments, of course you have very sad moments and of course you have emotional moments that make you happier than before. But I want to counter every sad moment with something nice. Alice's sad past because she never had a household gets outshined by someone like Sandra, Becca and Lucy who welcome her with open arms. Fiona's bad past and the terrible things she had to endure get balanced out because MC was able to bring the emotional side of her out.
That's one thing I love about this game. Such a fresh change from all the other games.
Nov 18, 2018
Agreed. What I love about the game, as unrealistic as it might be in our current age, is that any drama introduced only serves as a plot point to be resolved with love and understanding ... and an incredible measure of snu-snu.

Whether you like Elaine (or Fiona) or not, whatever friction they brought will be smoothed over and the lady will be brought into the fold.

They can be psycho-analyzed ten ways to Sunday using whatever theories you like, but the family will accept them in the end.

You can easily opt not to continue with their content, but they will not be villains within the story under any circumstances.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
But the game tells you in the beginning that the harem route is currently the main route, it doesn't make much sense to try to go for a single girl at the moment :).
Apparently, I was wrong. I apologize. I didn't quite understand. I didn't know that first you were going to finish the game in harem mode and then you were going to do individual paths with the girls. So I don't mind admitting that I was wrong. I'm sorry. Again, I apologize.
Al parecer, yo estaba equivocado. Te pido disculpas. No lo había entendido bien. No sabía que primero ibas a terminar el juego en modo harem y que luego ibas a hacer paths individuales con las chicas. Así que no me importa reconocer que estaba equivocado. Lo siento. De nuevo, te pido disculpas.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
For my part, I'm glad MNF is the way it is. In my everyday life I have enough dramas (girlfriend terminally ill with cancer and recently lost a close friend to suicide) that I am very happy that at least in the game I am not burdened with such dramas.

Deleted member 618663

For my part, I'm glad MNF is the way it is. In my everyday life I have enough dramas (girlfriend terminally ill with cancer and recently lost a close friend to suicide) that I am very happy that at least in the game I am not burdened with such dramas.
Just take one day at a time and don't let it overwelm You. That's the way I get by. And Enjoy what time you have left with the GirlFriend.

Deleted member 618663

Lucy needs a collar that says Naughty Cat! That will cause enough drama on it's own.
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